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原创 2023-04-14





美国户外广告协会将户外广告定义为“广告牌、数字显示屏、公共交通、街道家具、电影院和基于场所的媒体的动态组合。”消费者一天中70%的时间都不在家,这为观看户外混合媒体创造了完美的条件。户外广告市场将继续增长: 这是制定媒体战略时需要考虑的一个关键事实。





一旦遵循了趋势,企业就可以策划他们的食品和饮料广告,包括户外广告。根据Think Marketing杂志,以下是策划、执行和评估一次成功的户外营销活动的关键步骤。


虽然提高品牌知名度和受众触达是大多数广告活动所努力达成的首要目标,但这些都不是终极目标——广告的目的就是吸引消费者开始一段旅程,并最终实现购买。广告应该是具体的、激发购买欲的、有吸引力的,这意味着企业必须确定自身户外媒体营销活动的主要目标。他们想让自己的受众在看到广告后思考、感受并做什么呢? 例如,如果一家企业的新国际美食网站终于上线了,那么其户外策略应该专注于为该网站带来流量。


 企业应该留意其它食品和饮料公司的户外营销活动,比如广告牌设计或文字特征。他们在使用什么样的有竞争力的信息传播方式? 如何让你的业务脱颖而出,并在干扰中过关斩将?这样的问题将会推动你对竞争对手的观察。此外,企业应该注意到在相应的营销宣传活动中关键内容的不足以创造竞争优势。








Consumers—especially younger generations—are “hungry” for new and exciting meal-based experiences.  What does this mean for food brands?

As more people leave their homes to gather and share meals at their local restaurants, it’s time to plan an OOH campaign as part of your overall food and beverage marketing strategy.

Read on to learn more about the benefits of OOH advertising and how to best plan a food brand campaign that embraces current industry trends.

The Benefits of OOH Advertising

The Out of Home Advertising Association of America defines OOH advertising as a “dynamic mix of billboards, digital displays, transit, street furniture, cinema, and place-based media.” Consumers spend 70% of their time away from their homes during the day, creating the perfect condition for viewing this OOH medley of media. The OOH market is forecast to grow: a crucial fact to consider as you formulate a media strategy.

In addition to a broader audience reach and the opportunity to increase the frequency of exposure and engagement, OOH advertising also offers businesses the ability to “disrupt the scene,” as with eye-catching billboards that demand attention. Such OOH approaches enable businesses to dynamically reach their consumers while they are on the go. 

How to Plan a Food and 

Beverage OOH Campaign

As it is with any marketing strategy, including OOH, businesses should first seek to understand the current trends in their specific industry.

Current food industry trends are as vast as they are varied—and this year, they run the gamut. Consumers today are pursuing all kinds of food and beverage trends which include international cuisines, plant-based substitutes, mindful drinking plans, flexitarian diets, healthful indulgences, local products, grain innovations, immunity-boosting foods, and choices that help lower their environmental impact. Food and drink businesses should align their products or services with the trends their consumers are following to stay competitive. 

Once aligned, businesses can plan their food and beverage advertising to include OOH. According to Think Marketing Magazine, here are the critical steps to planning, executing, and evaluating a successful OOH campaign.

Step 1: Set Goals and a Budget

While increased brand awareness and audience reach are the initial goals of most advertising endeavors, these are not the end goals—advertising is all about getting consumers to embark on a journey and ultimately make a purchase. Advertising should be specific, motivating, and enticing, which means businesses must determine their primary goals for their OOH media campaign. What is it they want their audience to think, feel, and do after seeing their ad? For example, if a business’s new international cuisine website is finally live, then its OOH strategy should focus on driving traffic to that website.  

Step 2: Observe the Competition

Businesses should be on the lookout for the OOH campaigns of other food and beverage companies, like billboard designs or text features. What competitive messaging are they using? How can your business stand out and cut through the noise? This question should drive your observations. Additionally, businesses should note the absence of critical content to create a competitive advantage in their respective campaigns.

Step 3: Understand Your Target Audience 

If a food and drink business wants to remain competitive in the industry, its brand leaders should continuously look to understand its ever-evolving target audience. For example, after discovering that many of its social media followers have switched to a plant-based diet, a local brewery can pivot to meet its followers by developing transit advertisements showcasing a new plant-based menu. By using information gleaned from sources like social media, businesses can develop unique themes for their OOH advertising.

Step 4: Choose Media and Locations Purposefully 

While determining the creative spin of the OOH campaign, businesses should choose OOH media that best serve their brand message and that align well with audience-specific locations.  For instance, if a local restaurant wants to advertise its new immunity-boosting smoothie line, it might choose to use a vibrant billboard on a road that is both close to the restaurant and to the demographic the restaurant serves.  

Step 5: Evaluate the Success

Businesses must track analytics and review post-campaign reports as they are vital to determining the impact of an OOH campaign. For instance, the gas station and convenience store chain of RaceTrac adopted a billboard media OOH campaign, and its attribution study reported a 244% increase in-store visitations. Without such data, RaceTrac would never know the success of its OOH campaign.

By incorporating food and beverage industry trends into a detailed OOH plan, today’s food and beverage brands can reach more audiences with unique messaging, yielding a more significant ROI. All it takes is vision.


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