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Jane Gottelier 葛丽婧大师 & Patrick Gottelier 葛特立大师


To all our graduates this year, we wish to offer you our deep and genuine respect.

Whilst it is normal in a graduation message to concentrate on the opportunities and challenges ahead of you, our first thoughts focus to what you have achieved these last four years. In particular, your outstanding final projects this last most challenging year that we have ever known in higher education. You have demonstrated so many examples of resilience, perseverance, creativity, good citizenship, generosity and kindness that you have set a new standard for future students to live up to.

You will be remembered forever by us and our wonderful team as the most special group of students we have had the privilege of having entrusted to our care, teaching and guidance.

We have learnt so much from you and you have made us and our team so proud of you.

So to your future; beyond wishing you all every success in whichever path you choose to follow we know that, in addition to your exceptional talents, that you have fully demonstrated the tenacity you need to achieve your goals.

Aim high, change the world for the better, be kind and be quietly confident that you are able to achieve your dreams.

Our thanks to you all and do please, please stay in touch with us. We will be here to support your ambitions whenever we can as well share in your undoubted successes.

——Jane Gottelier & Patrick Gottelier 








—— 葛丽婧 & 葛特立



刘笑彤 Elena
作品名称/Title:壳 Shell
年级导师/Year Tutor:Stephanie Jeanne Lawson
指导老师/Tutors:刘蓉芳 Frances




After half a year's working life, I found that the adult world is always in a hurry, there is no time and space for people to stop and rest. I want to have a shell that can give me a sense of security at any time like a mollusk, and provide me with a private space to relieve my pressure and anxiety brought by the outside world.

So I made a powerful collection, let the garments arm me and my emotions like a protective shell.


刘玄行勃 Coenrad
作品名称/Title:三部曲 Trilogy
年级导师/Year Tutor:Stephanie Jeanne Lawson

指导老师/Tutor:靳又嘉 Youjia


I didn't have a specific source of inspiration when I first started working on this project, but I gathered a lot of materials that I was personally interested in, each of which was very different but seemed to tell a story. I didn't choose to eliminate these different elements, although it would have been easier to do so in terms of design. I continued to search for related materials and finally I found the metaverse. Through my research, I found that the metaverse is more like a role-playing game in nature, where each person has the opportunity to become a different character in a virtual world. I am an avid gamer, so I focused on this and framed my project in the context of virtual reality and role-playing games.




年级导师/Year Tutor:Stephanie Jeanne Lawson





[Humanoid Research Lab.] mainly explores the evolution and reconstruction of human beings. The sequence [031] project is called [Human Abnormal Skeleton Project]: it aims to explore whether human skeletons still have room for evolution under extreme living conditions.


罗瑞昕 Joel
作品名称/Title:财“神” ECK (Empire Capital Kitsch)
年级导师/Year Tutor:Stephanie Jeanne Lawson
指导老师/Tutor:靳又嘉 Youjia



Politics, religion and education have all been entertained as a  result of capital. My design satirizes the temptation and corrosion of humanity by commodities, the expansion of power and the absurdity of capital in real society. I hope to use the absurdity and ugliness in my design to arouse people's thoughts and find themselves "kidnapped by the cult of goods".




年级导师/Year Tutor:Stephanie Jeanne Lawson

指导老师/Tutor:靳又嘉 Youjia


项目灵感来源于电影《El Abrazo de la Serplente》,我结合电影的内容和自己的观后感创造了七个角色,从服装的角度探索可持续发展的可能性。通过对所构建角色进行人物形象上的调研,我积累了大量的视觉材料,并将它们转换为服装上的设计。为探索可持续,我在项目中使用了大量的回收材料以及零浪费裁剪的工艺,并在“一衣多穿”的功能上进行了大量探索。

My inspiration came from the movie called El Abrazo de la Serplente, from which i have created 7 characters for the exploration about the possibility of sustainable development on fashion. I accumulated a large amount of visual materials through the researches on the characters, and transformed them into my final designs. In order to dig into sustainability, I have used a lot of recycled materials and zero-waste cutting technology in the project, as well as made a lot of experiments on the idea of multiwearing.


马艺耘 Yvette

作品名称/Title:光μm / Nonflash μm

年级导师/Year Tutor:Stephanie Jeanne Lawson

指导老师/Tutor:刘蓉芳 Frances



The project is inspired by the light at night. The city hustles and bustles with crowds during the day yet at night there are only countless lights. I am drawn to these lights. They are coloured but they make the night look more tranquil. The night, the lights, the lights in the night, they make me feel a sense of solitude. I long to discover the relationship between light and the human body.

< 谢谢欣赏>



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