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会议通知 || 第10届城市与景观“U+L新思维”国际学术研讨会暨“大美金寨”口袋公园方案设计竞赛(一号通知)




The 10th International Conference on Urban and Landscape Architecture: “U+L New Thinking” and the “Beautiful Jinzhai” Pocket Park Design National Competition

(First Announcement)

















Hosted by:

·Huazhong University of Science and Technology

·Teaching Guidance Sub-committee of Landscape Architecture, Ministry of Education

·Chinese Landscape Architecture Journal

Organized by:

·School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

·People's Government of Jinzhai County

Co-organized by:

·Anhui Jianzhu University

·Landscape Architecture Society of Anhui Province

·Anhui Han Yi Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd.


·Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture

·Guidance Committee of Landscape Architecture of Master Degree

·Landscape Architecture Frontiers Journal

·New Architecture Journal

一、会议主题与议题 Conference Theme and Topics

1、会议主题 / Conference Theme


Landscape Architecture in Practice of the "Two Mountains" Concept


The “Two Mountains” concept that "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" represents a sustainable development model with Chinese characteristics and serves as an essential foundation for achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized the necessity of firmly establishing and practicing the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, which has become a core principle in China's ecological civilization construction. "Lucid waters and lush mountains" reflect the protection of the ecological environment and the construction of a beautiful China, while "invaluable assets" emphasize the transformation of ecological benefits. The professional characteristics of landscape architecture determine its leading role in the protection and development of this concept. The conference theme aims to encourage exploration and discussion of an innovative path for coordinated and symbiotic protection and development.

2、会议议题 / Conference Topic

1. 践行“两山”理念的风景园林研究

2. 践行“两山”理念的风景园林规划设计

3. 践行“两山”理念的风景园林教育

1.Landscape architecture research in practice of the "Two Mountains" concept

2.Landscape planning and design in practice of the "Two Mountains" concept

3.Landscape architecture education in practice of the "Two Mountains" concept

二、会议时间及地点 Conference Date and Venue



1. Date: September 16-17, 2023

2. Venue: Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

三、会议论文 Call for Papers









1.Paper Requirements:

·Papers submitted for the conference must be original and not have been previously published. They must not infringe upon the copyrights of others or engage in academic misconduct.

·Papers and works presented at this conference may not be submitted to other conferences or competitions.

·Please submit your paper to the designated email: la@hust.edu.cn.

·Please write your paper according to the conference theme and topics. For detailed requirements, please refer to Appendix 1.

2.Paper Submission Deadline: July 20, 2023, 23:59

3.Notification of Accepted Papers: July 25, 2023

4.Publication of Accepted Papers: All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published in the form of electronic proceedings. Outstanding papers will be recommended for publication in Chinese Landscape Architecture Journal, Landscape Architecture Frontiers Journal, and New Architecture Journal.


1. 稿件须为Word文档(word2003),投稿以6000字左右为宜(含图、表),要求主题明确、论点新颖、论据可靠、语言简练、具可读性。

2. 来稿书写结构顺序为:中英文题(中文20字以内)、中英文摘要(请用第三人称书写,中文200字左右,独立成文)、中英文关键词(3~5个)、文章主体和参考文献(将参考文献的序号在文中相应处顺序标出。国家级、省部级攻关项目或重点科研项目、各类基金项目所产生的重要论文,请在文稿中注明项目编号。

3. 正文一级标题序号用1,二级用1.1,三级用1.1.1,均左顶格书写。文中涉及的人名、地名、学名、公式、符号应核实无误;外文字母的文种、正斜体、大小写、上下标等应清楚注明;计量单位、符号、数字用法、专业名词术语一律采用相应的国家标准。植物种或品种应标注准确的拉丁学名。

4. 投稿作者需提供个人信息简介,内容包括:姓名、出生年月、性别、籍贯、最高学历、职称或职务、从事学科或研究方向,现供职单位、所在城市、邮编、电子信箱、联系电话。作者为两人以上的,请注明顺序。如有通信作者,请标注,并注明通信作者电子邮箱。作者人数原则上不超过3人。

5. 文章的图片/照片要求:

请单独提供文中的所有图片,单张图片小于5M,以“图号 图名”的方式命名,例如“图1 xxxxxxxxx”,图片集中存放于一个文件夹内。


2)照片要求为数码单反相机拍摄,图片的长边不得小于3 500像素,分辨率不应小于300dpi;


6. 将word文件以“论文题目”进行命名,置入图片文件夹内,文件夹命名为“学校+第一作者姓名”,以“论文”为邮件主题,发至指定邮箱:la@hust.edu.cn 。

四、设计竞赛 Design Competition

1. 竞赛主题:“大美金寨”口袋公园方案设计

2. 参赛对象:专业设计机构和高校学生

3. 报名截止时间:2023年6月30日23:59

4. 成果提交截止时间:2023年9月10日23:59


1.Competition Theme: "Beautiful Jinzhai" Pocket Park Design

2.Participants: Professional design institutions and university students

3.Registration Deadline: 23:59, June 30, 2023

4.Submission Deadline: 23:59, September 10, 2023

This competition provides three designated pocket park locations for the specified site topic; participating teams should choose one location for their design. The awards are divided into two tracks: professional and student groups, each with first, second, and third prizes, as well as honorable mentions. Award certificates will be issued by the competition organizing committee (School of Architecture and Urban Planning in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Landscape Architecture Society of Anhui Province). For competition details, please refer to Attachment 2 of the notice.

五、会务费 Registration Fee


The conference does not charge any registration fees.

六、联系方式 Contact Information

1. 联系地址:武汉市珞喻路1037号华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院(430074)

2. 联系人:石云老师(18971600290)

3. 联系电话: 027-87543156    

4. 论文及相关信息发送专用邮箱:la@hust.edu.cn

5. 网页: http://aup.hust.edu.cn/

1.Mailing Address: School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074, China.

2.Contact Person: Ms. Yun Shi (+86 18971600290)

3.Telephone: +86 27-87543156

4.Email for paper submission and related information: la@hust.edu.cn

5.Website: http://aup.hust.edu.cn/

撰  稿 | 

王通 戴菲 文晨

海  报 | 


编  辑 | 


责  编 | 


审  核 | 



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