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- ShowTex | 伽利略露天影院投影幕 Open-air cinema screen for The Galileo
原创 2022-09-02
Cape Town, South Africa
Perforated projection screen ensures the best views in town.
Outdoor projection surface ensures a magical movie night under the stars.
Open air cinema screen
A seamless 5m high by 9m wide projection surface for outdoor use? The perforated FP XL Mesh has got you covered. The constant gain projection screen features a smooth even light spread and even allows for sound and wind to pass through the mesh texture. A perfect match with an outdoor cinematic experience like this!
Want to go even bigger? Since all ShowTex screens are custom welded, even the biggest projection surfaces appear virtually seamless. Our in-house screen welding workshop produces screens measuring upwards of 500sqm with super strong joints that are nearly invisible.
More cinema inspiration? Download the Cinemas & Auditoria Portfolio
Photo Credits: Troy Davies from Retrospective
图片来源:特洛伊·戴维斯(Troy Davies)艺术作品回顾展

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