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原创 2023-12-21


Galataport Istanbul Cruise Terminal


Galataport Cruise Terminal is a unique project that plans to increase the operational capacity by taking the cruise operations underground and offering ground level to integrate it into the city. It is the first underground cruise terminal globally, so it has its characteristics.

港口已经扩展到可同时停靠三艘邮轮,其基础设施每天可接待 15000 名乘客。从停泊在港口的船只上岸的乘客可以从特定的舷梯区到达地下码头,并完成必要的登船或过境旅行手续。

The port has extended docking for three ships simultaneously and has the infrastructure capacity to host 15,000 daily passengers.Passengers disembarking from the ships moored in the port reach the underground terminal from the particular ramp areas and complete the necessary procedures for their embarkation or transit journeys.



A temporary bonded area is created with a unique hatch system separating the bonded zone and the security area when no ships are in the port. The same hatch system separates the coastline and the quay area when the ship docks. The coastline remains open to access.

International terminals are the first places that host guests and the areas that send the last passengers. The values these places represent and the message they pass are critical. It is precious to create the first place experience for passengers who enter Istanbul by watching the Historical Peninsula. The most beautiful aspect of Istanbul is undoubtedly the sparkle that the Bosphorus, which passes through the middle of both sides, adds to the city. Thanks to this spacious area, you can feel that you are breathing. The aim is to feel the same peace and comfort when coming to and leaving Istanbul.



Numerous porticoes in the terminal have to carry above-ground functions. The regional cistern structure inspires the interior design, which creatively transforms these cloisters into the natural element of the space. The curved forms and textures created with mastery in interior design support the fluency and naturalness of artificial light. Thus, light becomes an indispensable part of the place’s general character, providing us the primary basis for developing and managing the lighting strategy.

In addition to changing scales, sections, colors, and textures, planned lighting contributes a significant role in the comfort of these spaces. We also focused on sustainability, security, and identity criteria when designing light.



All spaces are underground but need to be evaluated in terms of their environmental views from inside, such as ticketing, passport areas, and outside vehicle circulation, bus stops, boarding-and-departure areas even they are inside, too. With this aspect, the project is very interesting.

We have carried out meticulous, comprehensive, and collective studies on the detailed solutions necessary for the healthy implementation of the interior architecture, aiming to provide continuity with light to the transparent transitions between spatial stories.


在连接主要区域和客流相对较快的过渡空间中,与不断变化的层高和体量相匹配的照明系统支持定位和流线。此外,在复杂的基于 DALI 的照明控制系统的帮助下,还可以调整各区域之间的光照强度和光照平衡,以便在一天的不同时段与自然光的变化建立最密切的关系。在此过程中,我们在不影响视觉和功能舒适度的前提下,努力实现节能目标。伊斯坦布尔加拉塔波特成为土耳其最大的 LEED 白金认证项目,也是欧洲第二大的白金认证项目。

The atmosphere created with light is as important as the operational requirements; the lack of daylight was a crucial ergonomic parameter to care. Ceiling sections refer to natural light openings at many points with the support of grazers to strengthen the sense of direction.

Lighting systems accompanying the changing levels and masses support orientation and flow in the transition spaces that connect the main areas and have relatively faster guest traffic. Also, it is possible to adjust light intensity and balance between the zones to establish the closest relationship to natural light changes at different times of the day with the help of a complicated DALI-based lighting control system. In this process, we worked according to energy efficiency targets without compromising visual and functional comfort. Galataport Istanbul became Turkey’s largest LEED Platinum-certified project in the country as well as the second-largest in Europe.


照明设计:Planlux Lighting Design & Inventronics

首席设计师:Korhan SISMAN

其他设计师:Gorkem ENGIN, Basak OKAY

照片:Korhan SISMAN客户:Salipazari Port Operations / Dogus Group / Bilgili Holding建筑师:Autoban / Norm Architects电气工程:Aykar Engineering电气承包商;Anel Engineering地点:土耳其,伊斯坦布尔,卡拉科伊


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