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闯作破圈 —— 数字化构建中国首家 NIKE STYLE 零售概念店

原创 2023-03-19

一半创造、一半零售。继韩国首尔开设 NIKE STYLE 零售概念店之后,耐克在上海潮流地标TX淮海打造的中国首家 NIKE STYLE 零售概念店 —— NIKE 淮海潮流体验店也已正式面向大众开业。作为耐克在华加速数字化转型的标志性里程碑,继上海001之后,耐克再次邀请 NOWHERE 团队,基于“运动潮流创作空间”的属性,注入创新的数字化体验,重新定义运动零售概念。

A retail, a co-creation space. Following the opening of NIKE STYLE in Seoul, South Korea, Nike has officially opened its first NIKE STYLE concept store in China—NIKE STYLE TXHH, a cultural landmark for youth in Shanghai. As another milestone of Nike’s acceleration of digital transformation in China following Nike House of Innovation Shanghai 001, Nike once again collaborated with NOWHERE, as a creative partner to co-create digital engagements with its most innovative retail concept.

深入洞察城市潮流社群,将视角转向依赖于数字化生活的Z世代消费者,贴合本土年轻人的购物与生活习惯,突破传统的线下单一购物体验,用数字化服务建立“潮流共创”的新型零售空间,将当代数字化消费的主流模式与Z世代所热衷的个性创作在线下进行联结,打破时空壁垒。NOWHERE 作为创意合作伙伴,在为空间硬件搭建提供建议和解决方案的基础上,同步为其开发激活数字化体验的软件系统。其中由 NOWHERE 团队设计开发的“闯作现场”(Content Studio),就为创作达人们提供了可以充分互动交流的土壤,进而吸引着大量创意先锋、潮流领袖和本地消费者在此展现自我、创造风格。

With profound learnings of urban communities and digitally-native Gen Z consumers, Nike Style offers unique digital-physical spaces for consumers to express their personal style together. With the Style retail concept, Nike helps broaden the aperture of sports retail culture by continuing to blend physical and digital experiences. As a creative partner, NOWHERE provides holistic suggestions and solutions for hardware construction and software systems in parallel to activating Content Studio,  as an in-store hotspot for local creatives, product experts, and shoppers opening up space for the community to co-create content on their own social media channels with diverse customizable features.


At Content Studio, consumers can create unique content by choosing from a range of filters, stickers, and backgrounds. They are encouraged to share their creations on social media, which may be showcased on store displays. This allows more customers to discover inspiration and contributes to diverse urban cultures.

闯作现场”作为一个长期的合作项目,推出了“我在舞台在”、“#oootd”、“不改少年狂” 和 “MAX到绝”等限时主题之后,也将在未来不断为消费者们更新更多匹配创作需求的内容。

As an ongoing project, Content Studio has launched various seasonal filters such as “我在舞台在”、“#oootd”、“不改少年狂” 和 “MAX到绝” and will continue to create more engagements for the community.

除了如“闯作现场”这样的共创互动体验之外,NOWHERE 为其设计开发的 NIKE STYLE 专属小程序便是其中一环,整合了店 “闯作现场“和 “Draw Your Swoosh” 两个体验内容的 UGC 管理和下载,并为为品牌提供了后台数据的管理平台,为消费者提供增加全面的数字化零售体验。

In addition to Content Studio, NOWHERE also designed and developed an exclusive WeChat Mini-program which integrates the UGC management and download features of both Content Studio and Draw Your Swoosh and provides Nike with a back-end data management platform.

即上海 NIKE STYLE 首店开业,成都太古里也相继开业。有机会去现场打卡的同学一定不要错过你的“闯作现场”哦。

Nike Style TKL Chengdu has been open since the end of last year. The Nike Style concept will expand into other cities and countries in the future. You can’t miss it!




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