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论坛预告丨「首届BPS 品牌公共空间设计学术论坛」即将于11月19日开幕

原创 2022-11-16

Place branding is the process of developing the identity of a place and promoting it to stakeholders and potential consumers. The goal of place branding is to create a positive association with a place, which can be done through advertising, events, or other means.

There are many ways to brand a place. Among the many ways in which it can be utilized are by cities to attract tourism and businesses, by tourism agencies to promote destinations, by retailers to enhance the public image of their stores, and by non-profit organizations to promote donations and volunteerism. 

In order for a place to stand out from its competitors, the first step in place branding is to determine what makes that place special and unique. In addition to identifying the history and natural resources of the place, there may also be an understanding of its culture and traditions. Once this information has been identified, a strategy will be developed to communicate it, using a number of different methods, including social media campaigns, traditional advertising campaigns, etc.

The concept of ‘brand community,’ on the other hand, is a business strategy for creating engagement between a company and its customers. Companies typically provide customers with opportunities to share their opinions about the brand and its products, but the level of engagement varies from company to company. In order to boost sales and customer loyalty, the company usually engages its customers through social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Weibo, WeChat, etc. 

Using this form of marketing, Nike, for example, ensured that its customers felt part of the Nike family. They achieved this by allowing them access to exclusive offers, limited edition clothing, VIP events, and competitions that no one else could compete with. As a result, sales and customer loyalty increased.

Hence, place branding, as well as the concept of brand community, cannot be underestimated. It goes beyond promoting a company or a city, but also fosters an inclusive environment and a sense of belonging. 

Furthermore, the need for brand designers to contribute to a better understanding of the various issues that arise in the community is growing; instead of focusing solely on visual identity, they could offer other services aimed at improving the quality of life in a community.

Therefore, we thought about investing in community branding, a form of place branding that focuses on the needs and desires of the community. It helps attract new residents and businesses and makes the community more appealing to permanent residents.

In other words, there are many benefits to community branding, and these include not only marketing the place to outsiders but also marketing to locals. Community branding is all about promoting local identity and a sense of belonging to help residents feel a sense of pride in their hometown.

By organizing this symposium, we hope to contribute to the discussion of how we can improve and sustain our city and neighbourhood. Providing residents and businesses with a sense of belonging to the community will help them improve their quality of life. In addition, the community will be informed about the multitude of needs that need to be addressed.









Nov 19







Welcoming Speech/es 

Du Qin

Associate Professor


Michail Semoglou

Research Associate













Mihalis Kavaratzis

Manchester Metropolitan University Business School




Damian Borchok

For The People


联合创始人, CEO

Weijia Wang

Macau University of Science and Technology

Assistant Professor



Keith Tam

Hong Kong Design Institute

Head of Department, Communication Design

Director, Centre for Communication Design





















Lunch Break

Kostas Terzidis

College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University




Stelios Zygouris

University of Western Macedonia




Michail Semoglou

College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University

Research Associate



Paola Trapani

School of Architecture and Design, Oslo

Associate Professor



Veronika Burian


Co-founder and Type Director







Coffee Break


Mihalis Kavaratzis (Professor of Place Marketing, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School) holds a PhD on city marketing from the University of Groningen, Netherlands and has taught marketing and tourism related courses in Budapest, Hungary and Leicester, UK. His research focuses on place marketing and place branding as well as tourism destination marketing. Mihalis is Co-founder and Founding Board member of the International Place Branding Association and a Senior Fellow of the Institute of Place Management. He has published extensively in various academic journals including some of the most-cited work in the field. He has co-edited ‘Inclusive Place Branding’ (with M. Giovanardi and M. Lichrou, 2017), ‘Rethinking Place Branding’ (with G. Warnaby and G.J. Ashworth, 2015) and ‘Towards Effective Place Brand Management’ (with G.J. Ashworth, 2010). Mihalis also acts as an adviser and delivers training workshops on Place Marketing and Place Branding.


Mihalis Kavaratzis现任曼彻斯特城市大学(Manchester Metropolitan University)商学院区域营销教授,获荷兰格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)城市营销博士学位,曾于布达佩斯和莱斯特教授市场营销与旅游相关课程。他的研究主要关注区域营销、区域品牌以及旅游目的地营销。Mihalis是国际区域品牌学会联合创始人兼创始董事会成员和区域管理研究院高级会员。他的文章多见于各种学术期刊,其中不乏相关领域内引用量最多的文献。Mihalis参与编著了《包容性区域品牌》(Inclusive Place Branding ,与M. Giovanardi和M. Lichrou合作,出版于2017年)、《重新思考区域品牌》(Rethinking Place Branding,与G. Warnaby和 G.J. Ashworth合作,出版于2015年)和《迈向有效的区域品牌管理》(Towards Effective Place Brand Management,与 G.J. Ashworth合作,出版于2010年)。此外,Mihalis 也在区域营销和品牌领域担任顾问和主持培训工作坊。

For 25 years Damian has been a brand consultant.
For the last 15 years he has led brand firms including Interbrand, and then For The People, which he co-founded.

Much of his work focuses on collaborating with business leaders, government and communities, to demonstrate how brands can create both social and economic value.

Key fields that he works in include technology, professional services, education, finance, culture, and, of course, place.

One of his first place branding projects was for Sydney Opera House, Australia’s most recognizable icon. The work received international recognition with a Golden Lion at Cannes. While leading Interbrand he also worked on place branding projects for Tourism Australia, The Rocks and Darling Harbour.

Place branding has become a major part of the practice of For The People. Projects have included work for regions and cities including West Coast Tasmania, Launceston, Derwent Valley, Snowy Valleys, City of Sydney, Blue Mountains, Tech Central and Westmead Health and Innovation District. For The People’s approach to place branding emphasizes community participation – letting locals tell their stories and allowing those stories to shape the direction of brand building.

Damian is also a member of the University of New South Wales Marketing Leadership Council, and is a regular speaker at conferences and business schools.


Damian Borchok有25年的品牌咨询顾问工作经验。过去的15年里,他领导了Interbrand等品牌咨询公司,其中包括由他参与共同创立的For the People。


Damian最成功的品牌项目当属悉尼歌剧院——澳大利亚最具辨识度的标志。该项目在国际上广受好评,并赢得了戛纳国际创意节金狮奖(Golden Lion)。在主持Interbrand工作的同时,他还参与了澳大利亚旅游局针对悉尼岩石区(The Rocks)和达令港(Darling Harbour)的地区品牌项目。

对For the People而言,地区品牌设计是一项主要业务内容,该工作室在这一领域的项目包括塔斯马尼亚西海岸(West Coast Tasmania),朗塞斯顿(Launceston), 德文特河谷(Derwent Valley),雪谷( Snowy Valleys),悉尼市(City of Sydney),蓝山(Blue Mountains),悉尼科技中心(Tech Central)与威斯特米德健康与创新中心(Westmead Health and Innovation District)。For The People在地区品牌设计和推广中强调社区的参与,让当地人讲述自己的故事,更让这些故事塑造品牌构建的方向。


With a multidisciplinary background in landscape architecture, industrial design and placemaking, Weijia is currently an assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Macau University of Science and Technology. He works at the intersection of design, urban studies and social science. His research interests include people-centred urbanism in high-density cities and digital placemaking-led smart neighbourhoods.




Keith Tam is a typographer, information designer and academic. Head of Department of Communication Design and Director, Centre for Communication Design, Hong Kong Design Institute. Distinguished Research Fellow, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University; Hong Kong delegate, ATypI; deputy chair, Hong Kong Institute of Print-media Professionals; board member, Hong Kong Open Printshop; vetting panel member, Create Hong Kong; Greater Bay Area Advisory Council member, Design Trust. His current role focuses on academic management, strategic development, curriculum planning, as well as directing applied research and consultancy projects. He has previously taught at the University of Reading (UK), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong, China) and Emily Carr University of Art & Design (Canada). Keith’s research focuses on typography and information design, particularly in multilingual communication. Keith frequently disseminates his research through different channels, and acts as consultant for various organisations such as HSBC, Beijing Founder Type, Oxford University Press and Microsoft.


谭智恒,文字设计师、信息设计师和教育者。现担任香港知专设计学院传达设计系主任与传达设计中心总监、上海大学上海美术学院字体工作室特聘研究员、国际字体排印协会(ATypl)香港代表、香港印刷媒体从业者协会副主席、香港版书工作室( Open Printshop)董事会成员、创意香港(Create Hong Kong)审查小组成员、信言设计大使(Design Trust)大湾区顾问理事会成员。他目前的工作重点在教学管理、战略发展、课程编制、指导应用研究和项目顾问。谭智恒目前任教于英国雷丁大学(University of Reading)、香港理工大学(Hong Kong Polytechnic University )与加拿大艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计大学(Emily Carr University of Art & Design)。他的研究侧重文字设计和信息设计,尤其是多语言传达领域。谭智恒经常在多种渠道发布自己的研究成果,并且在汇丰银行、北京方正字体、牛津大学出版社与微软担任顾问。

Kostas Terzidis is a professor at the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University and the founder of the 尚想实验室. Previously, he was an associate professor at Harvard University Graduate School of Design (2003–2011) and assistant professor at the University of California at Los Angeles (1995–2003). He holds a PhD from the University of Michigan, a Masters from Ohio State University, and an engineering diploma from Aristotle University. His areas of concentration are AI Art, algorithmic design, and Kids AID. He is author of numerous academic papers and the sole author of four academic books: Permutation Design (Routledge: 2014), Algorithms for Visual Design (Wiley: 2009), Algorithmic Architecture (Architectural Press: 2006), and Expressive Form (Spon: 2003). He is the organizer of two Critical Digital Conferences at Harvard in 2008 and 2009 and one Algode conference in 2011. In 2010 he was awarded the ACADIA award for innovative research in digital design. Between 2011–2017 he launched and ran a startup company called Organic Parking, Inc. that dealt with parking optimization through the use of smart phones. In 2019 he was selected as High-End Foreign Expert by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.



Kostas Terzidis,同济大学设计创意学院教授,尚想实验室创始人。曾任哈佛大学设计研究生院副教授(2003–2011)、加州大学洛杉矶分校助理教授(1995-2003)。Kostas于密西根大学获博士学位,俄亥俄州立大学获硕士学位,于亚里士多德大学(Aristotle University)获工程学文凭。他的研究聚焦AI艺术、算法设计和青少年人工智能与设计( Kids AID)。Kostas发表了多篇文章,并著有四部学术著作:《排列置换设计》(Permutation Design ,Routledge出版社,2014)、《视觉设计算法》(Algorithms for Visual Design,Wiley出版社,2009)、《算法建筑设计》(Algorithmic Architecture ,Architectural出版社,2006)以及《富有表现的形式》(Expressive Form,Spon出版社,2003)。他组织了2008、2009两届哈佛批判性数字大会,以及2011年的Algode大会。Kostas Terzidis因数字设计方面的创新研究于2010年获ACADIA大奖。2011-2017年间,他创立并经营了一家名为Organic Parking的企业,主要业务是通过应用智能手机优化停车方案。2019年Kostas被中国国家外国专家局选为高级外国专家。

Stelios Zygouris studied psychology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) before pursuing an MSc in psychoanalysis at University College London (UCL). He has received his PhD in neurology from the School of Medicine of AUTH with a scholarship for his PhD studies from the Robert Bosch Foundation. His clinical experience includes diagnostic and neuropsychological assessment, activity groups for psychiatric in-patients and supportive psychotherapy.

He has worked in various national and European research projects in the field of new technologies in dementia, specializing in computerized cognitive testing and the use of serious games for the detection of pre-clinical cognitive decline in older adults. He has served as the primary investigator (PI) of the project GBHI_ALZ-18-541600, ‘A two-tiered cost-efficient computerized cognitive screening protocol.’

Currently, he is a lecturer at the School of Psychology of the University of Western Macedonia. He is a Global Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health. He maintains ongoing collaboration with the Ain Shams University Cognitive Training Lab (Cairo, Egypt), which he co-founded, and with the University of California, San Francisco, (USA). His broader research interests include computerized neuropsychological assessment, pre-clinical cognitive screening, virtual reality applications, usability assessment, and design for older adults.


Stelios Zygouris曾于塞萨洛尼基亚里士多德大学(AUTH)学习心理学,后于伦敦大学学院(UCL)获心理分析硕士学位,于 AUTH医学院获得神经科学博士学位,并获罗伯特·博世基金会奖学金(Robert Bosch Foundation)。他的临床经验包括诊断评估与神经心理学评估、住院精神疾病患者的活动小组疗法以及支持性心理治疗。他曾参与多项希腊国家与欧洲的痴呆症领域研究项目,主攻计算机化认知测试与如何运用游戏在老年人中发现临床前认知下降,并在“高性价比双层级计算机认知筛查方案”项目(GBHI_ALZ-18-541600)中担任主研究员(PI)。

最近,Stelios在西马其顿大学(University of Western Macedonia)心理学院任讲师。他还担任世界脑健康研究所(GBHI)大西洋脑健康平等学会成员,并且正与艾因·夏姆斯大学(Ain Shams University)认知训练实验室(埃及,开罗)和加州大学洛杉矶分校展开合作。  

Stelios Zygouris的研究领域十分广泛,包括计算机神经心理学评估、前临床认知筛查、虚拟现实应用、可用性评估,以及为老年人进行设计。

Michail Semoglou is a designer, creative technologist, researcher, and educator. He is currently a research associate at the Branding Public Space Lab of the College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, and a senior lecturer at SIVA DeTao School of Design. Over the last few years, Michail has been working, creating, and experimenting with co-design models between the designer, the client, and the machine. In his practice, Michail is primarily concerned with the intersection between craft, design, and technology. His research interests include place and community branding, inclusive and integrated branding, as well as design for older adults.


Michail Semoglou是一位设计师、创意技术专家、科研工作者和教育家。现任同济大学设计创意学院副研究员,也是上海视觉艺术学院德稻设计学院的高级讲师。近年来,Michail致力于设计师、客户和机器之间的协同设计模型的创作和试验。实践中,Michail主要关注工艺、设计和技术的交叉领域。他的研究方向包括场所与社区品牌设计,包容性和整合型品牌设计,以及为老年人进行设计。

Before joining AHO as an Associate Professor of Service Design, Paola Trapani served as Director of the Master in Product-Service System Design at the College of Design & Innovation at Tongji University in Shanghai, with which she continues the collaboration.

Her study is at the intersection of product-service system design (PSSD) and system-oriented design (SOD). She has contributed to Boeing's research, participating in multidisciplinary teams in Tongji to innovate the in-flight food and beverage system (2020). She works now on the livestock shipping system, focusing on horses and pets.

Projects at that scale usually involve radical system innovation, so she does not employ Human Centered Design, unless indispensable. The issues she spends energy on are the different possibilities for re-framing the design challenge, attention to unwanted side effects of design, the most promising roadmap to sustainability, and a fair rebalancing of relationships among actors in terms of transparency and power.

She has changed many cities over the past decade, living in Los Angles, Auckland, Shanghai, Oslo, and Milan. Therefore, she is fascinated by the theme of uncertainty and the role it plays in major life transitions. In particular, she sees designerly abduction as a beneficial mindset in turning uncertainty into opportunity. Her anthropological curiosity about oracles as tools that humankind has always used to navigate change prompted her to introduce them to stimulate students' creativity and bypass the ties of predictable logical-deductive reasoning.

She has an MSc in Architecture and a PhD in Design from Politecnico di Milano, Italy.


奥斯陆建筑与设计学院 (AHO) 服务设计学生对本校校园协同倡议的反思

Paola Trapani ,奥斯陆建筑与设计学院(AHO)服务设计副教授。曾于同济大学设计创意学院任产品服务系统设计硕士研究生负责人,并与该校保持着良好合作关系。


如此体量的项目往往需要彻底的系统革新,所以如非必不可少,Paola 通常不会使采用以人为核心的设计方法。她的项目旨在重塑设计挑战、关注设计的副作用、寻找可持续发展的道路、在透明机制和权利方面平衡不同角色间的关系,并探索它们所带来的不同可能。

过去十年里 Paola曾在洛杉矶、奥克兰、上海、奥斯陆和米兰等许多城市工作生活过,也因此她对不确定性以及它对生活重要转变的影响很感兴趣。她从设计师的视角将不明推论看作一种有益的思维方式,能将不确定性转化为机遇。Paola从人类学的角度思考人们如何用神谕引导自身应对变化,并对其充满好奇,这也促使她利用这一方法绕开预测逻辑和演绎推理的联系,刺激学生的创造力。

Paola拥有意大利米兰理工大学(Politecnico di Milano)建筑学硕士和设计博士学位。

The multi-award winning type designer Veronika Burian, born in Czech Republic, originally studied industrial design in Munich and then worked as a product designer in Vienna and Milan. Discovering her true passion for type, she graduated with distinction from the MA in Typeface Design at the University of Reading, UK, in 2003. After a few years as a typeface designer at DaltonMaag in London, she founded TypeTogether together with José Scaglione, today with twelve employees working around the world, one of the most important, independent type foundries. In addition to the development of tailored solutions for a variety of clients, the focus of TypeTogether’s font catalogue is on expressive text typefaces for digital and analogue media. Furthermore, TypeTogether supports young people with a Typeface Publishing Program under the name of their mentor and friend ‘Gerard Unger Scholarship.’ As a founding member of the typography platform alphabettes.org by and for women, she is particularly involved in the mentoring program and for the GRANSHAN project for non-Latin fonts and typography, which is unique in the world, she is co-chairwoman of the type design competition, engages in communication and is co-curator/organizer of the TypeTech MeetUp. Veronika teaches as a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture and Design NTNU (Gjøvik, Norway) and gives lectures and leads workshops at conferences and at universities around the world.




屡获大奖的字体设计师Veronika Burian出生于捷克共和国,最初在慕尼黑学习工业设计,随后于维也纳和米兰学习产品设计。发现了自身对文字设计的热情后,她又前往英国雷丁大学学习字体设计,并于2003年获得硕士学位。在伦敦 DaltonMaag工作室任字体设计师数年后,她和José Scaglione共同创立了 TypeTogether。目前,该工作室是世界上最重要的独立字体公司之一,共有12位员工分布在世界各地。除了为各类客户定制、开发解决方案,TypeTogether的字体系列主要聚焦在数字和模拟媒体上具有表现力的正文字体。此外,TypeTogether 还设立了字体出版项目支持年轻的字体设计师,该项目以他们的导师和朋友Gerard Unger命名,称为“Gerard Unger奖学金”。作为由女性创立、为女性服务的字体设计平台alphabettes.org的创始人,Veronika积极投身于该平台的指导项目。她还在全球唯一的非拉丁文字设计比赛——GRANSHAN中担任字体设计竞赛联席主席,积极参与到沟通当中,并出任TypeTech MeetUp的联合策展人/组织者。Veronika于挪威科技大学(NTNU)建筑与设计学院担任客座讲师,并在世界各地的大会与大学中进行讲座和工作坊。

Du Qin is an Associate Professor, a faculty member of Media & Communication Design at Tongji University College of Design & Innovation, and a member of the Branding Public Space Lab. He received his PhD from China Central Academy of Fine Arts. His design research, teaching, and practices at Tongji focus on visual communication design, typography, editorial design, branding, combined with the application of these expertises in place-making, user experience/interface design, speculative design, service design, etc. 


Host:  Branding Public Space Lab at Tongji University

Moderator: Du Qin

General Secretary: Michail Semoglou 

Project Assistant: Helen Peiqing Cao, Yu Jinzheng

Visual Design: Michail Semoglou, Yu Jinzheng, Cao Yancheng



论坛秘书长:Michail Semoglou

项目助理:曹沛晴 于金铮

视觉设计:Michail Semoglou 于金铮 曹焰铖

Zoom link: 


Please scan the following QR code to Join the symposium.

Password: 769887



Website: www.bpslab.org

Please scan the following QR code to visit the official website.


click to reserve the live streaming.


主视觉设计 / Michail Semoglou
动态海报设计 / 曹焰铖
微信页面设计 / 于金铮
编辑 / 榴莲
责编 / 雪青


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