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Xiaomi's 30K Second Gallery Won Bronze Cube of ADC Annual Awards


Art Directors Club of New York, known as ADC, was the first global organization to celebrate and award leaders in creative communications. Founded in New York by Louis Pedlar on August 13, 1920, the club was established to ensure advertising was judged by the same stringent standards as fine art.

In the words of ad and design legend Earnest Elmo Calkins, “artistic excellence is vitally necessary to successful advertising.” ADC has set the tone for creative excellence that the industry continues to follow a century later. The ADC Annual Awards joined the creative design nonprofit The One Club for Creativity in 2016, is the world’s longest continuously running awards program recognizing global excellence in craft and innovation in all forms of design and advertising.
Level: Bronze Cube
Category: Public Art / Installation Design
Photography is the most important language of this era.
In 2022, Xiaomi and Leica Camera AG became imaging strategic partners to start an in-depth cooperation in optics and technology development, and launched the "Xiaomi Photography Award in Collaboration with Leica”. VAVE created an incredible 5-side LED countdown installation on the 600 year old Simatai Great Wall. As the centerpiece, we laid 100 giant photos on the rugged walls with luminous light boxes; an exhibition of the works was built in the remains of the beacon tower. In total, a display space of about 1km has been constructed.

The expression of every individual is significant, and the diaries taken by every ordinary person will be gathered into the "portrait" of this era eventually. 30,000 photos were replayed for more than 8 hours in the past year at a rate of 1 frame per second. There are no heroic figures or sensational events in the history books, but countless tiny moments of life are superimposed together to form a macro narrative, an epic about ordinary people and momentary aesthetics. To a certain extent, they represent the memory of China in 2022.
委托方 Client
小米 Xiaomi

领衔机构 Lead Agency
VAVE Studio 翡梧

参与机构 Involved Agencies
InsPUMP 直觉泵,OGK,PRphoto

搭建 Construction
VAVE Studio 翡梧,InsPUMP 直觉泵

摄影 Photography

营销管理 Marketing Management

传播管理 Advertising Management

创意指导 Creative Direction

设计指导 Art Direction
胡海杰 ,张琛,任风光

创意管理 Creative Management

策略规划 Strategic Planning

创意与内容策划 Content Planning

数字内容制作 Digital Content Production

公共关系 PR Manager

Copyright © 2015–2023 VAVE (Shanghai, Shenzhen) Creative Design Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


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