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- ShowTex|「寻找足印·莫奈」沉浸式艺术展 En Voyage with Claude Monet
原创 2023-03-17
Hong Kong, China
走进著名画家克劳德·莫奈的作品展,600 m²的投影幕布环绕场地,遮蔽织物恰当部署,投影画面尽收眼底,多余光线一扫而光。
Step inside the artworks of famous painter Claude Monet thanks to 600m² projection materials and masking fabrics in all the right places.
Immersive projections show off artworks
沉浸在著名画家的作品中,真正走进他的杰作,设想一下沉浸其中的感觉。「寻找足印·莫奈」艺术展为您打造一场非凡的艺术体验,600 m²的遮光投影幕和遮蔽幕布的配合相得益彰,全面提升观展体验。本次艺术展会的创意想法由ChillHoYeah和Dirty Monitor公司,齐心协力,以前所未有的方式栩栩如生地呈现莫奈的作品,并且是首次亮相香港。
Be immersed by a famous painter’s artworks and actually step inside his masterpieces. Sounds impossible, right? Well, it’s made possible at the expo “En Voyage with Claude Monet”, where no less than 600m² blackout projection screens and masking textiles lift the art experience to a whole new level. The creative brains behind this expo are companies ChillHoYeah and Dirty Monitor, who put their heads together to bring the artist’s paintings come to life in a way no Hong Kong resident has ever seen before.
And how they succeeded! By cladding the walls of the exhibition hall with 6-meter-high projection screens, they created an extraordinary 360° video mapping feast. The large-scale projection materials vividly depict the video content in high resolution. What a way to immerse your visitors in art!
Made-to-measure masking fabrics
To create the ultimate immersive feel, masking solutions are indispensable. Using projectors to show off digital masterpieces comes with a lot of unwanted cabling that can distract the visitors and undermine their visual experience. That’s why ShowTex provided made-to-measure Molton mounted in custom aluminium frames to mask all hardware. Immersive expo back on track!
Inspired to create the ultimate 360° exposition?
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