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- 惟新讲坛预告 | 人工智能、物联网与智能音箱: 隐私与个人数据保护
香港城市大学媒体与传播系系主任,美国印第安纳大学电讯传播博士。曾任台湾政治大学研发长暨顶尖大学计划办公室主任、国际传播英语硕士学位学程及广电系系主任、台湾地区通讯传播委员会第一届委员。现任国际电讯传播学会(International Telecommunications Society)理事、Telecommunications Policy、Asian Journal of Communication、Chinese Journal of Communications、Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 等SSCI期刊编辑委员会的委员。研究领域为媒体与电讯传播法规与政策、新媒体经营模式、大数据与隐私权、人工智能的伦理与治理。
Dr. Yu-li Liu is Head and Professor of the Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong. She has authored/edited 15 books and numerous journal articles around various aspects of communication policies and new media business strategies. Her research interests include new media and telecommunications policy, new media and business models, big data and privacy protection, AI ethics and governance. She serves as a member of the editorial board of 4 SSCI journals and other three journals. She is a board member of the International Telecommunications Society and Taiwan Communication Society.
In recent years, the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of things (IoT) has attracted a lot of attention. One IoT device is the smart speaker that is equipped with an integrated assistant controlled by spoken commands. Since smart speakers have a natural advantage when collecting user data in diverse scenarios, privacy and personal information protection have become crucial issues for both smart speaker manufacturers and users in China. This talk will discuss the technology subsystem, the industry/ market subsystem and the regulators, law/regulation subsystem that are related to smart speakers in China, and how they interact with each other. It also analyzes the smart speaker users’ privacy concerns, the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), and the smart speaker industry’s implementation of personal information protection.

编辑 | 钱俊毅
责编 | 程倪萱

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