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创想论坛 | 一起在前沿处探索




In China, the field of design is witnessing comprehensive and fundamental changes. The definition of industrial design is written and rewritten. The advocated presence of design in life, economy and social advancement grows permeating, ranging from advanced manufacturing, meta-verse, strategy, business innovation to social innovation. These changes reflect the changes of science and technology, demographic profile, environment and so on in a new era. They also bear the consequence of the interlocking reactions from the governments, industries and professional associations in the context. Against this grand and complex backdrop, how China design can think from the profound root of the phenomenon and connect meaningfully with the future through the mechanism of higher learning is the question this Forum wishes to tackle with. 



2022(第八届)中国设计创想论坛,以“在前沿处探索Expanding Frontiers”为主题,将于11月30日,邀请通晓领域历史和理论、具有自省和探索精神、始终在国内外设计前沿开拓的教育家和实践者,结合主旨演讲和小组对话的形式,深入探讨变化、挑战、应对这些恒久的问题,其不同之处在于以反思的精神,厘清观点的文化、历史默认前提,以互相尊重和坦诚对话的态度,互相启发的形式,立足在地和当下,为未来提出穿透性的见解。本次论坛由创基金及南方科技大学创新创意设计学院(以下简称“南科大设计学院”)联合主办,深圳市工业设计行业协会及深圳国际工业设计大展提供公益支持。

The Forum, themed with ‘Expanding Frontiers’, is held on Nov. 30th at Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair at Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. The Forum invited speakers who are knowledgeable of the history and theory of the field, upholding self-reflection and an explorative spirit. In and outside of China, they are trail blazers for design in practice and academia. In the form of a keynote speech and a panel discussion, the speakers will present and discuss in depth the permanently valid topics of changes, challenges, and opportunities. What distinguish this Forum is that the speakers will hold reflectivity, make effort to tease out the historical or cultural assumptions, discuss with mutual respect and sincerity, and boldly challenge and inspire each other. By contextualized now and here, the Forum expects to pick the mind of the audience in a joint envisioning of the future.   


Forum Agenda

9:30-10:00 嘉宾致辞

10:00-10:30 主题演讲


10:30-12:00 前沿对话




9:30-10:00 Remarks

10:00-10:30 Keynote Speech

In cross-boundary practice, explore for the future of new media

Speaker: HUANG Jiasheng

10:30-12:00 Panel Discussion
Expanding the Frontiers
Panelists: LOU Yongqi, XIN Xiangyang, CHEN Yan, HUANG Jiasheng, Thomas KVAN
Moderator: HU Dan


Speaker Introduction


By alphabetical order


General Manager of Tencent Customer Research & User Experience Design Center
Expert Designer
Tencent Distinguished Lecturer


Scroll Down

陈妍女士于2003 年加入腾讯,腾讯公司第一位专职交互设计师及用户研究工程师,主导设计过 QQ、腾讯网、QQ 音乐、腾讯视频、QQ 浏览器、腾讯公益、we 大会、99 公益日、QQ 空间、QQ 游戏、微博等多款中国互联网成功产品及活动;并通过海量用户的产品研究项目(如微信等)以及中国互联网网民基础研究项目,积累多年研究经验,打造具有互联网特色的研究工具和平台;引入传统研究和评测方法,根据互联网属性,建立适用于互联网产品的、高信效度的产品体验评价体系以及行业研究方法,见证互联网产品从零到数亿用户的发展历程。 


CHEN Yan (Enya) joined Tencent in 2003 and was the first full-time interaction designer and user research engineer of Tencent. She has taken the lead in the design of multiple successful products and events in China's internet including QQ, Qzone, QQ Game, QQ Music, Tencent Video, Tencent Charity, QQ Browser, Tencent WE Summit, and 99 Charity Day. Product research projects with huge amounts of users, such as WeChat, enabled the accumulation of rich research experience and the creation of internet-based research tools and platforms. Chen also introduced traditonal research and assessment methods, modify them and further developed the product experience evaluation system and industry research methods with high reliability and validity applicable to internet products, witnessing the remarkable development of internet products from none to millions of users. Since 2007, Chen has actively promoted collaboration and exchange with higher education institutions and draw their attention experience design, providing learning and practice opportunities for students and enhancing the integration among industry, academia and research. Partner institutions include Peking University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Fudan University, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Shenzhen University and Shenzhen Polytechnic. She edited Around You, Design For You book series, and Product Concept behind WeChat, and contributed to the publication of Logic in Design, Touchpoint: Service Design in Global Context, and UX Best Practices: How to Achieve More Impact with User Experience. She also involved in the application of 89 patents among which 73 have been granted. The patents are mainly for the realization, technology and appearance of Internet services and applications. 



HU Dan

Senior Director, Head of Design, JMGO Projection

曾长期服务于三星电子和飞利浦等国际知名品牌企业的创新设计团队;也带领过清华大学设计管理研究所的设计团队,为包括 LG、Coway、Aftershokz、飞亚达等国内外知名企业服务。作为一名创新者、研究者和设计管理者,拥有 18+ 年的国际化设计工作经验,积累了丰富的专业技能和先进的设计经验,也曾是飞利浦照明全球设计管理委员会中唯一的中国大陆成员。善于运用多元的方法和哲学,融合东西方文化,结合具体的市场和商业环境条件,为企业、品牌进行产品、服务、体验的规划、价值创造和设计创新。近二十次获得各大全球设计奖项,包括 IDEA 金银铜奖,iF 奖,红点奖,G-mark,DFA 金奖,以及美国爱迪生奖金奖。

With more than 18 years of international design experience, Dan served the design teams of internationally renowned brand companies such as Philips and Samsung, and also led the design team of the Design Management Research Institute of Tsinghua University (DMR), which provided services to domestic and foreign clients like LG, Coway, Aftershokz, and Fiyta. As an innovator, researcher, and design strategist/manager, Dan has accumulated rich professional skills and advanced design experience. He was also the only member from China Mainland in Philips Lighting's global design management committee.
Skilled in Design Management, Design Research, Product Plan & Design, (IoT) Experience Design, and Service Design, Dan is good at using diverse methods and philosophies, integrating Eastern and Western cultures, and synthesizing specific market and business conditions for planning, designing for value creation through innovation for companies and brands. He has won more than a dozen global design awards, including IDEA Gold/Silver/Bronze Award, IF, Red-dot, G-mark, DFA gold award, etc., as well as the Edison Award Gold (US).






HUANG Jiasheng

Founder of Shenzhen Simulacra TEchnology Co., Ltd.
Co-founder of Shenzhen Configreality Co., Ltd.
Special Expert of Science & Fantasy Growth Foundation
黄佳胜于 1993 年在湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州出生,于伦敦大学学院获得建筑学硕士卓越学位。发明“交互式重定向行走”空间叙事算法,获国家专利。2016 年至今创作了十余部 VR 作品,并在多个国内外影节上入围和获奖,包括英国瑞丹斯电影节(最佳多人体验奖)、砂之盒沉浸影像节(最佳华人作品奖)、青岛国际 VR 影像周(最佳中国作品奖)、FIVARS 国际影节(最佳体验设计奖)、北京国际电影节(官方评选)。

HUANG Jiasheng, born in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province in 1993, graduated with distinction from University College London with a master’s degree in Architecture. He invented a space narrative algorithm of “interactive redirected walking” and obtained the national patent. Since 2016, he has created more than ten VR works, which have been shortlisted and won awards in many domestic and foreign film festivals. These include the Raindance Film Festival (Best Multiplayer Interactive Experience), the Sandbox Immersive Festival (Best Chinese Work), Qingdao International VR Image Week (Best Chinese Work), FIVARS/Festival of International Virtual & Augmented Reality Stories (Excellence in Experience Design), and Beijing International Film Festival (official selection). He is now the founder of Shenzhen Simulacra Technology Co., LTD., the co-founder of Shenzhen Configreality Co., LTD., and the special expert of Science & Fantasy Growth Foundation.



Thomas KVAN

Chair Professor
Founding Dean of SUSTech School of Design
关道文于 2005 年分别获选为亚洲计算机辅助建筑设计研究协会会士及英国皇家特许测量师学会会士, 2021 年获选为英国皇家艺术学会会士。历任墨尔本大学副校长(校园与国际发展)及建筑、设计与规划学院院长,悉尼大学建筑、设计与规划学院院长及香港大学建筑学院院长。任职墨尔本大学期间, 筹建了墨尔本设计学院并设立多个大型跨学科研究项目。

Professor KVAN is a Fellow of Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and of the Royal Society of the Arts, the former two were elected in 2005 and the latter in 2021. Previously, he has held positions as Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Campus and Global Development and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Sydney, and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong. During his time at the University of Melbourne, he established the Melbourne School of Design and founded several multidisciplinary large research initiatives. He holds or has held honorary and advisory appointments at the University of Melbourne, TU Eindhoven, Wuhan University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, and University of New South Wales. Professor Kvan is recognized internationally for his pioneering work in design, design learning, digital environments, design management, and virtual heritage. 



LOU Yongqi

Vice President of Tongji University, Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor of the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University. 
Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science
Visiting Professor at University of Gothenburg, Politecnico di Milano and Aalto University
研究领域包括可持续设计、环境设计、社会创新设计、跨学科设计与创新、社会交互设计。目前担任全国艺术专业学位研究生教育指导委员会委员、WDO(世界设计组织)执委、中国工业设计协会副主席、维也纳应用艺术大学国际咨询委员会主席、意大利高等理工学院(米兰理工大学和都灵理工大学)科学委员会委员,曾任 CUMULUS 国际艺术、设计与媒体院校联盟副主席、瑞典艺术设计研究平台国际咨询委员会委员等国内外学术职务;担任 She Ji: the Journal of Design, Innovation, and Economics (Elsevier) 的创刊执行主编、Design Issues (MIT Press)编委、Journal of Visual Art Practice  (Taylor & Francis)编委。 

Professor LOU's research areas cover sustainable design, environmental design, social innovation design, interdisciplinary design and innovation and social interaction design. He is a Member of National Steering Committee for Postgraduate Education in Fine Arts Degree and of the Board of Directors of World Design Organization (WDO, former ICSID), and Vice President of China Industrial Design Association. Professor LOU currently chairs the international advisory board of University of Applied Arts University Vienna in Austria, and he serves on the advisory boards of Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino. He was the Vice President of CUMULUS International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, the International Advisory Board Member of Swedish Art Research Publication Platform, etc. He is the Founding Executive Editor of She Ji: the Journal of Design, Innovation, and Economics(Elsevier), the Editorial Board Member of Design Issues (MIT Press) and Journal of Visual Art Practice (Taylor & Francis).


博士、教授、博士生导师、XXY Innovation 创始人,卡耐基梅隆大学知名中国校友、同济大学长聘特聘教授, 中国工业设计协会特邀个人常务理事、华西医院客座教授, 长虹创新中心顾问,华为独立顾问

XIN Xiangyang

Ph.D./Professor/Doctoral Supervisor
Founder of XXY Innovation
Famous Chinese Alumni of Carnegie Mellon University
Distinguished Professor at Tongji University
Invited Personal Executive Director of China Industrial Design Association
Visiting Professor of West China Hospital
Consultant of Changhong Innovation Center
Independent Consultant of Huawei

辛向阳博士担任国际交互设计大赛 IXDA、日本 G-Mark、红星奖等大赛评委,曾任江南大学设计学院院长、创办香港理工大学交互设计专业。 

为宝洁、美国国家邮政局、香港特区政府、香港应用科技研究院、GE、华为、腾讯、长虹、震旦、美的提供过多种顾问或研发服务;因在交互、体验、服务等领域的突出贡献,曾获国际交互设计协会“交互设计未来之声” 年度大奖、国家教学成果奖二等奖、光华龙腾中国设计贡献奖金质奖章、“改革开放 40 年中国设计40 人”、“新中国成立七十年中国设计 70 人”等荣誉称号。 

Professor XIN served as a jury member on competitions including IXDA, G-Mark, Red Star and many others. He had served as former Dean of Design at Jiangnan University, founded and served as the leader of MDes Interaction Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Professor XIN has provided various consultant and R&D services for partners including P&G, National Post Office, Hong Kong SAR Government, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, GE, Huawei, Tencent, Changhong, AURORA, Midea, etc. For his outstanding contributions in the fields of interaction, experience and service, he has been awarded the annual award of "2015 Future Voice of Interaction Design" by IXDA, the second prize of the National Teaching Achievement Award, the gold medal of Guanghua Longteng China Design Contribution Award, "40 People of Chinese Design in 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up" and "70 People of Chinese Design in 70 Years of the Founding of New China" and other honorary titles.

November 30th,



11月30日 上午 9:30-12:00
9:30am— 12:00pm, November 30th


Offline Participation


According to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the number of people on site is limited, and friends who want to attend are welcome to contact the secretary of C Foundation(cfoundation2014) or the backstage of C Foundation's WeChat public account.

Scan and add C Foundation Secretary


Online Participation

Watch Live-streaming on C Foundation Video Channel

Watch Live-streaming on SUSTech School of Design BiliBili Account




C Foundation

SUSTech School of Design

Supporting Unit
Shenzhen Industrial Design Professional Association
Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair


中央人民广播电台  中国时讯新闻网  南方都市报  深圳特区报  新浪家居  网易家居  建E室内设计网  家具与室内装饰  现代装饰  太平洋家居网  艺术中国  深圳市慈善事业联合会 深圳市基金会发展促进会

Media Support

China National Radio  CSXXW.net.cn  Nanfang Metropolis Daily  

Shenzhen Special Zone Daily  Xinlang Home  Wangyi Home

JustEasy.cn  Furniture Interior Design  Modern Decoration  PChouse

Art China  Shenzhen Charity Alliance  SCFF

- END -



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