艺术家推介 第十期
Diana Ohiozebau
In This Together II》Acrylics, fabrics, and Yarn on aso-oke fabric
“ 《同舟共济II》这一作品强调了团结和同甘共苦的重要性。无论我们的身份、地位如何,我们都会感到喜怒哀乐等情绪,这也时时刻刻影响着我们的生活状况生活的情况。这一作品表达了即使我们面临不同挑战,也要尊重相互支持的概念。这件作品的视觉元素包括自由流动的并列线条、非洲少数民族面具和织物的图案,以及 Aso-oke 织物上的丙烯酸彩绘。 Aso oke 面料是尼日利亚传统手织面料,主要流行于尼日利亚农村地区。它的长度为 1.8 米,延伸出的纱线呈环形轨迹优雅地向下流动。艺术家希望通过这部作品中的元素,能使观众们抛开差异,欣赏不同民族的艺术之美,并在其中找到安慰与温暖。我们永远不会在斗争中陷入真正的孤独,虽然我们有着不同的种族、文化和身份,但我们都有着相同的人性。”
“All In This Together II reinforces the importance of
solidarity, community, sharing difficult and joyful moments through resilience
and strength. Irrespective of who we are in our diverse identities, social
standing, and privileges, we all feel pain, joy, and discomfort and experience
life altering situations at different points in time. Thus, this work honours
the concept of supporting one another, despite our challenges and seemingly
differences. The visual element of this work includes free flowing juxtaposed
lines, motifs from African masks and fabrics, and acrylic pigments on Aso-oke fabric. Aso oke fabric is a traditional Nigerian handwoven fabric made by
the collective effort of community members especially in rural communities in
Nigeria. In this work, this fabric serves as a reference to its historical
connotation including community engagement and collective resilience. It
measures 1.8 meters in length with looping trails of extended yarns gracefully
flowing downward. Through the elements
in this work, viewers are welcome to put aside differences, reflect, appreciate
and find comfort in the knowledge that we are never truly alone especially in
our struggles because we all share in the same humanity despite our diverse
race, cultures, and identities.”
fabrics, and Yarn on aso-oke fabric/2022亚克力、织物和aso-oke织物上的纱线/2022Acrylics, fabrics, and Yarn on aso-oke fabric/2022亚克力、织物和aso-oke织物上的纱线/2022Acrylics, fabrics, and Yarn on aso-oke fabric/2022亚克力、织物和aso-oke织物上的纱线/2020Acrylics, fabrics, and Yarn on aso-oke fabric/2020
亚克力、织物和aso-oke织物上的纱线/2021Acrylics, fabrics, and Yarn on aso-oke fabric/2021戴安娜·奥希奥泽博(Diana
53和埃德蒙顿Al Fresco组织的刚刚结束的研讨会系列。此外,她还获得了奖项和赠款,包括阿尔伯塔省艺术基金会、加拿大艺术理事会和埃德蒙顿艺术理事会。她目前正在阿尔伯塔大学完成教育学士学位,同时从事私人和公共艺术委员会的工作。"我的艺术实践受到黑人身份、地点、女性气质、文化以及我作为尼日利亚加拿大人跨越两个世界的经历的启发。在我的实践中,非洲织物的丰富色彩、几何形状、线条、抽象、纹理、风格和图案是我作品中反复出现的元素。通过灵感的引导,我将这些材料和元素整合,以创作出绘画、纺织品和雕塑等作品。我在灵感的迸发过程中找到了满足感,因为每一幅画都会成为一段旅程,它会带来一幅超越我预期的凝聚力、意义和美丽的作品。"
Diana Ohiozebau is an Edmonton-based mixed media artist. She
received a Bachelor of Fine Art (BFA) from Ambrose Alli University in Nigeria
with first-class honours and was a valedictorian of her class. In 2018, she
earned a Master of Fine Art (MFA) from the University of Calgary. She has had
several exhibitions in Alberta and Saskatchewan and is currently scheduled to
exhibit at the Edmonton Design Week 2022. She has also led many workshops,
including the 2021 Culture Days Workshop hosted at the Art Gallery of St.
Albert and the just concluded workshop series organized by Latitude 53 and Al
Fresco, Edmonton. In addition, she has received awards and grants, including
the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Canada Council for the Arts, and Edmonton
Arts Council. She is currently completing a Bachelor of Education at the
University of Alberta while working on private and public art commissions.
"My artistic practice is inspired by black identity, place, femininity, culture,
and my experiences as a Nigerian Canadian striding two worlds. In my studio
practice, multiple colours, geometric shapes, lines, abstraction, textures,
stylization, patterns, and motifs from African fabrics are recurring elements
in my works. Through an intuition-led process, I juxtapose and overlap these
materials and elements to create works that exist as paintings, textiles, and
sculptures. I find fulfillment in my intuitive process because every painting
becomes a journey that leads to a cohesive, meaningful, and beautiful piece
beyond my expectation."
参展经历 | Exhibition Experience
Ⅱ·2022年2月至2022年4月,阿尔伯塔省坎莫尔市新兴艺术家展览项目Ⅲ· 2021 9月-2022年3月艺术多样性-埃德蒙顿画廊区
Ⅳ· 2021 Amplify-团体展览-画廊@501 Strathcona County
Ⅴ· 2021 8月至11月。圣阿尔伯特弹性II美术馆
Ⅵ· 2021 7月至8月。埃德蒙顿下一幕艺术展
Ⅶ· 2018年《解开麻生太郎II》,画廊621,艺术系,卡尔加里大学,AB,加拿大。Ⅷ·2017年萨斯喀彻温省艺术展,萨斯喀彻展览,萨斯卡通,SK,加拿大。Ⅸ·2017
Lost Art,The
Little Gallery,艺术系,卡尔加里大学,AB,加拿大Ⅹ·2015年萨斯喀彻温省艺术展,加拿大萨斯喀通。Ⅰ· 2022
October -Edmonton Design Week
Ⅱ· 2022
February -April 2022 Rise Emerging
Artist Exhibition program, Canmore, Alberta
Ⅲ· 2021 September – March 2022 Diversity In Art – Edmonton Galleries DistrictⅣ· 2021 Amplify -Group Show- Gallery @501 Strathcona CountyⅤ· 2021 August – November. Resilience II Art Gallery of St. AlbertⅥ· 2021 July – August. The Next Act Art Showcase, EdmontonⅦ· 2018Unravelling Aso-oke II, Gallery 621,
Department of Art, University of Calgary, AB, Canada.Ⅷ·2017
Saskatchewan Art Showcase at the Saskatchewan Exhibition, Saskatoon, SK,
Canada.Ⅸ·2017 Haskayne
School of Business Art Competition and Award, University of Calgary, AB Canada.Ⅹ·2015 1st,
2nd and 3rd place winner (for different
categories/divisions) in the 2015 Saskatchewan Art Exhibition, Saskatoon, Canada.
Ⅰ· 2017年加拿大萨斯卡通萨斯喀彻温省艺术展第三名Ⅱ·2017年加拿大卡尔加里大学哈斯卡恩商学院艺术竞赛与奖项Ⅲ· 2015年萨斯喀彻温省第一名、第二名和第三名(不同类别/分区)加拿大萨斯卡通艺术展
Ⅰ·2017 3rd place winner in the 2017 Saskatchewan Art Exhibition, Saskatoon, CanadaⅡ·2017 Haskayne
School of Business Art Competition and Award, University of Calgary, AB Canada.Ⅲ·2015 1st,
2nd and 3rd place winner (for different
categories/divisions) in the 2015 SaskatchewanArt Exhibition, Saskatoon, Canada.Ⅳ· 2012 Edo State
Governor's Award for Best Graduating Student.Ⅴ·2010 Dean's
Award, Faculty of Environmental Studies, Ambrose Alli University, Nigeria
- 以上展示艺术作品版权归艺术家所有,本机构在推介展示期间授权使用。
- The copyright of the above artworks belongs to the artist.
It has been authorized to use them in this promotion and exhibition.
—— END ——
策划与监制|Initiator & Director
孙薇 Suvy Sun
Melanie Wilmink
Caspar Fairhall
策展助理|Curators Assistant
Joel Ong
Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and CultureLuxun Academy of Fine Arts gallerySensorium: Centre for Digital Arts and TechnologyYork University Centre for Asian Researchthe School of Visual Communication Design of LAFAFunding by the Canada-China Initiative Fund Committee at the York Centre for Asian Research
Funding by the “Double First-Class” Project of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts
关于展览|About the exhibition
艺术是一种不需要翻译的语言。艺术因交流而多彩,因互鉴而丰富。艺术的发展需要国际间的交流与合作,需要各国艺术家间的沟通与融合,需要理念的分享,需要心灵的碰撞,需要情感的交融。本次展览由加中文化艺术联盟、约克大学亚洲研究中心、约克大学数字艺术与技术中心、鲁迅美术学院美术馆、鲁迅美术学院视觉传达设计学院等机构联合主办,并获得约克大学亚洲研究中心加中倡议基金以及鲁迅美术学院“双一流”建设项目的大力支持。此次展览旨在展示各国青年艺术家的优秀作品,并通过后续的艺术论坛等相关活动,加强各国艺术家之间的交流与合作,推动各国文化艺术美美与共、共同发展。通过各国艺术家共同参与艺术交流活动,推动青年艺术家走向世界、融入世界的步伐,突破族群和语言隔阂,增进对不同国家文化的了解,达到人与人之间、文化与文化之间更为普遍的交流、理解和融合,从而进一步优化国际艺术生态环境,为艺术家的发展提供新的机遇。经过展览委员会的评选,共有来自世界43个地区47位艺术家的艺术作品入选“交界·2022中加澳青年艺术家美术作品交流展”。“交界·Emerging Artist”将逐期对参展艺术家进行推介,欢迎您的关注与订阅。
Art is a language that doesn’t need translation. For a long time, art has played an important role in the communication between China and other countries. In the context of economic globalization, cultures from all over the world collide and fuse with each other, forming a multi-cultural network. Chinese culture and various cultures of other countries meet here, forming a strong and diverse artistic atmosphere As globalization makes the cultural and artistic exchanges between countries more frequent and more closely connected, the optimization of the international artistic ecological environment also provides new opportunities for the evolution of art. Art is enriched by exchanges and mutual learning; the development of art requires international exchanges and cooperation, the active participation of artists from all countries, the sharing of ideas, the collision of hearts and the blending of emotions.This initiative is hosted by the Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and Culture,York University Centre for Asian Research, Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts and Technology, the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts gallery, and the School of Visual Communication Design of LAFA, with funds from the Canada-China Initiative Grant from York Centre for Asian Research, and Double first-class project approved by Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. The exhibition showcases outstanding works of art by young artists from all over the world, strengthens exchanges between artists from all over the world, and promotes the "beauty of each other and the beauty of the other" in Chinese and foreign cultures. By supporting art exchange activities between international artists , promoting the understanding of the different national cultures, and breaking through group and language barriers, we aim to achieve more commonality between people, creating communication, understanding,and fusion,thereby further optimizing the ecological environment,new opportunities for the artistic.This exhibition shows the vitality of the interdependence and common development of Chinese culture and the world civilization, promotes the pace of Chinese art to the world, and has a positive impact on promoting the inheritance and development of Chinese culture and strengthening the international exchange of Chinese culture. After the exhibition committee’s review, a total of 47 artists from 43 regions in the world have been selected into the "Crossing Time Zone·2022 China-Canada-Australia Emerging Artists Communication Exhibition". We will introduce the participating artists issue by issue, welcome your attention and subscription.
Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and Culture加中文化艺术联盟是加拿大联邦政府批准与授权的非盈利文化艺术机构,致力于中加之间的文化艺术交流与合作,为两国文化艺术组织与个人搭建交流合作平台,丰富两国人民文化生活,促进文化产业贸易,以期实现两国文化艺术的共同繁荣与发展。
Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and Culture is a federally approved national organization authorized by Federal Government of Canada.
Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and Culture Dedicates to enhance the cultural communication between Canada and China, raise the world visibility of Canadian and China arts, enrich people’s culture life, promote cultural industrial trade, so as to make a contribution to the sustainable social, economic and cultural development of Canada and China.
邮箱:art_exhibition@163.com、SinoCanArts@yahoo.comFacebook:Scaac Sinocanarts微信公众号:SinoCanArts加中文化艺术联盟