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- CAFA设计学院 | 策展时刻: 张子康 (Zhang Zikang)
讲座嘉宾 | Guest Speaker
张子康 Zhang Zikang
学术主持 | Academic Advisor
宋协伟 Song Xiewei
学术召集 | Academic Convenor
王乃一 Wang Naiyi
讲座嘉宾 | Guest Speaker
张子康 Zhang Zikang
Zhang Zikang is the director of CAFA Art Museum, and a professor and doctoral supervisor of Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). He is also the editor-in-chief of Art Museum magazine, vice-president of CAFA Institute of Sci-Tech Arts, director of China Artists Association, deputy director of Experimental Art Committee of Chinese Artists Association, and deputy director of Art Museum Committee of Chinese Museums Association. He has been in charge of the planning, editing and publishing of more than 1,000 volumes of various literary and art books, and won national book awards in China for many times. He also has curated numerous large-scale art exhibitions with great influence both in China and abroad, such as “Marc Cahgall: Color and Magic”, the first Marc Chagall’s solo exhibition in China; “Leandro Erlich: The Confines of the Great Void”; “Anish Kapoor”; “Xu Beihong: Living Art Forever”; “Beyond”, the opening exhibition of TAG Art Museum; “Meta- Scape”: the 59th Venice Biennale China Pavilion, etc.
讲座介绍 | Introduction
Curatorial Reflections on the China Pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale
The 59th Venice Biennale was postponed for a year amid the multiple and complex international environment aroused by the raging epidemic and the outbreak of war. The biennale, titled The Milk of Dreams, is curated by Cecilia Alemani and chaired by Roberto Cicutto, and it opened on April 23, 2022. In line with the theme, the show of Venice Biennale China Pavilion is named Meta-Scape, starting from the current relationship of "human-technology-nature", taking the "jing" (scape) in traditional Chinese culture as a kind of principled concept. With a meta-temporal vision, the "human-technology-nature" were seen as a dialectically unified world. The exhibition aims to demonstrate the openness and enthusiasm of traditional Chinese thought towards the common future of mankind through a new reconstruction method. This lecture will focus on the curatorial practice of the China Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.
学术主持 | Academic Advisor
宋协伟 Song Xiewei
学术召集 | Academic Convenor
王乃一 Wang Naiyi
策展人,MediumMedia®联合创始人,英国皇家艺术学院V&A/RCA History of Design博士候选人。她是英国中英文化协会 (Sino-British Fellowship Trust) 两届学术奖金的获得者 (2020-2023年 / 2016-2017年),自2017年起,在中央美术学院设计学院开设“当代设计策展”和“设计批评与策展研究”方向课程,从事设计策展的教学和研究工作。
她拥有丰富的策展经历,在全球各地的机构和双年展中独立/联合策划了20余场展览,包括伦敦设计博物馆、伊斯坦布尔设计双年展、中央美术学院美术馆、今日美术馆、伦敦设计周、米兰设计周、伦敦Stanley Picker Gallery和纽约Flux Factory等。近期译著包括《策展性:策展的哲学》、《筛选垃圾:设计批评的历史》、《野性之物:日常生活的物质文化》。她曾就读于中央美术学院“视觉传达”专业和英国金斯顿大学/伦敦设计博物馆“当代设计策展”专业,先后获得学士学位和硕士学位。
参与方式 | Participation
设计指导 | Design Director
视觉设计 | Visual Design
主办 | Host
Curatorial Theory Research Series
书籍目录 Contents
序 Preface
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