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无边界?!一场跨学科的旅行 No Boundaries?! A Journey across Disciplines

原创 2023-03-14

No Boundaries?! A Journey across Disciplines


The Interdisciplinary Exhibition“No Boundaries?! A Journey across Disciplines” will open at 7:00PM, March 14th, 2023. The duration for the exhibition is two weeks. Hosted by the School of Design with organizers from multiple departments, the exhibition explores the potential value of the encounter between disciplinary perspectives, differences, and similarities. It is the opportunity for students and staff to express, observe, and discuss in an interdisciplinary context, fostering more cross-disciplinary conversation and collaborations within SUSTech and beyond. The exhibition presents three thematic sessions: Where I am, So near, so far, and So far, so near which share ongoing interdisciplinary research, trigger reflections about differences among branches of knowledge, and promote the value of their collaboration. 

展览开幕 Time


7:00PM-7:15PM 开场白

7:15PM-8:30PM 观展&互动交流

March 14th, Tuesday, 2023 (International Mathematics Day)

7:00PM — 7:15PM Opening Talk

7:15PM — 8:30PM Visting & Meeting the authors

展览地点 Venue


Floor 10, Bldg. C1, Zhiyuan

前言 Preface

“No Boundaries?! A Journey Across Disciplines” is an exhibition that explores the potential value of interdisciplinary perspectives, differences, and similarities. The project stems from a collaboration between scholars in Design and Mathematics which inspired this opportunity for students and staff to express, observe, and discuss in an interdisciplinary context, fostering more cross-disciplinary collaborations within SUSTech and beyond. The exhibition consists of three main themes, namely "Where I am", "So near, so far", and "So far, so near". 

Where I am

This theme gave the opportunity to the participants to display the outputs of their own research to a broader interdisciplinary audience at SUSTech, and to receive feedback and contributions which could expand disciplinary perspectives. It addresses researchers’ willingness to converse, cooperate, or even co-create tangible, visible, enjoyable ways to present research concepts and outputs.       

So near, so far

Disciplines look at the same thing through distinctive views. Over time, they diverge and become inaccessible to others, and consequently develop stereotypes. By presenting, reflecting and comparing different approaches and perspectives in an open, friendly, and accessible way, we could enhance interdisciplinary understandings and clear obstructions against potential collaborations.

So far, so near 

This session focuses on the phenomena of paradox and duality with an emphasis on multidisciplinary comparisons and connections. It provokes discussions on the meanings, implications, and philosophies of different representations of paradox in different disciplines and shows how similar disciplines could be despite their differences on the surface, inspiring and encouraging audiences to see things (their own field and other fields) from different and even contradictory perspectives. 

序言 Forewords

本次展览是跨学科之间的对话,令人兴奋且必不可少。设计本质上是一种跨学科活动,设计师融合各个研究领域的知识。 作为设计师,我们对研究人员在其他领域所做的工作非常感兴趣,我们寻求了解,以便我们可以将这些知识融入我们的世界观。 作为回报,我们希望与他人分享我们的兴奋。

This exhibition is a conversation across and between disciplines that is exciting and essential. Design is inherently and necessarily an interdisciplinary activity. Designers draw upon knowledge in every area of research. As designers, we are deeply interested in what researchers are doing in other fields and we seek to understand so that we can engage this knowledge into our world-view. In return, we hope to share our excitement with others. 


Thomas KVAN


Dean, Design School, SUSTech


This exhibition is a creative and imaginative attempt that showcases the boundless potential of young students through a cross-disciplinary perspective that integrates different fields such as mathematics, art, design, and more. We look forward to more people joining this interdisciplinary journey in the future.


LIU Yuening


Director, SUSTech Museum


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