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【Call for artists】招募倒计时!上海交大文创学院艺术创意谷项目





Call for 2022 ICCI ART VALLEY PROGRAM  Visiting Artists

 (Education Oriented)


协办:MANA | 全球新媒体艺术平台





Organizer: USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Co-Organizer:MANA - Global new media art platform

Location: Shanghai, China

Duration: NOV 01st, 2022- DEC 15th, 2022


Application Deadline: July 10th,2022






The open call for ICCI ART VALLEY PROGRAM 2022 will mainly focus on international artistic practice and creation based on new media. Against the background of the rapid development of the metaverse, virtual interactive technology and digital media, contemporary art can develop its tentacles to a broader dimension relying on the new technological background. Taking advantage of this opportunity allows us to observe the greater possibilities behind this contemporary landscape, the artistic practices that take place in physical spaces: "A new spatial landscape constructed by cold concrete and virtual gardens"; the creation and new thinking of virtual environments based on "human scale"; And most importantly, when we are immersed in the digital world and take it for granted, how should we "casually" accept the arrival of new technology, obtain and examine the digital world it is shaping?

With an open perspective and the characteristics of digital media as the starting point, this residency program encourages artists to combine personal experience and visual culture and focus on the diverse concepts of new media art practice so that new languages and narratives can be used in the residency program. It can fully interact and is reflected in the artist's multi-media practice. Trigger a series of imaginations and discussions on viewing and interactive experience, media ethics and media language.

We are calling for 5 international artist scholars who will physically participate in the ICCI ART VALLEY PROGRAM during Nov-Dec in 2022. Qualified artist scholars will be provided the following breathtaking opportunities, such as to have their works to be exhibited at city center gallery, online virtual space and ART VALLEY exhibition at History Museum of SJTU.



a. 参与艺术活动,与本地艺术家进行交流合作;

b. 与中国艺术家对话,了解中国文化;

c. 组织参观上海的艺术博物馆、画廊和展览;

d. 在2022年全球文化创意产业国际会议上展示创意实践;

e. 在文创学院线上虚拟空间、艺术创意谷官网等官方媒体渠道展示个人作品;

f. 捐赠作品将在上海交通大学永久展出;

g. 推广和宣传艺术家的艺术实践;

h. 将有1至2名学生助理协助讲座、展览准备及其他相关事宜;

i. 与学院教授一起参与数字孪生项目。

a. Engage in China art community and collaboration with local artists.

b. Get acquainted with top Chinese artists, and be introduced to Chinese culture.

c. Organized visits to contemporary galleries and art exhibitions in Shanghai.

d. Presentation of your creative practice at 2022 International Conference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries.

e. Presentation of your profile and artworks in ICCI's customized online virtual Spaces, the ICCI ART VALLEY official website and other official media channels.

f. Permanent exhibition of your donated works at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (leading university in China)

g. Promotion and media coverage of your art practice in China.

h. 1 or 2 student assistants to assist with lectures, exhibition preparation and other related matters.

i. Participate in digital twin program with ICCI’s Professor.


International artists are expected to  

1. 具有高等艺术教育背景,或有在大学/艺术院校的教学经历;

2. 长期从事艺术创作,具有不同艺术流派实践或文化背景,此项目将优先侧重于数字媒体艺术、基于NFT概念的艺术实践和其他形式的融媒体艺术实践;

3. 开展1-2场公开讲座、工作坊等活动,请在申请中简要介绍您在驻留期间开展相关活动的提案和想法;

4. 流利的英语演讲能力;

5. 为展览准备至少5件参展作品;

6. 向上海交通大学捐赠2件永久展览的艺术作品。(提供至少5件作品的捐赠清单供组委会选择)

I. Academic scholar background in higher education, i.e. institute/ university/ conservatory of Art.

II. Various genres in visual arts media (especially digital media art, art practices based on NFT concepts and other integrated media art practices) and diversity in the cultural background is highly appreciated. Artists are required to provide their own technical support during creation.

III. Deliver 1-2 public lectures, workshops and other activities according to the contract. Please provide a BRIEF introduction of your ideas for conducting public programs during the residency in your application.

IV. Public speech skill and fluent ENGLISH speaking.

V. Bring at least 5 completed works to Shanghai for the exhibitions.

VI. Donate 2 existing art works to SJTU for the permanent exhibition. Providing a donation list with at least 5 artworks for SJTU Committee to choose 2 artworks.




1. 访问艺术家(学者)从出发地到上海的往返路费;

2. 参与项目期间的住宿费(单人间)、餐费;

3. 参与项目期间艺术创作材料费,以及开设讲座/工作坊的相关材料费;

4. 参与群展的作品搭建费。

The whole program package will be at least RMB 10,000 according to the committee’s reviewing, including the following conditions:

a. Return air ticket from the departure city to Shanghai.

b. One month single room hotel accommodation nearby SJTU campus.

c. Lecture/ workshop/ material allowance according to your background and experience.

d. Group exhibition in a city center Shanghai gallery and Shanghai Jiao Tong University History Museum.





a.Visiting scholars are advised to arrange their own travel insurance as needed.

b. We encourage international artists who is practicing or working in China.


How to Apply


Artists please reply with your CV (include portrait/ statement/ bio/ education/ art career or art practice experience/ work plan in residency/ Representative Works/ donation works) that illustrate your teaching experience in higher education institute, academic scholar practice and principle, as well as exhibition experience and collection records of your artwork. Please send through high-resolution images of life and your works to: icci-pr@sjtu.edu.cn(Email title: Apply for Visiting Art Scholar + Your Name).


About ICCI


USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry (ICCI) was founded in 2015 by Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and is an internationally-oriented school within SJTU. ICCI’s establishment grew from the joint efforts of University of Southern California (USC), Minhang District Government and Shanghai Zizhu High-tech (Group) Co., Ltd. As an important aspect and expression of SJTU’s internationalization strategy, ICCI integrates global world-class resources reflecting demands of the industry’s value chain and the market. ICCI’s distinction is three-fold – internationalization, interdisciplinary focus, and Industry orientation – and takes on the mission to nurture creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship among talents for the cultural and creative industry. ICCI dedicates itself to be a global institution providing premier resources to aspiring students from all over the world.





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数字媒体艺术 新媒体艺术 上海交大文创学院 艺术创意谷

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