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原创 2023-12-28

01 项目描述

索罗索科斯托尔尼酒店(Solo Sokos Hotel Torni) 为周围的街景增添了亮色,并以其新的外立面照明成为赫尔辛基市中心的地标之一。照明同时也起到了宣传建筑内部翻新的作用。

Solo Sokos Hotel Torni brings light to the surrounding streetscape and stands out as one of the landmarks of the center of Helsinki with its new facade lighting. The lighting also serves to communicate the renovations made inside the building.

托尔尼酒店最初于 1931 年开业,是赫尔辛基最高的建筑,也是当时的摩天大楼,现在它仍然是芬兰最高的建筑之一。酒店还包括一个以前的住宅楼物业——凯利基(Kyllikki),它是在20 世纪 80 年代加入酒店的。这些建筑在赫尔辛基的城市景观中具有重要的历史意义。翻新后的酒店于 2022 年春季开业。

Opened originally in 1931, Hotel Torni was the tallest building in Helsinki and a skyscraper of its time. It is still one of the tallest buildings in Finland. The hotel also includes a former residential building property, Kyllikki, which was added to the hotel in the 1980s. The buildings are historically significant and prominent in Helsinki's cityscape. The renovated hotel opened in the spring of 2022.

照明的目标是让建筑获得应有的照明。这建筑的风格极具装饰艺术风,设计师希望从 20 世纪 20 年代纽约摩天大楼的风格中汲取灵感,强调这一点。建筑的前四层和上面的九层塔楼庄严肃穆,暖白色的灯光使整个建筑层次分明。

The goal for the lighting was for the building to get the illumination it deserved. The building's style is very Art Deco, and designers wanted to emphasize that, inspired by the style of 1920s New York skyscrapers. The first four floors of the building and the 9-story tower rising above them were brought out solemnly and with dignity, with warm white light bringing out the whole layered entity.


The building's central location and architectural and cultural historical significance required special attention. The result is a visible entity in the streetscape of the dark times of Helsinki's core, and it not only brings out the marvelous building but also lights up the surrounding street spaces for hotel guests and people passing by.

02 可持续性方法

Sustainability Approach


Energy consumption of the lighting design has been optimized with optic choices, dimming the light levels and programming the lighting to go out at night-time and when there is enough daylight.

灯具在整个生命周期内的维护便利性受到了特别关注。定制的安装护罩涂上了外墙的颜色,而不是使用 RAL 涂色的灯具。这有助于订购标准灯具,如果产品出现故障,还能缩短交货时间。遮光板还能美化外墙的日间外观。

Special attention was paid to the ease of maintenance throughout the lifecycle. Custom-made installation shields are painted in the color of the façade instead of using RAL-painted luminaires. This helps for ordering standard luminaires with decent delivery time if a product is to be broken. Shields also calm the daytime appearance of the facade.


Because of limited installation possibilities, luminaires were all to be installed onto the façade and roofs, but they are placed in a way that is accessible without a need for a heavy-duty lift.


These considerations reduce the carbon footprint of the maintenance.


项目名称:Solo Sokos Hotel Torni, Helsinki

照明设计:Valoa Design

首席设计师:Valoa design team

其他设计师:Arco Architecture Company, Design Agency Fyra, Studio Joanna Laajisto


图片来源:Kuvio photo

Other Credits Engineering Office Thelec, LSK Talotekniikka

Completion Date August 2022

项目地点: 芬兰 赫尔辛基


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酒店 照明设计 室外照明

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