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奖讯 | 芳林城市体验馆赢得德国设计奖

原创 2022-05-13


Established on the initiative of the German Bundestag (the lower house of German parliament) as a foundation in 1953, it supports the industry in all matters consistently aimed at generating an added brand value through design. The German Design Awards directly contributes to the overall commercial success. Prizes will only be awarded to projects that truly represent pioneering contributions to the German and international design landscape. The highly esteemed, international jury guarantees this. The German Design Awards identifies and presents unique design trends: a competition that advances the design-oriented scene.

The Forestias(芳林城市),位于曼谷的泰国最大的住宅区项目 - 是全球首个被设计为可供人、动物与自然和谐相处的可持续生态系统场所。VAVE Studio 参与了该项目的地产展厅设计,提供围绕“想象幸福”展开的互动体验。

The Forestias, Thailand’s largest property development project located in Bangkok – is the world’s first place designed as a sustainable ecosystem where people, wildlife and nature can live and evolve peacefully side by side. VAVE Studio has designed the real-estate showroom of that project. Offering interactive experiences evolving around "Imagine Happiness”.

The concept idea started with gaining a deep understanding of what happiness means to the people around the world through interviews. We conceptualized an unconventional real estate showroom, providing a journey of “seeking for happiness”. The exhibition uses various technologies without overwhelming the visitors and hiding them in intuitively interfaces. These nature like installation make it easy to interact with the exhibits for everyone. Each zone gives another perspective on happiness and leaves the visitor excited, informed and inspired. People see the true meaning of happiness - it's not about collecting things, but making memories.

创意:VAVE Studio
展览设计:VAVE Studio x b.u.g Studio x DT Design
多媒体制作:VAVE Studio x b.u.g Studio
客户:MQDC Limited
建筑展馆:Foster + Partners, DT Design
施工图:DT Design
建筑施工:Meinhardt Thailand
面积:1200 ㎡

Copyright © 2022 VAVE Studio 翡梧(上海)创意设计有限公司。All rights reserved.


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数字媒体艺术 新媒体艺术 奖讯 芳林城市体验馆 德国设计奖

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