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原创 2023-12-27


The Perelman PAC is adorned with a translucent, veined marble façade sandwiched between glass. A lightly etched outer surface diffuses the transfer of surrounding exterior light sources. Custom-designed chandeliers aim at the assembly from behind, transforming the stark white cube into an warmly glowing lantern after dark.

在选择这个更具技术和光学挑战性的方案之前,我们研究和放弃了许多概念。该方案因其独创性而受到欢迎,它将标准的 LED 产品变成了优雅的主要组件,既能唤起人们对工业剧院技术特性的回忆,又能让人们对剧院的魅力充满期待。

Many concepts were studied and abandoned before choosing what was a more technically and optically challenging scheme. It was embraced for its ingenuity, turning standard LED products into elegant workhorse assemblies that evoke the technical nature of an industrial theater while simultaneously providing the glamour of one’s theater expectations.

每个 LED 灯都由一系列 LED 灯条组成,灯条装在抛光框架中,呈 V 形排列。每根 LED 灯条都有专门校准的角度、光学器件和发光输出,以均匀照亮石材并延伸至地面。该设计是一项精密的研究——任何对准或亮度上的偏差都会导致外部出现斑点或阴影带。

Each is comprised of a series of LED bars in a polished frame, arranged in a V-shape. Every individual LED strip has a specifically calibrated angle, optic and output of light emission to evenly illuminate the stone and reach to the floor. The design was a study of precision- any discrepancy in aiming or brightness resulted in a blotch or shadow band at the exterior.


To combat the proximity of the intermittent floor slabs, lighting is mounted within these cavities and balanced to hide their appearance.


The color temperature of the light was chosen to complement the amber tint of the marble. The soft gradient hints to the innerworkings of the theaters within, creating a mesmerizing effect on the facade.

事实证明,所选的外墙内部照明方案是最节能的。这样做还有一个额外的好处,将所有灯具集中在一起,使其完全暴露,以捕捉和利用直接溢出的光,作为石材背面的额外补光,由于减少了美国供热制冷空调工程师学会(ASHRAE)10%的能源补贴,该项目获得了 LEED 银级认证。

The selected concept for internally illuminating the facades proved to be the most energy efficient option studied. There was an added benefit of gathering all fixtures into consolidated clusters and fully exposing them to capture and harness the direct spill as additional fill light at the back of the stone surface. With a 10% reduction of the ASHRAE energy allowance, the project targets a LEED Silver certification.


照明设计:Tillotson Design Associates

首席设计师:Suzan Tillotson, Erin Dreyfous, Gabriela Grullon, Nour Traboulsi, Trinetra Manickavasagam

其他设计师:REX、Davis Brody Bond、Front、Arup、Atelier Ten、Charcoalblue、Jaros Baum & Bolles


图片来源:Iwan Baan, Jonathan Morefield Photography



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