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- ShowTex|录音室定制声学天鹅绒 Acoustic velours curtain at recording studio
原创 2022-05-27
Ternat, Belgium
Sound reverberation on point thanks to acoustic fabrics.
Sound-absorbing velvets dress up and improve this music production studio.
海法克斯工作室(HaiFax Rehearsal Studio)利用色彩鲜艳的声学天鹅绒幕布,改善室内空间声学环境,乐器和人声录制音效更加清晰完美。
Instruments and vocals sound all the better since HaiFax Rehearsal Studio’s soundproofed their rehearsing space with a colourful acoustic velvet drape.
Decorative sound-absorbing velvet
In performance spaces, sound-absorbing materials are key to limit the noise reflecting from the walls. Especially in a recording studio, good acoustics are make or break. That’s why Haifax optimized its music production space with sound-absorbing acoustic textiles that stand out.
One single Velours Helena CS curtain covering the wall of the studio was the finishing touch to fix the reverberation in the space. And it turned out to be more than just an acoustic solution. Thanks to its unique ochre colour, the drape adds a lively touch to the rehearsal room as well. Functional and decorative!
Step away from the traditional approach, and instantly add a decorative touch to your recording studio with acoustic fabrics.
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