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原创 2023-11-20

Streatham Skyline, London, UK


伦敦兰贝斯区委托迈克尔-格拉布工作室建立一种照明概念,将英国最长的高速公路——斯特里汉姆高速路沿线的各种建筑统一起来。该项目由伦敦外围市长基金资助。London Borough of Lambeth appointed Michael Grubb Studio to develop a lighting concept that would unify various buildings along Streatham High Road – the longest High Road in the United Kingdom. The project wasfunded by the Mayors Outer London Fund.

迈克尔-格拉布工作室将这一开放式设计方案发展成为一个单一的概念,即通过一个 "全斯特里汉姆 "照明控制系统,将每栋建筑与动态照明在视觉上联系起来。为此,每栋建筑都采用了 Wi-Fi 操作照明系统。该系统由中央系统远程控制,然后将其与关键节日和活动的日历相连接,所有这些都是与当地社区团体共同商定的。Michael Grubb Studio developed this open brief into a single concept where each building is visually connected with dynamic lighting through a ‘Streatham-wide’ lighting control system. This was achieved by introducing Wi-Fi operated lighting for each building. Controlled remotely by a central system, it was then linked to a calendar of key dates and events, all of which were agreed in conjunction with local community groups.

现在,公路上的建筑都在庆祝宗教、社会或社区活动的重要日期,每个指定的日期都有色彩缤纷的动态灯光场景和序列。其中包括当地居民的生日、纪念日以及让当地社区意识到满月的日子。目前已编排了 100 多个日期和活动计划,并根据需要增加了新的特别活动。The buildings on the high road now celebrate key days in religious, social or community calendars with colourful and dynamic light scenes and sequences for each designated day. This includes birthdays of local resident’s past and present, days of remembrance as well as making the local community aware of a full moon. There are over 100 dates and events programmed with new special events being added as needed.

控制箱和相关外壳是照明设计团队与灯具制造商合作开发的,这也是在商业街实现“物联网”的第一步,所有的照明设备都是连接在一起。希望未来周边的建筑、企业和社区团体也能加入这一倡议。The control boxes and associated enclosures were developed in conjunction with the lighting manufacturer and are the first step towards an ‘internet of things’ on the high street, where all the lighting is connected. The hope is that surrounding buildings, businesses and community groups will join the initiative in the future.
这一阶段的项目包括新翻修的泰特图书馆、白狮酒店、普拉茨和佩恩酒店、洛迦诺酒店(现宾果游戏厅)以及一系列住宅穹顶。我们可以将部分建筑的外立面集中在一起观看,这不仅增强了视觉联系,还在夜幕降临后提供了一个动态的天际线。The buildings included in this phase of the project include the newly renovated Tate Library, The White Lion, Pratts and Payne, The Locarno (now the Bingo Hall) and a series of residential domes. It is possible to view some of the facades collectively, something that enhances the visual connection and provides a dynamic skyline after dark.

每栋建筑都采用了独特的设计,并定制了一些细节,使照明既有效又隐蔽,不会从公路视线发现灯具。此外,为了在视觉上将各栋建筑联系在一起,还在各处使用了变色LED灯具,定制的控制箱是封闭式的,使用简单,让每个人都能成为照明方案的一部分。Each building was approached uniquely in design, and bespoke details were made to make the lighting both effective and discreet from the view of the high road. Furthermore, colour-change LED lighting was used throughout in order to link the buildings together visually and the custom control boxes were made self-enclosed & simple to use, allowing for everyone to be part of the scheme.
“迈克尔-格拉布工作室团队付出了巨大的努力,终于在 9 个月内提出了一个可行的概念,并得到了所有利益相关者的认可,然后进行了设计和实施。“The Michael Grubb Studio team worked incredibly hard to deliver a workable concept that could be approved by all stakeholders and then designed and implemented within 9 months – but they pulled it off.

我很喜欢与迈克尔格拉布团队合作,也非常喜欢利用灯光打造场所的挑战。他们热情洋溢,不惧设计风险,也不惧挑战新照明技术的极限。I’ve really enjoyed working with the MGS team and absolutely loved the challenge of place making with the use of light. They are incredibly enthusiastic and are not afraid to take design risks or push the boundaries with new lighting technologies.
他们提出并设计的系统是无限的,可以扩展到公路的其他地方。我们将鼓励新的开发商通过项目监护人--InStreatham BID加入该计划,这样斯特里特汉姆就能通过灯光的应用被公认为一个互联的社区。The system they proposed and designed is limitless and scalable to the rest of the high road. New developers will be encouraged to join the scheme through the project custodian – InStreatham BID so that Streatham can be recognised as a connected community – all through the application of light.

我从来没有想过灯光会对商业街产生如此巨大的影响——项目现场真的很受欢迎,反馈也是正面的。”I never would have thought that lighting would have such a massive effect on the high street – the project sites really ‘pop’ and the feedback has been resoundingly positive".





摄影师| Architainment

照明设计团队:Michael Grubb Studio & architment Lighting



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