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原创 2022-07-15

茧室 Cocoon

开幕:2022年7月23日 下午3点至5点

Opening: 2022.7.23 3:00-5:00pm


Date:2022.7.23 - 10.11

地点:浙江省湖州市德清县莫干山镇黄郛西路48号 白云美术馆 

Address: Bai & Yun Art Museum, No. 48, Huangzhu West Road, Moganshan Town, Deqing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province

由Shiny Art 善怡艺术主理人徐怡琛策展的艺术家顾忠升个展“茧室”,将于2022年7月23日在莫干山白云美术馆开幕。展览将呈现艺术家自2019年开始创作的蓝晒系列作品,以及他近期在上海艺术驻留期间,创作的关于“后疫情”思考的艺术装置。

Gu Zhongsheng's solo exhibition "Cocoon", curated by Rebecca Xu from Shiny Art, will open on July 23, 2022 at the Moganshan Bai & Yun Art Museum. The exhibition will present the artist's "Deeper Bleu" series which created since 2019, and the installation of his reflections on the "post-epidemic"  created during his recent residency in Shanghai.  


茧 室



文 Text|徐怡琛 Rebecca Xu



This exhibition presents artworks of the artist Gu Zhongsheng during the epidemic, from cyanotypes to installations and also the site-specific artworks. In Gu’s artwork, he tries to explore and expand the new possibilities of photography and viewing as a kind of language exchange. From the year of 2019, Gu has started to use the traditional cyanotype process in photographic media for creation. By cooperating with nature through the imaging principle of cyanotype photography, blue is used as the medium to depict the impression of time.

During the epidemic, Gu made his artist residency studio in Shanghai as his "cocoon", in which he thought and created, just like a silkworm breeding and rebirth in a cocoon, overlapping day after day. Since the predecessor of Bai&Yun Art Museum here was once called "cocoon house", I invited the artist Gu Zhongsheng to re-create a new site-specific installation, which one he created with silk as inspiration and material during the lockdown period. I hope that the viewers can feel healing in this soft silk fog and Prussian blue color embellishment, gain a way of seeing and perceiving things from multiple perspectives, and obtain the energy from "cocoon breaking and rebirth" in chaos.

雪山 1K01,蓝晒艺术纸,110 x 76 cm,2021

Snow Mountain 1K01, Cyanotype on Art paper

丝 #1,蓝晒艺术纸,120x 80cm,2022

Silk #1, Cyanotype on Art paper


Trap, Silk and Fishing Bait, Dimension Variable

陷阱 作品细节

Trap installation details

培养皿 #1,蓝晒、盐、菌群、树脂,25x25cm,2022

Plate #1, Cyanotype, salt, bacteria and resin

复制 粘贴 突变,拼贴装置(蓝晒艺术纸),尺寸可变,2022

Copy Paste Mutate, Collage Installation (Cyanotype on Art paper), Dimension Variable



Gu Zhongsheng

顾忠升是一名视觉艺术家和摄影师,出生于中国东北。2005年在北京电影学院学习摄影。2013年,受Brush Creek艺术基金会和Kimmel Harding Nelson艺术中心的邀请,前往美国创作。项目结束后,在纽约工作和生活了7年,于2020年回到北京。


Gu Zhongsheng is a visual artist and photographer. He was born and raised in northern China. In 2005, he studied photography at Beijing Film Academy. In 2013, from the invitation of the brush Creek Art Foundation and Kimmel Harding Nelson Art Center, he moved to the United States to create artworks. After the completion of the project, he worked and lived in New York for 7 years, and moved back to Beijing in 2020.

In Gu’s work, he tries to explore and expand the new possibilities of photography and viewing as a kind of language information exchange, reproduce and strengthen this process by means of devices and videos. From the year of 2019, Gu has started to use the traditional cyanotype process in photographic media for creation. By cooperating with nature through the imaging principle of cyanotype photography, blue is used as the medium to depict the process of time. Through this medium, Gu hopes to present the deep sea that human beings have never reached, or the picture in space, or the natural appearance of the world, and explore the unknown world in this ancient craft.


Slip to see more information about artist's portfolio 


2022 “茧室”白云美术馆, 莫干山 中国

2021 “更深的蓝”M 的空间, 北京 中国

2018 “冬至”Studio Kura 画廊,福冈 日本

2015 “日出.日落”, C5 艺术空间,北京 中国

2015 “雾渐起”, 静艺术中心,纽约布鲁克林 美国

2015“雾渐起”, 欧池画廊,布鲁克林 美国



2022 “自然之序 感觉与真实之间” Object momento 画廊,上海 中国

2022 “和合”成都双年展特邀展,成都 中国

2020 “像素分子”工厂影像空间,北京 中国

2018 “ 独角兽”阿那亚海滩艺术节,阿亚那 中国

2018 “ 奇幻人生”BG 画廊,圣塔莫妮卡 加州 美国

2017 “日出之前&日落之后” Google总部艺术展厅,纽约 美国

2017 “上海艺博会,上海 中国

2017 “我的自拍杆” 连州摄影节,中国

2017 “丽水摄影节,丽水 中国

2017 “非常在”,纽约 美国

2016 “吹万不同”艺术展,峰顶画廊,上海 中国

2015 “北纬 40 度,西经 74 度”M50艺术区米奥画廊,上海 中国

2015 “时间,压缩的时间”艺术展 钮瓦克国际机场艺廊,新泽西 美国

2015 “W.E 东西” 艺术慈善晚会 亚洲艺术协会,纽约 美国

2015 “刺点”艺术展 凹凸空间,北京 中国

2015 “表面之外” 摄影展 欧池画廊,纽约布鲁克林 美国

2014 布什维克艺术节秋季开发工作室,纽约布鲁克林 美国

2014 Brush Creek 艺术基金会 艺术家开放工作室,怀俄明 美国

2014 布什维克艺术节春季开发工作室,纽约布鲁克林 美国

2013 TMAX 热享艺术节 银河苏荷,北京 中国

2010 “橱窗里生活”摄影展 歌华文化展厅,北京 中国

2009 宋庄群落展 第五届宋庄艺术节宋庄美术馆,北京 中国



2022 斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心驻地项,上海 中国

2018 Studio Kura 艺术驻地项目福冈,日本

2014 Brush Creek 艺术基金会 艺术家驻地项目,怀俄明 美国



2017 FAPA 英国国际纯艺术摄影奖 入围奖

2015 IPA 国际摄影奖 荣誉奖 纯艺术抽象类

2009 美国探索频道 “看中国”先锋导演入围奖

2008“白美人” 获得第四届最佳外语片制片人和摄影指导


Solo Exhibition

2022 “Cocoon” Bai & Yun Art Museum, Moganshan, China

2021 “Deeper Blue” M studio, Beijing, China

2018 “Winter Solstice” Studio Kura Gallery, Fukuoka, Japan

2016 “Sunrise & Sunset” C5 Art Gallery, Beijing, China

2015 “Gradually Fog Up”Jing Arts Project, Brooklyn, NY, USA

2015 “Gradually Fog Up”Ouchi Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA


Group Exhibition

2022 “In Between the Tangible Reality” Object Momento Gallery, Shanghai, China

2022 “Inter- Dependency”Chengdu Biennale Special Exhibition, Chengdu, China

2020 “Pixel Molecules”Factory Space, Beijing, China

2018 “Unicorn Art Fair”, Aranya, China

2018 “Stranger Than Fiction” BG Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA

2017 “Before Sunrise & After Sunset” Google Art Gallery, NY, USA

2017 “Shanghai Art Fair”, Shanghai, China

2017 “Your Selfies Stick” Lianzhou Foto Festival, Lianzhou, China

2017 “Lishui Photography Festival”, Lishui, China

2017 “A Space-Time of Transitional Desires”, NY, USA

2016 “Between You and Them” Australia China Art Foundation, Shanghai, China

2016 “Group Dynamics” Hilltop Gallery, Shanghai, China

2015 “North 40 ,West 74” Miao gallery, M50, Shanghai, china

2015 “Time, Compressed Time Newark international airport’s art & lounge, NY, USA

2015 “BushWick Open Studio Art Festival”, Brooklyn, NY, USA

2015 “W.E” Charity Art Gala, Asia society, NY, USA

2015 “Punctum” Aotu Studio, Beijing, China

2015 “Beyond the Surface” Photography Exhibition Ouchi gallery, Brooklyn, USA

2014 Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts Open Studio, Wyoming, USA

2014 Bush Wick Open Studio Art Festival, Brooklyn, NY, USA 

2013 “TMAX” Art Festival Galaxy Soho, Beijing, China

2010 “Life in the Window” Photography Exhibition Ge Hua gallery, Beijing, China

2009 “Songzhuang Community Fifth Art Festival”, Song-Zhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China



2022 Swatch Art Peace Hotel Artist Residence in Shanghai, China

2018 Studio Kura Artist Residence Program in Fukuoka, Japan

2014 Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts in Wyoming, USA



2017 FAPA UK International Fine Art Photography Award Finalist

2015 IPA - Honorable Mention - Fine Art : Abstract Category

2009 Director’s Pioneer Award Top 10 for the American Discovery Channel

2008 Award for Best Foreign Language Film for the Movie ‘Lady white’ at the Fourth Beijing Film Festival



Rebecca Xu

纽约苏富比艺术学院艺术管理硕士,美国爱荷华大学艺术、新闻学双学士。UCCA青年理事,上海市设计创意者协会策划与会展设计艺委会委员。曾任职于纽约苏富比拍卖行、纽约邦瀚斯拍卖行、嘉德拍卖纽约办事处、上海泓盛拍卖泓盛空间,跟随美国著名策展人Robert C. Morgan策划多次国际展览,国际艺术媒体Artnet与TANC的自由撰稿人。


Graduated from Sotheby's Institute of Art with a master's degree in Art Business and the University of Iowa with a double bachelor's degree in Studio Art and Journalism. Xu currently is the member of UCCA Young Associates and boarding member of Planning and Exhibition Design Art Committee of Shanghai Designers Association. Xu has worked at Sotheby's New York, Bonhams New York, New York Liaison Office of China Guardian Auction, and Hosane Auction in Shanghai, and has curated many international exhibitions following the famous American curator Robert C. Morgan. Xu is also a freelance writer for the international art media Artnet and TANC.

As the founder and director of Shiny Art, Xu has continuously launched public art brands "Art-Native Universe" and " Spectrum City". Xu interests on the use of technological innovation in the field of art and pays all efforts on the development and innovation of new gerne public art.


Opening Live Preview

直播时间:2022年7月23日 下午3点-4点

Live Time:2022.7.23 3:00-4:00pm

直播平台:Shiny Art 善怡艺术视频号

Live Platform:Shiny Art Wechat Channel




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