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- 【原创】武林路9号咖啡品牌形象设计/Wake Town Coffee Brand Image Design
With the rise of Gen Z and experiential retail, the main audience for the design are the young, trendy people who are now the most enthusiastic consumers. That’s why we are creating a youthful image for the coffeehouse.
The coffeehouse is located at what is known as the Wake Town, or “No. 9 Wulin Road” in literal translation, so we borrowed the most recognizable symbol in the name – the number “9” – as our starting point. This project happens to enjoy the privilege of being on the edge of China’s most beautiful paradise – the West Lake. In a moment of leisurely elation under a bright moon shining on the surface of the lake, we were blessed with an inspiration: an interesting relationship between the circle and the square is found in the number “9”, and a very direct and ingenious design for the LOGO’s core shape is created, featuring a minimalist design sense and high recognizability. The graphics of the “9” shape looks like a cup of coffee on a tray in an overhead view. From the same concept we later developed the brand slogan “It’s N9ce If You Like It”, and the symbol of “9” was consistently used in the subsequent extension design of the brand image. We experimented with combining various shapes of different materials into abstract representations of human figures, drinks, etc., that are used on a series posters and derivative works, on which we leave blank spaces for customer to write their messages. This is why we want to do a very direct LOGO design, which in subsequent extension can offer room for interesting interactions with consumers, who can fill in the blank with any statements they like, which is a perfect combo with the slogan “It’s N9ce If You Like It”.
To give consumers a fresh experience and deepen their loyalty to the brand at the same time, this is perhaps the ultimate goal of brand building.
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