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AIR学术沙龙第25期| A Holistic Representation Toward Integrative AI

原创 2022-08-10


今天我们很荣幸地邀请到微软技术院士、微软Azure人工智能首席技术官黄学东博士为我们作题为A Holistic Representation Toward Integrative AI的报告。



Dr. Xuedong Huang is a Technical Fellow in the Cloud and AI group at Microsoft and the Chief Technology Officer for Azure AI.

Huang oversees the Azure Cognitive Services team and manages researchers and engineers around the world who are building AI-based services to power intelligent applications.

In 1993, Huang joined Microsoft to establish the company's speech technology group, where he led Microsoft’s spoken language efforts for over a decade. In addition to bringing speech recognition to the mass market, Huang led his team in achieving historical human parity milestones in speech recognition, machine translation, conversational question answering, machine reading comprehension and image captioning. Huang’s team provides AI-based Azure Vision, Speech, Language and Decision services that power popular world-wide applications from Microsoft like, Office 365, Dynamics, Xbox and Teams to numerous 3rd party services and applications.

Huang is a recognized executive and scientific leader from his contributions in the software and AI industry. He is an Institute of Electrical and Electronics (IEEE) and Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) Fellow. Huang was named Asian American Engineer of the Year (2011), Wired Magazine's 25 Geniuses Who Are Creating the Future of Business (2016), and AI World's Top 10 (2017). Huang holds over 100 patents and has published over 100 papers and two books.

Before Microsoft, Huang received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of Edinburgh and was on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University. He is a recipient of the Allen Newell Award for Research Excellence.




清华大学智能产业研究院(Institute for AI Industry Research, Tsinghua University,英文简称AIR,THU)是面向第四次工业革命的国际化、智能化、产业化的应用研究机构。AIR的使命是利用人工智能技术赋能产业升级、推动社会进步。通过大学与企业创新双引擎,突破人工智能核心技术,培养智能产业领军人才,推动智能产业跨越式发展。




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