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原创 2023-11-07

F1 Global Exhibition, Worldwide


屡获殊荣的迈克尔·格拉布照明设计工作室为全新的F1展览提供了创新的照明设计。这个开创性的展览历时五年,让观众体验F1的过去、现在和未来。该展览由圆房间(Round Room)和探险者(Pathfinder)两家工作室联合打造,于2023年3月24日在西班牙马德里著名的IFEMA开幕,并持续开放到夏天。

Award-winning lighting design studio Michael Grubb Studio has provided its innovative lighting design to the brand-new Formula 1® Exhibition.Five years in the making, this ground-breaking exhibition allows viewers to experience the past, present, and future of Formula 1. The exhibition, produced by Round Room Studios and Pathfinder Studio, opened at the renowned IFEMA MADRID in Madrid, Spain on the 24th of March and will be open through until the summer.


From audio-visual spectaculars to elegantly curated displays, the show provides a dazzling journey of interactive and immersive technologies, installations, artefacts and interviews. The exhibition is displayed across six rooms, each individually designed to showcase the world of F1, from the beginning, ‘Once upon a time in Formula 1’, to the exhibition’s climax, ‘The Pit Wall’.

迈克尔·格拉布工作室受圆房间工作室的委托,为六个专门建造的房间提供创造性的照明设计。圆房间工作室与设计师阿拉斯泰尔·麦考(Alastair McCaw)合作,阿拉斯泰尔是真实工作室(Real Studios)的总监,他与策展人、艺术家和电影制作人取得联系,以支持F1非凡故事的叙述。

Michael Grubb Studio was appointed by Round Room Studios to provide creative lighting design for the six purpose-built rooms. The studio worked in collaboration with designer Alastair McCaw, Director at Real Studios, who liaised with curators, artists and filmmakers to support the narrative of the extraordinary story of F1.


The lighting reflected the setting and atmosphere of each room, building up a cinematic atmosphere in the first room, ‘Once upon a time in Formula 1’, before transitioning to a cool and functional display for the ‘Design Lab’, where visitors are transported into an F1 factory to view the design and manufacturing process. The illumination heightens to represent speed and chaos in the ‘Drivers and Duels’ race circuit design, before climaxing into a crescendo for ‘The Pit Wall’ finale, as fans relive the greatest moments in F1 history.

圆房间工作室的管理合伙人蒂姆·哈维(Tim Harvey)评论说:“我们很早就意识到,灯光是这次展览体验的关键部分。照明支持每个展厅空间的叙事,有助于通过身临其境的体验将展厅中的故事娓娓道来。我们最初委托迈克尔·格拉布工作室为一个展厅提供照明设计,当我们看到他们的照明设计所能达到的效果后,我们很快就找到了他们,让他们为所有独立的展厅提供照明。

Tim Harvey, Managing Partner at Round Room Studios, commented: “We recognised early on that lighting is a critical part of the experience of this exhibition. The lighting supports the narrative of each individual gallery space and helps bring the story in that room to life through an immersive experience. After initially appointing Michael Grubb Studio to provide the design for one gallery, we soon approached them to illuminate all the separate rooms once we saw what their lighting design could achieve.


“We couldn’t be happier with the finished result. Michael Grubb Studio has helped us elevate this experience with dynamic lighting displays that will wow fans for years to come.”


Michael Grubb, Founder and Managing Director of Michael Grubb Studio, added: “We were thrilled to be part of a project for such an iconic brand with a rich history in sport. We were delighted to have been appointed by the client at the early design stages. As this is a complex exhibition, with many galleries and stories to illuminate, the design had to consider not just this, but the technical aspects of how it could be transported from city to city.


“The result is an incredible immersive lighting experience that can be transported, retained, maintained and operated as sustainably and efficiently as possible.”

炫目的灯光设计有助于展现 F1 丰富的历史和身临其境的氛围,突出速度、混乱以及车迷和游客对这一独特体验的欢庆之情。

The dazzling lighting design has helped bring to light the rich history and immersive atmosphere of F1, highlighting the speed, chaos, and elated feeling of celebration for fans and visitors of this unique experience.



演出制作:TRUE Staging & Sysco Productions


灯具制造商:Stoane Lighting, Unibox, Architainment, Optelma, LEDFlex, UFO Lighting, Prolicht


版权声明:本文来源于Michael Grubb Studio,《照明设计》杂志坚持学术探讨与价值分享。免费发布招聘信息、进交流群、品牌推广、投稿分享、商务合作请添加照明设计小编微信:PLDmagazine。《照明设计》杂志新媒体团队全力开展《照明设计》杂志“全媒体”运营服务。2023年将会持续分享世界最前沿照明资讯,以及近百个全球照明设计精品案例,并成立中国照明设计师学会,每年编辑出版专业照明设计系列丛书。打造一个照明知识分享新平台。欢迎大家关注,敬请期待。

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展览资讯 展厅灯光设计 照明设计

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