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原创 03-22

在阿卡狄亚(希腊一山区,人情淳朴,生活愉快)的中心地带,一座 1929 年的标志性建筑“玛娜疗养院”被重新审视、重建,并重生为曼纳酒店,这是一家体现独特美学和一系列服务的度假酒店,坐落在森林、美丽的湖泊和晶莹的小溪之中,全年提供纯粹的健康体验。建筑师和室内设计师 K-Studio 受托对这一令人尊敬的建筑进行改造。他们与国家修复委员会紧密合作,修复了这座列入文物保护的建筑,尊重其原有的建筑风格和深厚的历史遗产。

In the heart of Arcadia, an emblematic building of 1929, closed and abandoned for years, “Mana Sanatorium” is revisited, reconstructed, reborn as the MANNA Hotel, a retreat embodying unique aesthetics and an array of services, nestled amidst forest, a beautiful lake, and crystalline creeks, offering year-round experiences of pure wellness. The revival of this esteemed structure was entrusted to the architects and interior designers, K-Studio. Collaborating closely with the national committee of restoration, they restored this listed building, honoring its original architecture and profound historical legacy.


Manna Hotel’s lighting design beautifully harmonizes with the natural environment while subtly accentuating the building’s elegance.


The façade of the hotel is softly lit with warm, discreet lighting. The lights highlight its beauty. Handcrafted discreet appliques, adorn strategic points along the exterior. These unique fixtures, inspired by nature’s beauty, add a touch of artistry to the architecture without disturbing the serene landscape, but seen from a far the façade lighting gives MANNA hotel a photogenic, yet elegant and very warm look amongst the pine forest.


As day transitions to night, the gentle illumination reveals intricate patterns and textures, delicately enhancing the building’s features. The lighting fixtures are organically designed, complementing the surrounding greenery, creating a seamless blend between human craftsmanship and the natural world. Designed appliques for the exterior create stunning visual interplays of shadows and highlights, adding depth and character to the building’s exterior.


Pathway lights, guide guests along the walkways in a soft, inviting tone. These are not only serving a functional purpose but also invite visitors to appreciate the beauty of the landscape.


The integration of these lights into the landscape is necessary to show respect to the environment. Each light fixture seamlessly merges with the surroundings, becoming an organic part of the hotel’s architecture.


Manna Hotel’s façade lighting embodies a balanced approach, allowing the natural beauty of the environment to shine while adding a touch of subtle illumination inviting guests to appreciate its serene beauty within the natural landscape creating an atmosphere that is both welcoming and captivating.




照明设计 Eleftheria Deko & Associates Lighting Design



技术设计:MONOGON与CS Architecture合作景观设计:H. Pangalou & Associates结构工程:Niki Psilla机械工程:Gerasimos Vasilatos - Alexandra Zachopoulou & Partners承包商:CT Construction声音顾问:Alpha Acoustiki电气工程师:P.K.S.客户:OTUS IKE灯光供应商:Linea Light、Lights On、Placed摄影:Stavros Habakis



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