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原创 2023-12-18

总部位于瑞士的地中海邮轮公司(MSC Cruises)于2022年10月交付了一艘名为 “MSC世界欧罗巴号”(MSC World Europa)的巨型邮轮,这艘邮轮全长333米,总吨位205700吨,是一艘极具未来主义风格的巨型邮轮。该邮轮由法国圣纳泽尔(Saint-Nazaire)的大西洋造船厂(Chantiers de l'Atlantique)建造,共有22层甲板,可容纳6762名乘客和2138名船员。


这艘邮轮由58个巨型船体组成,是一项令人难以置信的工程壮举,其特点是 "波浪 "纵向轮廓,从箭头形的 G 形船首和 Y 形建筑船尾喷涌而出,可将全景尽收眼底,通向104 米长的外部长廊,展示破纪录的11层高不锈钢蜿蜒干滑梯,这是海上最长的滑梯。

傍晚时分,"灯光树"——由包裹钢结构的同质化 LED 线条组成的令人惊叹的配置为这一广阔的室外空间增添了活力和动感。它与内部长廊 “世界广场”相连,长廊两侧是餐厅、酒吧、酒廊、娱乐场所、商店和精品店。这个3层楼高的空间部分被 LED 屏幕天花板覆盖,白天和夜晚都会投射出超高清图像和视频。

LED线性灯由RGB 2700k 暖白光组成,总连接负荷约为22w/m,480流明/m。LED总长度约为2925米,总连接负载为64.35千瓦。LED灯光与动态DMX 灯光控制接口相连,可实现与剧院投影灯光系统相连的大量预设灯光程序。当灯光不处于“表演”模式时,灯光效果为单一的静态颜色,因此耗电量大大降低,LED 灯光在夜间会变暗,以降低亮度和对邻近舱室的潜在干扰。

“灯光树”的 LED 线条边缘呈圆形,以便最大限度地增加照明效果,并扩大室外长廊和邻近小屋的观赏角度。照明设备整齐地集成在一个通道内。在船尾立面上设计了第二层较小的“照明树”为外层甲板提供了更加人性化的形式。

照明设计团队dpa 与地中海邮轮公司以及众多场馆(包括33家餐厅、特色餐厅、酒吧和休息室)的建筑和娱乐团队密切合作,为不同的游客体验打造了一个充满活力的国际化环境。

前厅部分的照明装置完全由低能耗 LED光源组成,并与建筑照明控制调光系统相连。该系统用于根据一天中的活动和时间实现照明层次和强度的正确平衡,在最终交付前的几周内,dpa 在广泛的调试期间对系统进行了精心设计。这包括将所有可调节的灯具对准桌子、座椅、家具、艺术品等产品;这是一项艰巨的任务,提供了高水平的微调,并最大限度地提高了最终的照明效果。

这里精选了一些场所供您欣赏,包括外部长廊、室内长廊 "世界广场"、调酒处、铁板烧、海洋大师酒吧(拥有自己的微型酿酒厂,特别安装了铜制大桶作为展示品)、全景酒廊、月神公园竞技场、拥有碰碰车的体育馆和世界剧院。

Swiss-based MSC Cruises’ newest venture,delivered in October 2022, comes in the form of this striking 333 metre long, 205,700 gross tonnage, futuristic mega-ship named MSC World Europa. The vessel accommodates up to 6,762 passengers and 2,138 crew over 22 decks and was constructed at the Chantiers de l’Atlantique shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, France.

This eco-friendly and efficient ship is powered by Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), the cleanest fossil fuel, and connects to shore power, recycles water and dampens propeller noise to avoid upsetting marine life. The ship is the first of the World Class series and features state-of-the-art technology with MSC stating the vessel is designed for the future of cruising, the fusion of technology, sustainability and revolutionary onboard experiences.

Made up of 58 mega blocks, this ship is an incredible feat of engineering, featuring a ‘wave’ longitudinal profile springing from the arrow-shaped G-bow and a Y-shaped architectural stern with panoramic views, which leads to the 104-metre-long external promenade, showcasing the record-breaking 11-deck high stainless-steel sinuous dry slide, the longest at sea.

This creates a spectacular centrepiece in the evening when the ‘illuminated trees’, a stunning configuration of homogenous LED lines which clad the structural steel, introduce an energetic and dynamic component to the drama of this vast outdoor space. This connects to the internal promenade ‘World Galleria’, which is lined with a mix of restaurants, bars, lounges, entertainment, shops and boutiques. This 3-deck high volume is partially covered by an LED screen ceiling on which are projected UHD images and videos throughout the day and night.

The ship allows for completely distinct zones for different themes, moods and experiences.dpa worked in close collaboration with MSC and the extensive architectural and entertainment team across the plethora of venues, which includes 33 restaurants, speciality restaurants, bars and lounges, to sculpt a vibrant cosmopolitan environment for the varied guest experience.

The fully integrated and neatly detailed front of house lighting installation was comprised completely of low energy LED light sources and connected back to an architectural lighting control dimming system. The system is used to achieve the correct balance of lighting layers and intensity according to the activity and time of day, which dpa orchestrated during an extensive setting up period in the weeks prior to final delivery. This included the aiming of all adjustable light fixtures on to tables, seating, furniture, artwork, product and so on; a monumental task that provided a high level of fine tuning and maximised the final lit result.

A selection of these venues are featured here for your enjoyment, including the External Promenade, Indoor Promenade ‘World Galleria’, Mixology, Teppanyaki, Masters of the Sea Pub (which has its own microbrewery, with the special copper vats installed as a showpiece), Panorama Lounge, Luna Park Arena, Sportsplex with its bumper cars and World Theatre.



建造商:法国 圣纳泽尔 Chantiers de l 'Atlantique

船舶外部轮廓:Martin Francis of Francis Design

建筑师/设计团队:De Jorio Design International, AD Associates, SMC Design, YSA Design, Tillberg Design of Sweden, Studio Daz


摄影:MSC邮轮公司提供,摄影师;Ivan Sarfatti




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