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原创 2024-03-11

Project description
作为英伟达总部的二期工程,Voyager(旅行者号) 大楼以健康为中心重新规划了企业环境,创造了无缝的室内外连接和类似医院的空间。大楼的建筑体量很大,天花板高达 70 英尺,提供了一个开放式的环境,需要一种引人注目的照明策略,在大型环境中注入人性化的尺度感。

As the second phase of NVIDIA’s headquarters, the Voyager building reimagines the corporate environment with a wellness-focused approach, creating seamless indoor-outdoor connections and hospitality-like spaces. The building’s large architectural volume, with ceilings rising 70 feet, offers an open-plan environment in need of a compelling lighting strategy that infuses a sense of human scale within the largescale environment.

灯具色温的选择是为了增强每个空间的功能和材质感。工作区采用 4000K 冷色温照明,以加强日光照明空间。在这一环境中,间接无眩光照明系统配合漫射光和生物景观照明,将室外景观引入室内。在协作区,3000K 色温的光源和装饰性灯具唤起了好客的氛围。因此,当使用者在整个建筑中穿梭时,灯光会营造出一种动感的氛围。

The color temperature of luminaires was selected to enhance each space’s function and materiality. Work areas were illuminated with 4000K cool color temperature to reinforce the already daylit spaces. Within this environment, indirect glare-free lighting systems with diffused light and illuminated biophilia coalesce to bring the outdoors inside. In collaboration areas, light sources with 3000K color temperature and decorative fixtures evoke a hospitable ambiance. As a result, lighting cultivates an aura of movement as occupants venture throughout the building.

为了增强耐用性和功能性,我们在整个项目中采用了基于传感器的 LED 照明技术。这种技术加上对灯具范围的限制,确保了长期维护的便利性。

To reinforce durability and functionality, sensor-based LED lighting technology was thoughtfully integrated throughout the project. This technique, coupled with limiting the range of fixtures, ensures long-term ease of maintenance.


The holistic lighting approach reimagines the workplace experience from the inside out, placing occupants at the heart of the design.

可持续性方法Sustainability Approach

The lighting designers worked with the project team to balance electric lighting solutions with natural light to create a luminous, airy environment while exceeding sustainability goals. Strategically placed indirect uplights harmonize with the natural light filtered in through skylights, and vertical surface lighting offset occupants’ view of the exteriors and daylight. The controls system optimizes daylight harvesting while balancing luminance ratios, creating visual harmony with diffused electric light.

上射灯采用定制的安装方式,将六个灯具整合成环形模式,并无缝安装在柱子上,既隐藏了照明系统,又提供了舒适的间接照明。自然光是白天的主要光源,因此获得了 LEED 金牌认证,照明能耗比加州24条(规范)要求低 40%。

The uplights feature a custom mounting that integrates six luminaires in a ring pattern and seamlessly mounts to columns, concealing the lighting system while providing a comfortable indirect illumination. Natural light is the main source of light during the day, resulting in LEED Gold certification and lighting energy savings of 40% below California Title 24 requirements.



照明设计: HLB 照明设计公司

首席设计师:Brandon Thrasher

其他设计师: Vasudha Rathi、Venna Resurreccion、Prianka Giridharadas、Abraham Benguigui


照片来源:Jason O'Rear




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