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- ShowTex | 高速揭幕机案例集锦 HiSpeed Reveal Project Collection
原创 2022-08-05
Smooth & silent unveilings
HiSpeed Reveal smoothly and silently rolls-up lightweight drapes to spectacularly reveal anything you want. Combine the roll-up with a selection of our flame-retardant fabrics and make your audience go wild! From Satinac or GobelinTulle to PolyStretch and even StretchVelours, this high-tech roll-up system offers a ton of possibilities.
Let's take a look at how it impacts your audience in the lastest shows!
200 Jahrfeier in Wiener Musikverein
As part of a solemn matinee, around 1,500 public figures in the Wiener Musikverein celebrated the 200th anniversary of the founding of Erste Bank and the Sparkasse concept. Due to the clever use of ShowTex HiSpeed Reveal, the anniversary got very impressive!
Morpheus Grand Opening
澳门Morpheus酒店由着名建筑师扎哈·哈迪德设计并采用 ShowTex优雅的幕布和卷帘系统来制作揭幕秀。
The stunning Morpheus hotel in Macau, designed by the famous architect Zaha Hadid, chose elegant ShowTex drapes and roll-up systems for its grand opening to the public.
No less than 8 brand-new HiSpeed Reveal systems were discreetly mounted in the ceiling to roll up the feathery light fabrics during the big reveal. It took them barely 3 seconds to make the whopping 1200 sqm of fabric disappear like magic!
In the blink of an eye, the white silky ceiling opened up and unveiled the impressive Morpheus lobby, boasting strong, architectural lines.
GTEF 2019
The 8th GTEF was launched in Macao. Representatives from many countries and regions gathered together to discuss the sustainable development of the global tourism industry, tourism investment and cooperation. In the opening ceremony, two HiSpeed Reveal from ShowTex kicked off the event in a grand way.
Dragon Show - Chimelong
Dragon show is a wonderful performance by more than 300 outstanding circus performers from 22 countries in Asia, Europe, the United States and Africa. the performance, 7 HiSpeed Reveal from ShowTex to create a stunning effect!
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