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- 交界•2022 中·加·澳艺术家推介 | 李潇然
艺术家推介 第七期
Xiao Ran Li
国画 \ 绢本 \ 132cm x 114cm \ 2021
Walking in the moonlight·MiMi
Chinese painting \ Silk \ 132cm x 114cm \ 2021
近期作品 | Artworks
国画 \ 绢本 \ 121cm x 147cm \ 2019
The Past Years
Chinese painting \ Silk \ 121cm x 147cm \ 2019
国画 \ 绢本 \ 55cm x 65cm \ 2021
Calming the Waves· Bamboo in a Stormy Night
Chinese Painting \ Silk \ 55cm x 65cm \ 2021
绢本设色 \ 61cm x142cm \ 2022
Qing Huan
Chinese Painting \ 61cm x142cm \ 2022
绢本设色 \ 117cm x 138cm \ 2022
Little adventures·CongCong
Chinese Painting \ 117cm x 138cm \ 2022
李潇然 ,别署寒山、遁庵。94年生,山东临沂人。王申勇先生之徒。2015年考入四川美术学院主攻工笔花鸟方向,期间受梅忠智、康益、侯薇薇、马媛媛等诸位教授传道解惑。四川美术学院拔尖人才特色工作坊成员。四川省工笔画学会会员。2019年毕业于四川美术学院中国画与书法艺术学院获学士学位。现居重庆。
XiaoranLi, Alias Hanshan, Dunan. Born in 1994, from Linyi, Shandong. The disciple of Mr. Wang Shenyong. In 2015, he was admitted to the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, focusing on the direction of fine brushwork flowers and birds. During this period, he was preached by professors such as Mei Zhongzhi, Kang Yi, Hou Weiwei, and Ma Yuanyuan. Member of the Top-notch Talents Workshop of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts. Member of Sichuan Gongbi Painting Society. In 2019, he graduated from the School of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor's degree. Now lives in Chongqing.
The artist is good at claborate-style painting, silk flowers and birds and other painting works. Most of his works have only a close shot and a long shot in order to create a sense of plain and far-reaching. His works have been pursuing a freehand brushwork, that is, "artistic conception" and "artistic interest". While pursuing the meticulous portrayal, Xiaoran Li paid more attention to the overall artistic conception and atmosphere of the work, and to the vitality, momentum, rhythm and implication of the main body of the picture. This can help us understand why his works can radiate fresh vitality in the seemingly flat and quiet pictures.
参展经历 | Exhibition Experience
Ⅰ·2021 “道弸于中”—中国艺术研究院2021汇报主题展 艺术研究院主办 北京。
Ⅱ·2019 “百年颂·共此时——点亮中欧”当代中国画艺术国际巡展 国家艺术基金、四川美术学院主办 布拉格。
Ⅲ·2019 “自主空间-全国高等艺术院校花鸟画师生作品展” 西安美术学院主办 西安。
Ⅳ·2019 第九届中国画节 “时代传承·心墨相映——当代院风师生作品” 中国画学会、中国美协中国画委员会、中国工笔画学会主办 山东。
Ⅴ·2018 四川省书画院2018年巡展 四川诗书画院主办 成都。
Ⅵ·2018 四川省书画院新人新作展 成都。
Ⅶ·2016 第六届重庆美展,重庆美协主办/重庆。
Ⅷ·2016 《苍鸠》、《马说》共两幅作品刊登到第十届《中国大学生美术作品年鉴》中出版。
Ⅳ· 2019 The 9th Chinese Painting Festival "Inheritance of the Times, Heart and Ink Reflection - Works of Teachers and Students in Contemporary School Style", hosted by the Chinese Painting Society, the Chinese Painting Committee of the China Artists Association, and the Chinese Fine Brush Painting Society Shandong.
Ⅶ· 2016 The 6th Chongqing Art Exhibition, hosted by Chongqing Artists Association Chongqing.
Ⅷ· 2016 Two works, "Blue Dove" and "Ma Shuo", were published in the 10th "Chinese College Students' Art Works Yearbook".December 2016 The 6th Chongqing Art Exhibition, hosted by Chongqing Artists Association Chongqing.
- The copyright of the above artworks belongs to the artist.
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策划与监制|Initiator & Director
孙薇 Suvy Sun
Melanie Wilmink
Caspar Fairhall
策展助理|Curators Assistant
Joel Ong
Funding by the Canada-China Initiative Fund Committee at the York Centre for Asian Research
Funding by the “Double First-Class” Project of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts
关于展览|About the exhibition
Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and Culture is a federally approved national organization authorized by Federal Government of Canada.
Sino-Canada Alliance of Arts and Culture Dedicates to enhance the cultural communication between Canada and China, raise the world visibility of Canadian and China arts, enrich people’s culture life, promote cultural industrial trade, so as to make a contribution to the sustainable social, economic and cultural development of Canada and China.
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