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交界•2022 中·加·澳艺术家推介 | 佟沛宸


交界· Emerging Artists 

艺术家推介  第十四期  

Peichen Tong



100cm x 133cm \ 数字绘画 \ 2022
 100cm x 133cm \ Digital Painting \ 2022

“ 我从2021年开始了解故障艺术,突然对数字绘画着迷,在2022年创作了“Chaos”系列,由最初的iPad里的Procreate软件开始,不断尝试编程软件Processing等数字软件进行创作,不断探索数字绘画的视觉语言,以及在表达上更多的可能性。探索科技与艺术的融合,感受科技带来的魅力。


 I started to learn about faulty art in 2021, and then became fascinated by digital painting, and created the 《Chaos》 series in 2022. Starting from the initial Procreate software in iPad, I kept experimenting with programming software Processing and other digital software to create, and kept exploring the visual language of digital painting and more possibilities in expression.It’s fascinating to explore the integration of technology and art, and feel the charm brought by technology. 

——Peichen Tong

近期作品 | artworks

《David Ⅰ》

30cm x 30cm \ 数字绘画 \ 2022
David Ⅰ
 30cm x 30cm \ Digital Painting \ 2022

“ 大卫系列作品根据我们家喻户晓的大卫雕像进行创作,大卫雕像就在我们学院旁边,很容易欣赏到,本人痴迷于故障艺术,所以两者做了一个结合,用当今最流行的语言工具进行创作,当中使用了Processing,等数字代码软件创作,重释不一样的大卫。

“ David's series of works are based on the well-known statue which named“David”. It is next to our college, which is easy to enjoy. I am obsessed with fault art, so I combine the two and use the most popular language tools to create. In the process, I use digital code software such as processing to create and reinterpret the different David. 



80cm x 80cm \ 数字绘画 \ 2022
80cm x 80cm \ Digital Painting \ 2022

今天, 时代似乎将我们推向了同样的历史路口,世界正进入一个不确定的未来。这让我们意识到变化本身就是生活的一部分。伴随新技术的出现,世界正在发生巨大的变化,人们正在走向新的生活方式 ,其特征是多元的,电子化,新语言,新交流模式和体验感。未来的人才需要积极面向未来生活、面对信息技术,不断升级,自我终身学习,具有阅读和分析社会发展趋势的能力。

Today, times seem to have brought us to the same historical crossroads, and the world is entering an uncertain future. It makes us realize that change itself is a part of life. With the emergence of new technologies, the world is undergoing great changes and people are moving towards a new way of life characterized by pluralism, electronization, new languages, new modes of communication and experience. Future talents should actively face the future life and information technology, constantly upgrade, self-lifelong learning, and have the ability to read and analyze the trend of social development.

To some extent, in the post-pandemic era, our future life will be in an era of constant technological progress and the coexistence of COVID-19, which will inevitably breed a new order and opportunity.


100cm x 90cm \ 数字绘画 \ 2022
100cm x 90cm \ Digital Painting \ 2022


100cm x 133cm \ 数字绘画 \ 2022
100cm x 133cm \ Digital Painting \ 2022


100cm x 133cm \ 数字绘画 \ 2022
 100cm x 133cm \ Digital Painting \ 2022



参展经历 | Exhibition Experience

Ⅰ· 2021(Ars et Lux)- art space 画廊 - 米兰 意大利
Ⅱ· 2022 佛罗伦萨美术学院校友邀请展  北京收藏在线|云展厅,中国
Ⅲ· 2022 大学生艺术博览会  武汉  中国
Ⅳ· 2022 “世界变了”谷雨艺术节   深圳 中国
Ⅴ· 2022 YELLOW  M.A.D.S Art Gallery  米兰 意大利

Ⅰ· 2021 (Ars et Lux) - Art space Gallery - Milan Italy

Ⅱ· 2022 Florentine Academy of Fine Arts Alumni Invitational Exhibition Beijing Collection Online|Art Gallery, China

Ⅲ· 2022 Graduates Art Fair, Wuhan, China

Ⅳ·2022 "The World Has Changed" GUYU Art Festival, Shenzhen, China

Ⅴ·2022 YELLOW, M.A.D.S Art Gallery Milan Italy

获奖经历 | Awards Experience

Ⅰ· 2022年 亚洲波浪艺术节 银奖
Ⅱ· 2022年 第四届香港数字艺术奖 银奖
Ⅲ· 2022年 FA国际前沿创新设计大赛 银奖
Ⅳ· 2022年 第三届 东方文化创意大赛 铜奖
Ⅴ· 2022年 芬兰AG设计奖 暨中芬国际文化艺术交流双年展 银奖
Ⅵ· 2022年 Art-D 全球华人艺术大赛 铜奖
Ⅶ· 2022年 第二届 ICAD 国际青年美术设计大赛 优秀奖
Ⅷ· 2022年 第二届 BICC 中英国际创意大赛 银奖

Ⅰ· 2022 Silver Award of Asian Wave Art Festival

Ⅱ· 2022 Silver Award of the 4th Hong Kong Digital Art Awards

Ⅲ· 2022 Silver Award of FA International Frontier Innovation Design Competition

Ⅳ· 2022 Bronze Award of the 3rd Eastern Cultural and Creative Competition

Ⅴ· 2022 Silver Award of Finland AG Design Award and Sino-Finnish International Cultural and Art Exchange Biennale

Ⅵ· 2022 Bronze Award of Art-D Global Chinese Art Competition

Ⅶ· 2022 The 2nd ICAD International Youth Art and Design Competition Excellence Award

Ⅷ·2022 Silver Award of the 2nd BICC Sino-British International Creative Competition

——  END  ——



策划与监制|Initiator & Director

孙薇 Suvy Sun


Melanie Wilmink


Caspar Fairhall

策展助理|Curators Assistant












Joel Ong



Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and Culture
Luxun Academy of Fine Arts gallery
Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts and Technology
York University Centre for Asian Research
the School of Visual Communication Design of LAFA

Funding by the Canada-China Initiative Fund Committee at the York Centre for Asian Research

Funding by the “Double First-Class” Project of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts 


关于展览|About the exhibition

艺术是一种不需要翻译的语言。艺术因交流而多彩,因互鉴而丰富。艺术的发展需要国际间的交流与合作,需要各国艺术家间的沟通与融合,需要理念的分享,需要心灵的碰撞,需要情感的交融。本次展览由加中文化艺术联盟、约克大学亚洲研究中心、约克大学数字艺术与技术中心、鲁迅美术学院美术馆、鲁迅美术学院视觉传达设计学院等机构联合主办,并获得约克大学亚洲研究中心加中倡议基金以及鲁迅美术学院“双一流”建设项目的大力支持。此次展览旨在展示各国青年艺术家的优秀作品,并通过后续的艺术论坛等相关活动,加强各国艺术家之间的交流与合作,推动各国文化艺术美美与共、共同发展。通过各国艺术家共同参与艺术交流活动,推动青年艺术家走向世界、融入世界的步伐,突破族群和语言隔阂,增进对不同国家文化的了解,达到人与人之间、文化与文化之间更为普遍的交流、理解和融合,从而进一步优化国际艺术生态环境,为艺术家的发展提供新的机遇。经过展览委员会的评选,共有来自世界43个地区47位艺术家的艺术作品入选“交界·2022中加澳青年艺术家美术作品交流展”。“交界·Emerging Artist”将逐期对参展艺术家进行推介,欢迎您的关注与订阅。

Art is a language that doesn’t need translation. For a long time, art has played an important role in the communication between China and other countries. In the context of economic globalization, cultures from all over the world collide and fuse with each other, forming a multi-cultural network. Chinese culture and various cultures of other countries meet here, forming a strong and diverse artistic atmosphere As globalization makes the cultural and artistic exchanges between countries more frequent and more closely connected, the optimization of the international artistic ecological environment also provides new opportunities for the evolution of art. Art is enriched by exchanges and mutual learning; the development of art requires international exchanges and cooperation, the active participation of artists from all countries, the sharing of ideas, the collision of hearts and the blending of emotions.This initiative is hosted by the Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and Culture,York University Centre for Asian Research, Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts and Technology, the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts gallery, and the School of Visual Communication Design of LAFA, with funds from the Canada-China Initiative Grant from York Centre for Asian Research, and Double first-class project approved by Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. The exhibition showcases outstanding works of art by young artists from all over the world, strengthens exchanges between artists from all over the world, and promotes the "beauty of each other and the beauty of the other" in Chinese and foreign cultures. By supporting art exchange activities between international artists , promoting the understanding of the different national cultures, and breaking through group and language barriers, we aim to achieve more commonality between people, creating communication, understanding,and fusion,thereby further optimizing the ecological environment,new opportunities for the artistic.This exhibition shows the vitality of the interdependence and common development of Chinese culture and the world civilization, promotes the pace of Chinese art to the world, and has a positive impact on promoting the inheritance and development of Chinese culture and strengthening the international exchange of Chinese culture. After the exhibition committee’s review, a total of 47 artists from 43 regions in the world have been selected into the "Crossing Time Zones·2022 China-Canada-Australia Emerging Artists Communication Exhibition". We will introduce the participating artists issue by issue, welcome your attention and subscription.

Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and Culture


Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and Culture is a federally approved national organization authorized by Federal Government of Canada.

Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and Culture Dedicates to enhance the cultural communication between Canada and China, raise the world visibility of Canadian and China arts, enrich people’s culture life, promote cultural industrial trade, so as to make a contribution to the sustainable social, economic and cultural development of Canada and China.

联系我们|Contact Us

Facebook:Scaac Sinocanarts


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