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ShowTex | 定制幕布方案打造精彩太阳马戏 CDS-FUZION Custom-made backdrops

原创 2022-08-05


February, 2022


Jeddah, UAE

声名远播的现场演出团体——太阳马戏团(Cirque du Soleil)踏足吉达,并与ShowTex携手,使用各类织物打造一场精彩的马戏表演。定制PVC 背景幕、打印地胶、震撼揭幕装置,ShowTex的产品无处不在!

The famous touring circus company Cirque du Soleil set foot in Jeddah and took along: ShowTex fabrics. From printed flooring to reveal systems and immersive projection screen backdrops, ShowTex textiles were all around!


Silk textiles stir curiosity


Starting the show, the first thing that captures your attention is a blue-lit, life-sized circus tent at the center of the stage. The lightweight silky fabric splendidly blends into the shapes of the all-known tent. At the back of the scene, a lusciously draped backdrop enhances the circus feel. The XL taffeta fabric diffuses the lights beautifully, a great way to set the tone for your performance.


Reveal systems kick things off with a bang


After a comedic introduction, lights start to flash, the suspense heightens and suddenly the tent gets tugged away by a HiSpeed Reveal system, revealing the acrobats that have been hiding underneath the fabric all along! Simultaneously, the enormous silk background drops to the ground. That has to be the work of a string of Kabuki drop systems! A change of scenery in a flash. Speaking of kicking of your show with a bang!


Circular set design, from flooring to ceiling decorations


The main theme for the set design was obvious: circles. From the round performance area covered with a printed floor to the projections on the enormous PVC backdrop and the richly draped velvets in arc shapes above your head, there are circles to be spotted everywhere. Besides the decorative aspect, the venue instantly enjoyed the masking and acoustic features of the velvet ceiling drapes.


Immersive projections on XL backdrop


During the entire performance, XL projections supported the acrobats on stage with splendid atmospheric imagery. The light effects immersed every spectator thanks to the excellent colour preservation and contrast of the PVC retro projection screen. Dazzling imagery that blended perfectly with the stage props. Backdrop on point thanks to projection mapping effects.


Masking fabrics in all the right places


With masking solutions in all the right places, the spectators’ eyes never left the stage. Black Molton mounted in sturdy curtain rails subtly hid the stage wings, allowing acrobats to enter and leave the stage unnoticed, while matte stretch fabrics prevented any distraction of the cabling and trusses.


Got a project idea of your own you want to bring to life? The ShowTex team happily supports you from concept to installation and deconstruction.


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数字媒体艺术 新媒体艺术 科技艺术 定制幕布 太阳马戏

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