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精品案例 | 佛山魁星阁南海风物方志馆美学空间照明设计

原创 2023-07-06





——故宫博物馆原院长 单霁翔

南海自古崇文重道,书院与私塾遍布南海乡村,和所有崇尚文化教育的地区一样,在南海区也有一座魁星阁,它屹立于南海区𧒽岗山山顶,作为眺望千灯湖的片区最高点,在周边的现代建筑中显得格外特殊。有人说,如果不到千灯湖,不去魁星阁,就不算来过南海。但作为2012年新建的仿古建筑,魁星阁在成为如今的南海风物方志馆之前,只是一座在全国各地都有类似存在的仿古楼阁。Nanhai was a place where culture and moral education had been respected since ancient time. There were academy of classic learning and old-style private schools located in villages in Nanhai. As the other places where respect culture and education, there is also a Kuixingge in Nanhai District. It is located on the top of Leigang Mountain in Nanhai District. As the highest position for looking out over the Qiandeng Lake area, it looks extraordinary special compared to other surrounding modern architectures. “If you never been to Qiandeng Lake and Kuixingge during your stay in Nanhai, then it does not count as you have visited Nanhai”, people always say. However, as a newly built pseudo-classic architecture in 2012, it was just a pseudo-classic architecture that similar to those existing in other places among China before it became the Palace of Nanhai Local Customs & Practices and Local Records.这时如何把山下的人吸引到山上,如何重新定位魁星阁的功能,就成为了项目团队需要首先面对的问题。

Therefore, the first priority for the project team is how to attract people to go up to the top of mountain and how to re-define functions of the Kuixingge.


Nanhai Culture is original from Lingnan Culture, and as one of the representatives of Lingnan Culture, Nanhai Achieve Center has always wished to build a local chronicles museum, which can keep records and make people know more about Nanhai culture; and it should be presented to visitors in the way of being “the most interesting local records museum”. Finally, the project team has decided to take the local chronicles as the basis, the local customs and practices as the guide; folklore, cuisine and other local customs and practices as the starting point, and present the local culture of Nanhai through the emphasis of lighting and with interactive gamification exhibitions.


Kuixingge is a book for local chronicles, as well as a book for spacial records


When you walk into the museum, the structure of hallway will bring people from bright entrance into exhibition flow(s). Lighting is a critical design element in a transit space -- it is the “gray area” which natural lighting will be transferred into exhibition lighting; it is also a non-emotional sign for changing of visitors’ emotion which means the exhibition is going to begin.


Architecture and urban texture of Nanhai have been presented perfectly. One glance eternity, the 3D light and shadow transformed by the three-dimensional sand table show the thousand-year evolution of the Nanhai from the Qin Dynasty to the present.


The exhibition flow has been divided into four sections, and each of them has its own theme color. Therefore, we choose natural white light with 4000K color temperature for the overall lighting color, so that the display boards of each theme color can be presented uniformly, and the entire exhibition can be unified on the general tone of the lighting. In addition, visitors will not be influenced by the different color temperature from lighting so that they can be more focus on the exhibition and enjoy the atmosphere in such an aesthetics space.


“Habitancy”, “cuisine”, “means of travelling”and “etiquette” have run through the daily life in Nanhai. These local customs and practices are not just displayed in the cabinets as normal exhibition, they are also been exhibited with static models and together with touchable digital screens. Visitors can “feel” these Nanhai folklore and culture in a modern way in this museum.


Therefore, the lighting design team need to predict actions from visitors when they touch the screens, and need to avoid create glaring when visitors touch and watch the screens in a close distance.


New media and interactive technology have been integrated into most exhibition in this museum.


When visitors put their ears closed to the “headphone”, they can hear local saying and folks songs in Nanhai that have been translated into different dialects.


With accurate calculation and setting for lighting, it won’t create any un-comfortable feeling or glaring when visitors close to the dialect wall.


When visitors slide IPAD in front of the interactive hall for economy and products, they can watch the cartoon and have some understanding on the history and achievements in economy and products in Nanhai like mulberry fish pond, pottery making and iron making.


Comfortable brightness of lighting and accurate lighting position can make visitors ignore the lighting, and feel like that the lighting is one of the elements co-existed with exhibited items.


“Singing in the dragon boat at dusk” is an interaction which has re-present the intensive scenry of the dragon boat competition in an immersive cinema way. Visitors can “participate” into a dragon boat competition via the interactive screen, they can sit on the dragon boat and pull the paddle, which change them from audience into participant. When the experience finished and exhibition hall returns to quite, the dragon boat is shining under lighting and waiting for next participant to join this journey.


On the interactive screen, light halos spread while visitors’ hands swing; and halos projected by lighting just echo each other, which makes this exhibition become more interesting.


Exhibit, inherit


“The local chronicles” is the book that narrated the history and records of a place, but it has been always kept in those old books. With new plan concept and the support of new media technology, local history and records can be reborn from those old exhibition concept, which increase the young generation’s desire to know and get touch with it.

When we are willing to get a fully understanding on a place or a culture, we need to know more from the past so that we can be versed in modern affairs. That’s what called “understand the past in order to connect the future”. This is also the meaning of having this Museum for Nanhai Local Customs & Practices and Local Chronicles, which is also a historical value of activating the local chronicles.


建成时间: 2023.03

项目地址: 佛山南海项目

委托方: 佛山市南海区桂城街道办事处、南海区档案馆(区方志办)

策划与设计团队: 成都缔合美学文化创意有限公司、广州玳山建筑设计

灯光设计: 广州重构视觉设计有限公司








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