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关于2022 DnA SHENZHEN 暂停举办的通知




继首届DnA SHENZHEN设计与艺术博览会圆满落幕,业内外的一致好评给予我们极大的鼓舞。虽然大量筹展工作基本完成,在这个特殊时期不得不暂停举办本届博览会,对此我们深表遗憾。同时,向业界一如既往支持、信任我们的朋友们表示由衷的感谢。DnA SHENZHEN设计与艺术博览会自创办以来,注重城市文化的创新表达,带来国际一线高品质先锋家居设计,为粤港澳大湾区勾勒鲜活的城市生活图景。


未来,DnA SHENZHEN将与艺术设计共同生长,共塑艺术哲学,相融艺术力量。


DnA SHENZHEN设计与艺术博览会


The 2nd DnA SHENZHEN Design and Art Fair, originally scheduled to take place from September 15 to 18, 2022 at the Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Urban Planning will be suspended in accordance with the notice (No. 281) of the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters of Futian District, Shenzhen, and to strengthen the control of society, and to restrict the gathering of people. Follow-up arrangements will be announced subject to further notice.

Following the successful conclusion of the 1st DnA SHENZHEN Design and Art Fair, we were greatly encouraged by the positive feedback from the industry and beyond. Although much of the preparatory work is almost complete, it is with a heavy-heart to regret that we have to suspend DnA SHENZHEN at this serious period. At the same time, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the friends in the industry who have always supported and trusted us. Since its inception, DnA SHENZHEN Design and Art Fair has focused on the innovative expression of urban culture, bringing international high-quality pioneering home design and outlining a vivid urban living scenario for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

In the future, DnA SHENZHEN will grow together with art and design to shape art philosophy and blend art power.

DnA SHENZHEN Design and Art Fair

September 7, 2022



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数字媒体艺术 深圳市当代艺术 暂停举办

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