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- 彩虹餐厅,让空间成为治愈的艺术装置 | SODA新作
艺术品只能被放置在空间里作为其中的装点吗?以此为思考,姜元带领SODA建筑师事务所以“空间即艺术”的设计策略,将整个室内空间作为大型艺术装置进行创作,完成了北京Red Eye Bono餐厅项目的邀约。
Is art merely meant to be an ornament of space? SODA Architects, led by Yuan JIANG, practiced the philosophy "space is art" to transform the interior space into a large-scale artistic installation, completing the commission for the Red Eye Bono restaurant in Beijing.
The eye-catching huge "rainbow" flows down from the ceiling, with rich and vivid colors, creating a dream-like immersive atmosphere. The environment envelops the dining area, providing guests with an exceptional and memorable experience, as if they are enjoying their meal in the embrace of a large piece of artwork.
©Red Eye Bono Restaurant
The design is inspired by the continental cuisine served by the restaurant and the abundant natural light from the site environment. Our team draws upon the bright sunshine of the Mediterranean as a motif, expecting guests to bask in the warmth of the sunshine and the ease while sitting by the window. Color, transparency, refraction, and fluidity are once again employed as the team's signature design language, poetically composing a gorgeous, translucent, and evocative ambiance.
The metal curtain scatters unevenly like komorebi, defining the space while revealing a multi-layered color gradation. Its semi-transparent texture and low-density pattern provide privacy to the dining area while maintaining the space's visual transparency and openness, creating a delightful interplay of spaces. Hues interlaced with scattered light generate the layered and transformative effect, intertwining with the space and interacting with users.
The curved form at times hovers above at times, at times touchesing the ground, resembling a rainbow aton the horizon within reach.
Evoke emotions
The use of vibrant colors in spatial design always stimulates a joyful mood. Our team aspires to inject energy into the restaurant, convey a positive and optimistic atmosphere through the space, and simultaneously respond to the goal of targeting young families by the brand.
After the restaurant opening, a young customer visited with his parents. As soon as they entered, he was deeply intrigued by the colorful rainbow above his head. The youngster excitedly moved around. What excited him was not the prospect of a delicious meal but deciding which colorful area he wanted to dine at.
后疫情时代,SODA与Red Eye Bono餐厅的合伙人一样,希望能为这个城市创作出更多能获得愉悦体验的新去处。在光与影的包裹下,充满浪漫气息的Red Eye Bono餐厅期待见证每一场欢聚。
In the post-epidemic era, SODA, in collaboration with the restaurant's partners, aims to introduce innovative experiences to the city's landscape, promoting an environment of cheeriness and enjoyment. Surrounded by the interplay of light and shadow, the romantic Red Eye Bono restaurant eagerly anticipates hosting every joyous gathering.
©SODA 立面图
项目名称:Red Eye Bono餐厅
Project info
Project name: Red Eye Bono Restaurant
Architects: SODA Architects
Team: Yuan JIANG, Xue WANG, Yan TIAN, Jiao YANG, Jing ZHENG, Yue HE, Zhaoyue
WANG, Xueying ZHANG, Hanwei LI, Maosen SANG, Jiansheng DONG
Project Location: BHG Shopping Center, Changying,
Chaoyang District, BeiJing, CHINA
Completion Year: Oct. 2023
Gross Built Area: 258㎡
Photo credits: Xiyu CHEN
Project Type: Fusion Western Restaurant
Visual Design: cheeerSTUDIO
Lighting Design: Xin Geer International Lighting Design Co., Ltd
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