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原创 2023-02-15




第二部分的分享侧重混合现实背景下的多模态交互。吴子鉴分享了他在混合现实环境中虚拟对象操作的多模式手势识别方面的研究,令与会观众得以一窥人机交互的未来。张鹏对用于提高用户在VR中的沉浸感的大型针头列墙显示器的研究令人印象深刻,获得了观众的积极反馈。马雨欣介绍了Air Pulse,一种通过在手指上佩戴使用压缩空气提供力反馈的触觉设备,吸引了与会观众的极大兴趣。

本次分享会由设计学院助理教授安鹏铖、诸胜宇(JE Seungwoo)、李雪亮和张婉琳联合主办,教授费道闻为本次分享会提供了咨询和指导。老师们表示热切期待未来的分享论坛,并将持续支持和鼓励同学们在设计研究道路上的成长和发展。



文字:诸胜宇(JE Seungwoo)、许清如


The DS Student Research Sharing event was successfully held on February 12, 2023 with members of the School of Design in attendance. This event aims to give students a chance to showcase their work-in-progress research projects, while providing an opportunity to learn from each other through engaging in thought-provoking discussions and exchanging ideas. Attendees use this opportunity to learn from one another and expand their understanding of various design research topics.

Student sharing his research

In total, there were 11 postgraduate speakers, whose presentations cover a diverse range of topics in design research, ranging from AI generative design to fabrication research using new 3D printing filaments. In the first session, Zhoumingju Jiang presented his work on data-driven generative design for mass customization, offering a unique and insightful perspective on the topic. Haoran Ding's presentation focused on fabrication research using magnetic 3D printing, opening discussions as design research in this field. Zhilei Kong's design research on social robots for anxiety alleviation in hospital waiting rooms and Jiaqi Jiang's work on designing a gamified somatic interaction system for conference scenarios have also triggered vivid discussions with the audience.

The second session continued with innovative and exciting presentations that mainly focused on multimodal interaction in the context of mix-reality. Zijian Wu shared his work on multimodal gesture recognition for virtual object manipulation in mixed reality environments, which offered a glimpse into the future of human-computer interaction. Peng Zhang's presentation on a large pin-array wall display for improving user immersion in VR was equally impressive and received positive feedback from the audience. Yuxin Ma introduced AirPulse, a device that provides force feedback through finger-worn haptic devices using compressed air, which received much interest from attendees.

The third session of the event was themed with multi-sensory perception in VR environments. Yilong Lin shared his project - ArmBending, which can create haptic illusions through skin stretching. Xu Zhao introduced BIOVR, which gamifies neck muscle progressive relaxation using EMG biofeedback and virtual reality. Tianze Xie rounded off the student’s presentations with her presentation on "Do We Need Walls?", which explored the designing virtual spaces for positive collaboration experiences.

During the coffee break between sessions, students freely discussed their research-related concerns beyond what they hadn't shared in the presentation Q&A. This provided a valuable opportunity for students to freely exchange knowledge on each other's research field, share interests in each other's research, and seek support for their research.

In addition to the student presentations, the event ended with an experience sharing session given by Assistant Professor Xueliang Li at the School of Design. He shared his insights and design research experience based on his publication "Get a Grip on Stress with Grippy! A Field Study to Understand Human-Wearable Partnerships in Stress Management", which was published in the International Journal of Design. He provided valuable advice on conducting design research and gave a fruitful talk to all attendees.

In conclusion, the DS Student Research Sharing event was a great success, fostering an open and sharing culture in our School of Design. This event provided students with an opportunity to develop their initiative and ownership of their research projects, while also improving their communication skills. We are eagerly looking forward to future events and to continuing to support and encourage the growth and development of our students as design researchers.

Here are some comments that are left by students after the event:
“A nice opportunity to communicate with each other. I received a lot of valuable suggestions.”
“This event is well organized, and there are several coffee break sessions left for us for further in-depth communications.”
“I think such academic events are good, and I do value feedback from peers, which can help me improve my project.”

Student Photo  

Written by JE Seungwoo, XU Qingru
Edited by LI Xu


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