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原创 2023-02-13

数字户外媒体企业海洋户外与其品牌合作伙伴零售商Argos,推出了全球第一款跨平台Web 3元宇宙户外方案。


这项在双重世界开展的营销活动也呈现在伦敦海洋户外的荷兰公园环路的三面屏上,同时在Somnium 空间 VR 元宇宙中还设置了一个同款广告牌的NFT复制品,并且在现实世界中的伯明翰和曼彻斯特的路边点位投放到10月23日。

Argos的营销活动经理Becky Desert表示:“这次活动是Argos重新评估战略的一部分,我们希望推动人们对更多优质产品和品牌的购买意向和认知,有些人并不认为Argos代表优质产品及品牌。


海洋户外与LandVault(以前的Admix)合作,海洋户外的元宇宙系列包括45个数字广告牌,分布在Decentraland 和 Somnium空间中以及海洋户外的三个NFT点位——卢普区, 荷兰公园环路和去年被拍卖的西田斯特拉特福德城Four Dials。这些点位位于“Somnium空间”。

每个屏幕都占据了Somnium 空间平台的关键位置,用以提供最大程度的参与,并触达高流量及沉浸式区域,如会议中心,Genesis VR迪斯科俱乐部,音乐厅和最受欢迎的元宇宙游戏区。



海洋户外实验室总监Catherine Morgan认为:“海洋户外元宇宙网络的推出为品牌提供了在双重世界创建营销活动的机会,通过我们的数字户外现实世界网络以及在虚拟世界中,提供了通向年轻的、技术娴熟的早期应用者的路径。


这对元宇宙来说是一个具有里程碑意义的时刻,因为LandVault技术为创作者开启了一种新的商业模式:广告。到目前为止,虚拟体验的创作者依赖于NFT销售或者为创作巨头所预留的错综的品牌合作关系。通过LandVault和Ocean提供的服务,每个创作者都可以以自动化的方式将他们的内容变现;品牌如今可以将其触角延伸到快速成长的Web 3元宇宙。

Landvault首席执行官Sam Huber表示:“元宇宙在未来十年预计将带来万亿美元的机会,成为更具沉浸感的互联网版本。品牌方必须尽早进入这一新赛道并了解其诀窍,以免望尘莫及,与此同时会因为成为早期使用者而从中受益。LandVault的程序化基础设施使品牌公司能够利用他们所了解和理解的工具在这些新环境中准确定位受众。”

“对于元宇宙来说,这是一个真正不同寻常的时刻,因为它首次为受众提供了以沉浸式穿越现实的方式与品牌和实物连接的能力。此外,这些NFT广告牌的所有者将从这些营销活动中获得直接收益,这使他们能够将部分利润直接再投资于生产更多的内容,并在其场景组织更优质、更大型的活动,从而为品牌增加知名度,”Somnium 空间的创始人兼首席执行官Artur Sychov表示。

DOOH media owner Ocean Outdoor has launched the world’s first cross-platform Web 3 metaverse OOH package with retailer Argos as its brand partner.

Argos is using the space on the metaverse screens as part of its strategy to drive consideration and awareness of premium products and tech brands.

The dual world campaign has also appeared on Ocean’s Holland Park Roundabout tri screen in London alongside an NFT replica of the same billboard inside Somnium Space VR Metaverse and is running across real world roadside locations in Birmingham and Manchester until October 23.

Argos campaign manager Becky Desert said: “This campaign is part of a reappraisal strategy for Argos where we hope to drive consideration and awareness of more premium products and brands that some people don’t think of Argos for.

“Part of changing shoppers’ minds is about what we say but it’s also important that we show up in new, interesting and relevant contexts. That’s why we jumped at the opportunity to appear in the metaverse, particularly for this campaign that is centred around desirable tech.”

Working in partnership with LandVault (formerly Admix), Ocean’s metaverse collection features 45 digital billboards in Decentraland and Somnium Space and Ocean’s three NFT sites – the Loop, Holland Park Roundabout and the Four Dials Westfield Stratford City which were auctioned last year. These are located in Somnium Space.

Each of the screens occupy key locations within Somnium Space platforms to deliver maximum engagement and reach in highly trafficked and immersive areas like a conference centre, a GenesisVR Disco Club, a concert hall and the most popular metaverse gaming zones.

Areas include Decentral Games, the busiest single area within Decentraland, accounting for more than 60 percent of all traffic. Individuals visiting these areas will play games for between two and three hours per day, with more than 60% of them being returning visitors. The ad placements are all natively integrated with the venues, enabling both brand advertising spots and the "teleportation" of visitors to the advertiser's venues.

Using LandVault’s In-Play technology, Ocean’s virtual billboards synchronise with the creative displayed on their real-world DOOH counterparts, providing an indisputable link to the core Ocean product and the wider addressable market.

Director of Ocean Labs Catherine Morgan said: “The launch of Ocean’s metaverse network provides brands with the opportunity to create dual world campaigns, providing access to young tech savvy early adopters across our DOOH real world network and in the virtual realm.

“For brands we are creating an easy access point in to the metaverse where they can test and learn without having to invest in purchasing land.”

This is a landmark moment for the metaverse, as the LandVault technology opens a new business model for creators: advertising. Until now, creators of virtual experiences relied on NFT sales or complex brand partnerships reserved for the largest creators. With the offering powered by LandVault and Ocean, every creator can monetise their content in an automated way; and brands can now extend their reach into the fast growing Web 3 metaverse.

Landvault CEO Sam Huber said: “The metaverse is estimated to be a $trillion opportunity over the next decade, becoming a more immersive version of the internet. It is imperative for brands to jump in early and learn the ropes of this new channel to not be left behind and benefit from being an early adopter. The LandVault programmatic infrastructure enables brands to target audiences in these new environments using tools they know and understand.”

“This is a truly unique moment for metaverse since it provides the first ever ability for audiences to connect with brands and physical items in an immersive cross-reality way. Moreover, owners of these NFT billboards will be getting direct revenue from these campaigns allowing them to reinvest parts of profits directly into generating more content and organising better and bigger events at their locations thus generating more visibility for brands,” said Artur Sychov, founder and CEO of Somnium Space.



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数字媒体艺术 科技艺术 数字户外媒体 元宇宙

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