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- 中西方博物馆会员制度的发展比较与思考

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Development and Reflection on the membership system of Chinese and foreign museums//ZHOU Ding-kai,QI Jia,SONG Ming-ming,LIU Heng,LIU Chen-yuFirst-author’s address Erlitou Site Museum Of the Xia Capital, E-mail:zdk@zdcy8.cnAbstract Museum members are different from Museum volunteers and friends of museums in traditional sense. Although they appeared earlier in China, their research is still in its infancy. This paper studies the origin of Museum Membership System, and summarizes the development process and main modes of Museum Membership System in China and the West. It also points out that the reason why China's current museum membership system has not been popularized on a large scale is due to the differences between Chinese and Western cultural backgrounds and different museum management systems, hoping to provide reference for the establishment of Museum Membership System in line with China's national conditions.Keywords Museum Membership System, museum members, friends of museums, comparison between China and the West, museum management
* 本文为2022年度洛阳市社会科学规划项目(编号:2022B550)成果。↑
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