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原创 2022-07-26



这反过来又带来了一个不可避免的问题。你是否应该将元宇宙的广告作为全渠道营销计划的一部分? 处于这种媒介中的广告是如何与户外形式关联的? 在本指南中,我们将了解什么是元宇宙,它是如何运作的,它对广告的影响,以及户外媒体计划能够 (以及需要) 如何发挥更大的作用。
















此外,“现实生活中的广告”将变得更加重要。走在现代化前沿的品牌已经将消费者体验转变为供消费者互动、购买和分享产品的游戏。例如,耐克的Reactland是一种沉浸式的体验,旨在推广新的React Flyknit跑鞋。通过一款互动视频游戏,购物者可以创建自己的虚拟形象,然后在现实生活中在跑步机上慢跑的同时,穿行于游戏中的森林和屋顶。





然而,这仅仅是个开始。元宇宙的虚拟本质揭示了新的可能性,尤其是在户外的场景下,是不可能忽视的。IBM Watson广告公司的首席产品官David Olesnevich告诉The Drum,“基于元宇宙的体验和元宇宙平台能提供的扩展数据信号所得的新定位能力,程序化广告有机会成为主要的交易方法。想想这些可能性就已令人兴奋了。”







The Metaverse has become an inescapable buzzword over the past year, especially since Facebook rebranded into Meta. However, it’s much more than that, as we’re witnessing the beginnings of an entirely new medium of advertising that could have far-reaching influences on marketing strategies across industries over the next decade.

Make no mistake: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated an already-existing growth of the Metaverse due to the forced adjustment to online working, learning, and socializing. The concept is nothing new, and it’s more than just a COVID-induced buzzword.

That, in turn, brings up an inevitable question. Should you consider Metaverse advertising as part of an omnichannel marketing plan? How does advertising in this medium relate to out of home methods? In this guide, we’ll look at what the Metaverse is, how it works, its impact on advertising, and how OOH media plans can (and need to) play into the larger equation.

What is the Metaverse?

Understanding the Metaverse and how it will work in advertising is confusing, mainly because it does not exist yet. We have all the pieces we need, but they’re not put together yet. Big tech companies like Facebook (Meta), NVIDIA, and Microsoft are racing to become the first central Metaverse. When you do a Google search for the Metaverse, you will find multiple definitions around the same idea. A collective virtual shared space created by a virtually enhanced physical reality with a persistent virtual space.

In simpler terms, the Metaverse is a digital twin of the physical world. Most importantly, the Metaverse is not a brand-specific platform. Instead, as explained by Wired Magazine, it’s a broader concept based on several technologies:

“The term doesn’t really refer to any one specific type of technology, but rather a broad shift in how we interact with technology… It also translates to a digital economy, where users can create, buy, and sell goods. And, in the more idealistic visions of the Metaverse, it’s interoperable, allowing you to take virtual items like clothes or cars from one platform to another.”

The technologies that make up this environment focus on virtual reality and augmented reality, which combine aspects of the physical and digital worlds. The Metaverse is not like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) which have slowly become a part of our lives over the past few years. Instead, it is a virtual world that replicates the real world, continuing to exist regardless of whether an individual user is in it or not.

The economic aspect of how the Metaverse will work is also interesting for our society. In the future, a complete version of the Metaverse will create an entire ecosystem, independent of individual platforms like games. As a result, users will be able to purchase virtual items and transfer them across different platforms within the Metaverse.

In other words, the Metaverse aims to recreate as many parts of real life and all its complexities as possible in a virtual environment, removing physical barriers for anything from social interaction to work and day-to-day activities.

In summary, the Metaverse is:

•Just like our own universe, with multiple worlds housed inside of it

•A virtual world that continues to operate regardless of if you are in it or not

•An environment to buy and sell virtual goods

•An environment to socialize, work, and play games

The Challenges of Reaching Your Audience in Today’s Environment

An understanding of how the Metaverse works in advertising is beginning to enter the marketing landscape. Marketers consider themselves at a critical crossroads. Today’s brands are faced with a challenge, how can you reach and build a relationship with a new generation of consumers that expects more than any age group preceding them?

Digital ads alone are no longer sufficient. In conjunction with Adblocking software, shrinking attention spans sets the standard that successful ads must simultaneously be engaging, meaningful, and immersive.

Additionally, “advertising in real life” will become even more significant. Already, brands at the forefront of modernization are transforming consumer experiences into games for consumers to interact, buy, and share the products. For example, Nike’s Reactland was an immersive experience designed to promote the new React Flyknit running shoe. Through an interactive video game, shoppers could create avatars of themselves and then navigate through the game’s forests and rooftops while jogging on a treadmill in real life.

With the gradual rise of the Metaverse, this type of virtual gamification is aimed to take on an even greater significance in the future. In other words, by connecting immersive experiences with real-life interactions in a non-intrusive way, marketers can more effectively reach and engage their audience.

Programmatic Ad Buying 

in the Metaverse

First things first: ads are not going away in the Metaverse, in its current state and future projections. The same programmatic ideas behind today’s strategic media buying will still be just as relevant in the new digital environment. Virtual real estate can be treated as digital ad inventory, with consumer data-based targeting already in place through other means. So how does programmatic advertising work in the Metaverse?

On the most basic level, the Metaverse will enable the same real-world ads to be seen in the exact location in the virtual world, boosting brand recall. For example, imagine your brand occupying a billboard space at a famous intersection in real life, only for your customers to encounter the same (or perhaps a more interactive version of the same) billboard when they visit the location in the Metaverse.

However, that is only the beginning. The virtual nature of the Metaverse uncovers new possibilities that, especially in the context of OOH, are impossible to ignore. As David Olesnevich, chief product officer at IBM Watson Advertising, told The Drum,“Programmatic advertising has the opportunity to become the predominant method of transacting with new targeting capabilities based on Metaverse experiences and the expanded data signals the Metaverse platforms will provide… It’s exciting to think about the possibilities.”

This is where prior OOH expertise and experience will become crucial. The Metaverse will be able to combine the always-on, unskippable, non-intrusive ads so standard in out of home ads with advanced targeting possibilities that even current digital ads cannot replicate.

Building an Omnichannel Marketing Campaign With the Metaverse in Mind

Based on where we are today, the Metaverse is still a buzzword. We will need a central Metaverse and mass adoption of how the Metaverse works before implementing these practices. However, we can expect rapid growth within the next ten years, moving closer to a central Metaverse that will eventually become a significant outlet for any brand to reach its audience effectively. 

Younger audiences are already familiar with the concept, partly due to video games like Fortnite and Roblox that have taken on some characteristics of the Metaverse. As Gen Z ages into a consumer group with significant spending power, Metaverse advertising will eventually become a substantial part of omnichannel marketing plans across industries.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made virtual environments for gaming, work, and socializing a standard in our lives. As a result, consumers do not want to take a step back into immersion-breaking ads that distract them from their current tasks. As OOH and real-life ads move into the Metaverse, they will find an audience ready and willing to engage.

In other words, we’re rapidly moving toward a new generation of OOH and advertising in general. What are your plans to prepare for this new, digital, immersive era?  Talk to us about your Out of Home Media plans.


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