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原创 2023-12-05

莱顿之家是维多利亚时期著名艺术家弗雷德里克-莱顿勋爵(Frederic Lord Leighton)的故居和工作室,被列为二级保护建筑。

弗雷德里克-莱顿在工作室,约 1882 年

分阶段的翻新工程始于 2008 年的可行性研究,拆除了战后加建的部分,以恢复原有的建筑风格,复原了原有房屋的剩余部分,并提供了可持续发展的新设施,用于藏品保管。包括:700 多张莱顿图纸的专用画廊、新入口和商店、综合员工套房以及改进的游客设施。




佩林翼楼的轨道和聚光系统与天花板和凹槽融为一体,具有灵活性。墙面采用间接照明,模拟日光效果。Iguzzini 可调节框架聚光灯用于将光束聚焦到不同大小的画作上,并最大限度地减少溢出。



新的螺旋楼梯是手绘壁画 “合一 ”的所在地,其绿松石色般的书法笔触参考了标志性的阿拉伯大厅的独特瓷砖。为了应对照明方面的挑战,我们开发了一种集成扶手细节,以容纳一个灵活的 LED 轮廓,该轮廓需要在三个平面上弯曲,以提供漫射光线。这样就以一种非常独立的方式为踏板提供了所需的功能性照明,同时又不会影响艺术品的美观。


Leighton House is the grade II* listed former home and studio of the leading Victorian artist, Frederic Lord Leighton. The phased renovation, begun with a feasibility study in 2008, removed post war additions to restore the original architecture, recover remaining parts of the original house and provide sustainable new facilities for collection care, a dedicated gallery for over 700 Leighton drawings, a new entrance and shop, a consolidated staff suite and improved visitor facilities.

The creative adaptation and extension of the Perrin Wing, together with a new stair and lift ‘rotunda’ completes the evolution and expansion of the house – a process begun by Leighton – and balances the composition of the garden elevation while providing step-free access throughout. New elements take their cue from the existing, reinterpreting the language of the house through materials, form and colour.

A key part of the works was to replace all the building services installations, including environmental control and energy efficient lighting. Lux mapping was undertaken to assess placement of the new energy efficient, highly controllable lighting where it was most needed.

Spaces within the Perrin Wing were reconfigured, including turning the ground floor into a new visitor entry and reception, and the insertion of a new floor within the gallery volume as a staff deck. The original lantern light now provides daylight to the staff, with the gallery beneath incorporating a simulation of natural top lighting.

A track and spot system in the Perrin Wing was integrated into both the ceiling and cove for flexibility. The wall was washed with indirect light to mimic a daylit effect. Iguzzini adjustable framer spotlights were used to focus beams onto the varying sizes of the paintings and minimise spill.

In the Drawing Gallery an integrated track and spot system allows for flexibility and re-positioning of artworks. Low level lighting (50lx) was used throughout to protect and preserve the historic drawings.

A suspended track and spot system provides flexibility in the café and allows for specific focussing alongside the direct/indirect linear luminaires, to adjust and compensate for changes in daylight and function. The same suspended track and spot system is used in reception to accent features such as high-level murals and bookcases. Wall mounted lines of light provide wall washing and lighting to murals, information text and bust.

The new helical stair is the site of ‘Oneness’, a hand-painted mural, whose turquoise calligraphic brushstrokes reference the distinctive tiles from the iconic Arab Hall. To meet the challenge of lighting it we developed an integrated handrail detail to house a flexible LED profile that needed to curve across three planes to deliver a diffused line of light. This provided the functional lighting required for the treads in a very discrete way, without detracting from the artwork.

These historic interventions improve sustainability and support the work that the museum delivers to the community, aiding a better understanding and enjoyment of the house, which remains one of the finest in London.






客户: 肯辛顿和切尔西皇家区

灯具供应商:Delta Light Light, iGuzzini, LED Linear, Flos, Aktiva, Viabizzuno, Artemide, Linea Light

摄影:Dirk Lindner


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