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2022 年上海音乐学院接收外籍人士报考本科专业招生简章



2022 年上海音乐学院


上海音乐学院(Shanghai Conservatory of Music)是中国现代专业音乐教育的奠基者和孵化器,国家首批“双一流”建设高校,作为中国音乐教育的杰出代表在海内外享有盛誉,被誉为“音乐家的摇篮”。现任党委书记徐旭、院长廖昌永。

上海音乐学院前身为国立音乐院,由蔡元培先生和萧友梅先生于1927年 11 月 27 日在上海创办,首任院长蔡元培先生,是中国第一所独立建制的国立高等音乐学府,以“援西立中,化用为体”办学理念,奠立了中国专业音乐教育的专业建制与学科体系。1956 年起改用现名,为文化部直属重点院校,现为文化和旅游部与上海市共建院校。2017 年,被列为国家首批“双一流”建设高校,入选上海市高水平地方高校建设学校。


办学九十四年来,上海音乐学院秉承“养成音乐专门人才,一方输入世界音乐,一方从事整理国乐,期趋向于大同,而培植国民美与和的神志及其艺术”的办学使命,恪守 “和毅庄诚”的校训规范,始终与国家民族命运休戚与共,始终站在音乐艺术发展的前沿, 创立并不断完善中国专业音乐艺术的教育体制与办学模式,担负起引领中国专业音乐发展方向的责任,积淀了宏阔深厚的历史底蕴,形成了特色鲜明的文化传统,名师辈出,名作纷呈,培养了几代杰出的中国音乐领军人才,为中国音乐教育事业和文化建设作出了重要贡献。

上海音乐学院学科体系完备,是全国最早拥有“音乐与舞蹈学”“艺术学理论”“戏剧与影视学”三个一级学科博士点的专业音乐学院,形成了音乐创作、音乐表演、音乐理论、音乐应用“四轮驱动”的音乐学科综合体系。在 2017 年教育部第四轮学科评估中,我院“音乐与舞蹈学”获A+评级;“艺术学理论”获B+评级,排名全国前 20%;“戏剧与影 视学”获B评级,排名全国前 30%。在 2018 年全国首次专业学位水平评估中,我院获评艺 术(音乐)类A+。办学层次涵盖本科教育、研究生教育(硕士、博士),设有两个博士后科研流动站,并办有附中和附小,创立了具有中国特色的“大中小”一贯制艺术人才培养体制。




1. 声乐演唱(五年制:美声演唱、民声演唱)

2. 钢琴演奏(四年制)

3. 现代器乐演奏(四年制:爵士钢琴、爵士萨克斯、 爵士吉他、 爵士小号、 爵士长号、爵士贝斯、管风琴、电子管风琴、手风琴、古典吉他)

4. 打击乐演奏(四年制:西洋打击乐、中国打击乐、流行打击乐)

5、 管弦乐器演奏(四年制:小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴、竖琴、单簧管、 双簧管、大管、长笛、萨克斯管、小号、圆号、长号、 低音长号、大号)

6. 中国乐器演奏(四年制:笛、笙、唢呐、扬琴、柳琴、中阮、琵琶、筝、古琴、 二胡、板胡、大提琴、低音提琴)

7. 音乐戏剧表演(四年制)

注: 上述各招生专业均不接受兼报,即每名考生仅可选择一个专业报考。


1.年满 18 周岁以上,一般不超过 40 周岁,身心健康、持有高中或高中以上文凭, 持外国有效护照的非中华人民共和国国籍公民,并符合中国教育部相关通知要求。

★如为中国大陆(内地)、 香港、 澳门和台湾居民,经移民并获得外国国籍者,或 父母双方或一方为中国公民在外国,本人出生时即具有外国国籍,而不具有中国国籍者,在申请作为国际学生进入我院本科阶段学习时,必须持有有效的外国护照或国籍证明文件 4 年(含)以上,且最近4 年(截至 2022 年 4 月 30 日前)之内有在外国实际居 住 2 年以上的记录(一年中实际在外国居住满 9 个月可按一年计算,以入境和出境签章为准)。 



4.通过汉语水平考试(HSK)新版四级 180 分(含)以上。



我院 2022 年招生报名只采用网上报名方式,不接受其他途径报名。


报名及缴费时间:北京时间 2022 年 6 月 7 日上午 8:00 - 6 月 14 日中午 12:00,逾期不再受理。

报名费用:人民币500元。请于报名截止日期前汇款至学院账户。无论是否参加考试, 报名费概不退还,也不接受现金报名。






汇款时请注明:考生本人姓名和“2022 年外籍本科生考试报名费”字样,汇款凭证须同报名材料一起发送至报名邮箱(227528086@qq.com)。



1.电子版报名照,要求清晰、无变形、近期正面免冠证件照,jpg 格式,200kb以下;


(1)有效护照信息页(护照有效期须大于 6 个月)。

(2)申请人 2018 年 4 月 30 日起至申请时出入中国的护照签章页(如有)。

(3)如申请人父母双方或一方为中国公民并定居在国外,申请人出生即具有外国国籍的,必须持有效的外国护照或国籍证明文件 4 年(含)以上,且最近 4 年(截至入学年度 的 4 月 30 日前)之内在国外实际居住 2 年以上证明。另须提供出生证明和申请人父母双方国籍或户籍证明(护照或身份证)。

(4)如申请人原为中国公民,后加入外国国籍的,必须持有效的外国护照或国籍证明文件 4 年(含)以上,且最近四年(截止入学年度的 4 月 30 日前)之内在国外实际居住 2 年以上证明。另须提供注销原中国户籍证明及退出中国国籍的证明。

3.《上海音乐学院 2022 年外籍人士报考本科专业申请表》(须同时发送 word 版及考生本人签字的扫描件); 
















考试视频上传时间:北京时间 2022 年 6 月 15 日上午 8:00 - 6 月 20 日中午 12:00,逾期不再受理。






http://www.shcmusic.edu.cn/1659/list.htm进行公示。国际教育学院将于 2022 年 7 月以电子邮件形式发放《录取通知书》(纸质录取通知书于入学后发放);签证及相关报到事宜,请根据《录取通知书》有关要求办理。


我院将根据上海市及上海音乐学院有关新冠肺炎疫情的防控要求,另行通知。2022 年来华签证政策以中国外交部和移民管理局官方通知为准。未收到正式报到通知前,请勿提前到校。




来华留学生本科生学费(不含书杂费):32000 元人民币/年

住宿费:双人间 40元人民币/天




按中华人民共和国教育部相关规定,外国留学生必须购买“来华留学生综合保险” (800 元人民币/年)。学生入学报到时须根据国际教育学院要求统一办理。










地址:上海市汾阳路 20 号






Shanghai Conservatory of Music Admission Brochure of Undergraduate Program for International

Applicants 2022

About Shanghai 

Conservatory of Music 

As the pioneer and incubator of professional music education in modern China, Shanghai Conservatory of Music (SHCM) has been widely reputed to be the “cradle of musicians” for its prestigious status in China’s music education. It is one of the first universities supported by China’s “Double First-Class” initiative. The Conservatory is currently under the leadership of Mr. Xu Xu, Secretary of the SHCM Party Committee, and President Liao Changyong.

The SHCM, formerly the National Conservatory of Music, was founded by Mr. Cai Yuanpei, who also served as its first president, and Dr. Hsiao Yiu-mei on November 27, 1927. It is the first independent music institution of higher education in China. With the strategic vision of developing Chinese music by learning from the West, the Conservatory has laid the basis for professional music education in China with its distinctive,  multidisciplinary structure. In 1956, it became a key university under direct administration of the Ministry of Culture of the P.R. China and received its current name. Now it is jointly administered by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China and the Shanghai Municipal Government. In 2017, the SHCM was listed among the first universities supported by the “Double First-Class” initiative and selected as a member of Local High-level University Construction Scheme of Shanghai.

The Conservatory consists of over ten departments and divisions, including the Composition and Conducting Department, Musicology Department, Orchestral Instruments Department, Voice and Opera Department, Piano Department, Chinese Traditional Instruments Department, Music Education Department, Music Engineering Department, Arts Administration Department, Modern Instruments & Percussion Department, Musical Theatre Department, Digital Media Art School, School of Marxism and the General Education Division.

Since its founding, the SHCM has been committed to its mission of training professional musical talent, cultivating the sense of beauty and harmony in Chinese people, and developing Chinese musical art by introducing Western music while inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese music. At the same time, it consistently adheres to the motto of “Harmony, Determination, Dignity and Sincerity”. Deeply concerned with the national destiny, the Conservatory always stands at the forefront of musical art development, and has made unremitting efforts to improve the system and mode of professional music education in China, playing a leading role in the progress of China’s professional music. Boasting its profound historical experience and distinctive cultural traditions, it has nurtured several generations of outstanding Chinese music talent and incubated numerous masterpieces under the guidance of prestigious teachers, making remarkable contributions to China’s music education and cultural development cause.

As the first Chinese conservatory that has the authority to confer doctoral degree in three first-level disciplines including Musicology & Dancology, Art Theory and Drama & Film Studies, the SHCM takes great pride in its full-fledged, multidisciplinary music education system featuring an interconnected curriculum covering music creation, music performance, music theory and applied music. In 2017, the Musicology & Dancology program of SHCM was rated A+ in the 4th round of disciplinary assessment by the Ministry of Culture of the P.R. China. The Art Theory program was ranked among the top 20% in China with a B+, and Drama & Film Studies the top 30% with a B. In the 1st professional degree program evaluation in 2018, the SHCM won an A+ among Chinese art (music) universities. The SHCM has developed a complete and integral system that combines elementary, secondary and higher education, including programs for both undergraduate and graduate (Master and Doctorate) students, two postdoctoral mobile research stations, as well as an affiliated secondary school and an elementary section.

The SHCM always lays significant emphasis on the development of its faculty team, and has invited many renowned international musicians to teach at the Conservatory as an honorary or guest professor, including composers Bright Sheng, Tristan Murail, Tan Dun, Chen Qigang, Chen Xiaoyong; conductors Simon Rattle, Ozawa Seiji; violinists Pinchas Zukerman, Itzak Perlman, Vadim Repin, Midori Gotō, Ning Feng; pianists Leon Fleisher, Fou Ts’ong; cellists Yo-Yo Ma, Misha Maisky, Qin Liwei; and vocal singer Renée Fleming.

Looking forward, the Conservatory has positioned itself as a leader of higher music  education in China, a vanguard of China’s cultural power strategy, a major contributor to the Shanghai Culture brand, the pillar of the music alliance in the Yangtze River Delta region and a model of international cultural and artistic exchanges. Wholeheartedly committed to delivering top quality music education in line with the highest standards, the SHCM is devoted to educating and training future-oriented, well-rounded art talent with international vision and moral and artistic excellence, while striving to become one of the world’s best conservatories with distinctive Chinese characteristics and international prominence. 

Majors / Fields of Study and 
Duration of the Programs 

1. Vocal Performance (Five years; including bel canto and Chinese singing)

2. Piano Performance (Four years)

3. Modern Instrumental Performance (Four years; including jazz piano, jazz saxophone, jazz guitar, jazz trumpet, jazz trombone, jazz bass, pipe organ, electronic organ, accordion, and classical guitar)

4. Percussion Performance (Four years; including Western percussion, Chinese percussion, and pop percussion)

5. Orchestral Instrument Performance (Four years; including violin, viola, cello, double bass, harp, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, flute, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, bass trombone, and tuba)

6. Traditional Chinese Instrument Performance (Four years; including Chinese flute, sheng, suona, yangqin, liuqin, zhongruan, pipa, guzheng, guqin, erhu, banhu, cello and double bass)

7. Musical Theatre Performance (Four years)

* Note: Dual application is not allowed, that is, each applicant can only apply to one of the above programs. 

Applicant Eligibility 

An applicant must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

i. Be between the age of 18 and 40 and in good health.

ii.  Have a certificate equivalent to a high school diploma or a higher degree.

iii. Be a non-Chinese citizen with a valid foreign passport and meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the P.R. China on international students.

A person who has gained foreign nationality after immigration from Chinese Mainland, the Hong Kong and Macau SARs, and Taiwan Province, or a person whose parents are both Chinese nationals and have both settled abroad, or one of whose parents is a Chinese national and has settled abroad, and who has acquired foreign nationality at birth, can be deemed as a non-Chinese citizen. However, for such persons to be eligible to SHCM Undergraduate Program as an international student, the applicant must hold a valid passport or nationality certificate of his/her country of nationality for at least four years, and have a record proving that he/she has lived in that country for more than two years (nine or more months of residence in that country in a calendar year can be counted as one year, as subject to the entry and exit dates stamped on the passport) within the past four years (as of April 30, 2022).

iv. Have good moral character and no criminal record; be willing to abide by Chinese laws and regulation, as well as the rules of the SHCM.

v. Have certain learning ability and professional music competency.

vi. Language Requirements: New HSK Level 4 Certificate (180 points or above).

Have sufficient financial resources to cover the tuition and fees, as well as living expenses, medical expenditure and international travel costs during your study in China. 

Application Guide 

We only accept online applications in 2022.

Application materials should be sent by email to 


Application and application fee payment period: 08:00 am on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 — 12:00 noon on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 (GMT+08:00). Late applications will not be accepted.

i. Application Fee Payment

Application Fee: RMB 500 yuan. The application fee should be remitted to the following bank account within the application deadline, and it is nonrefundable no matter you take the exam or not. Cash payment will not be accepted.

Account Details:

Beneficiary Name: 

Shanghai Conservatory of Music

Bank Account No.: 453362703070

Beneficiary Bank: Bank of China, Shanghai Huaihai Branch

Swift Code: BKCHCNBJ300

Please mark the applicant’s name and “Application fee for 2022 International Undergraduate Program” when transferring money and send the voucher of payment via email to 227528086@qq.com along with other application documents.

ii. Application Materials Submission 

Eligible applicants should send the colored scanned copy or electronic version of all the application materials to the designated email address (227528086@qq.com).

Please write the email subject line in the following format: Application Materials+Applicant’s Nationality+Applicant’s Name+Field of Study.

★ Application Materials List

1. A recently-taken colored passport size photo (full face, front view, bare-head) in JPG format within 200 kb. It should be a clear-cut photo without any damage.

2. Evidence of Foreign Citizenship:

a) A scanned copy of the photo page of the applicant’s valid passport with at least 6 months of remaining validity.

b) A scanned copy of all passport pages with entry/exit of China stamps between April 30, 2018 and the date you make the application (if apply).

c) For an applicant whose parents are both Chinese nationals and have both settled abroad, or one of whose parents is a Chinese national and has settled abroad, and who has acquired foreign nationality at birth, he/she must hold a valid passport or nationality certificate of his/her country of nationality for at least four years and have a record proving that he/she has lived in that country for more than two years within the past four years (as of April 30, 2022). The applicant’s birth certificate and proof of both parents’ nationality or household registration (passport or ID card) are also needed.

d) For an applicant who has gained foreign nationality after immigration from China, he/she must hold a valid passport or nationality certificate of his/her country of nationality for at least four years and have a record proving that he/she has lived in that country for more than two years within the past four years (as of April 30, 2022). In addition, proof of cancellation of Chinese household registration and renunciation of Chinese nationality shall be provided.

3. Shanghai Conservatory of Music Undergraduate Program Application Form for International Applicants 2022 (Please send both the completed digital version in Microsoft Office Word format and a scanned copy of your signed version).

4. A scanned notarized copy of the original diploma (or schooling certificate for upcoming graduates). A Chinese or English translation is required for certificates in other languages than Chinese and English.

5. A scanned notarized copy of the original transcripts of all courses the applicant has taken during his/her high school years. A Chinese or English translation is required for transcripts in other languages than Chinese and English.

6. A scanned copy of the original Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) certificate that you obtained within the past two years.

7. Statement of Financial Support (See the attachment).

8. A scanned copy of the proof of no criminal record. An applicant who is currently living in China and cannot provide this document may contact, via email, the SHCM Undergraduate Admissions Office at zb@shcmusic.edu.cn or the SHCM International Education Division at iso@shcmusic.edu.cn.

9. A scanned copy of the Physical Examination Record for Foreigners (See the attachment; the Physical Examination Record should be issued within the past three months).

10.  Application Fee Payment Voucher.

* Special Notes:

The scanned copies of the application documents should be clear and complete. Please properly keep the original copies, which will be collected and verified after his/her arrival at the SHCM if he/she gets admitted.

Applicants must provide all the required information truthfully and correctly. Failure to provide the application information as required, false or incorrect information provided, and failure to pay the application fee or to submit the required application and exam documents within the specified deadline may lead to the applicant’s being excluded from the evaluation or cause adverse impact on the admission procedure. In such case, the applicant concerned shall be responsible for all undesirable consequences.

Application materials submitted and application fee paid by an applicant will not be returned or refunded regardless of whether he/she takes the exams or whether he/she is admitted to the SHCM. 

 Major-oriented Examination

The applicants are required to submit the videos of their musical or vocal performance for review. Please see below for more details on the exam requirements for different majors.

Exam materials should be sent by email to 227528086@qq.com. Exam materials submission period: 08:00 am on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 — 12:00 noon on Monday, June 20, 2022 (GMT+08:00). Late submission will not be accepted.

Please write the email subject line in the following format: Exam Materials+Applicant’s Nationality+Applicant’s Name+Field of Study. 


The Admission List will be announced on the websites of SHCM Undergraduate Admissions Office:


International Education Division 

http://www.shcmusic.edu.cn/1659/list.htm.The Admission Notice in electronic version will be issued and sent via email in July 2022, with the physical version to be issued after your arrival at the SHCM in the upcoming semester. Please observe the requirements on visa and registration provided in the Admission Notice. 


Visa-related issues are to be determined according to the latest COVID-19 prevention and control policies of Shanghai and the SHCM. The visa policy for entering China in 2022 shall be subject to the official notice of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Immigration Administration of China. Please avoid early arrival before the date  specified in further notice. 

Health and Eligibility Verification 

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education of China, health and eligibility verification will be conducted after international students come to the SHCM. Anyone who is diagnosed as suffering from diseases that are not suitable for staying and studying in China, or who is found to be involved in cheating and fraud, such as non-eligibility for the program or incomplete admission procedures, shall be subject to punishment pursuant to relevant laws and regulations. 

Fees and Scholarship Policy

The tuition (excluding book & miscellaneous fees) for each undergraduate international student is RMB 32,000 per academic year.

Accommodation fee: RMB 40/person/day, double room.

Based on relevant official documents of the Chinese government and the Shanghai municipal government, scholarships will be awarded according to SHCM Rules for the Application for and Review of Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students and SHCM Detailed Rules on the Review of Shanghai Government Scholarships. (For more information, please visit the website: 



As per the regulations of the Ministry of Education of China, international students are required to participate in the “Comprehensive Insurance & Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China” with an insurance premium of RMB 800/person/year. The insurance  purchase procedures shall be handled upon your registration at the SHCM International Education Division. 


Contact Information

International Education Division of 

Shanghai Conservatory of Music 


Enquiry service:


(* This email box does not accept application or exam materials.) 

Undergraduate Admissions Office of Shanghai Conservatory of Music


Application and exam materials submission:


Enquiry service:zb@shcmusic.edu.cn

Address: No. 20 Fenyang Road, Shanghai 200031, China

Zip Code: 200031 

Specific Requirements for Different Majors 

Please visit the official website: 


* In case of any ambiguity in connection with this Admission Brochure, the Chinese version shall prevail. 













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数字媒体艺术 上海音乐学院 招生简章

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