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iF设计奖 | IM智己展台赢得iF设计奖

原创 2022-04-15

iF设计奖是世界上最负盛名的设计奖项之一。自1953年在德国举办以来,iF印章对消费者和设计界来说意味着优秀的设计。作为全球卓越设计的象征,iF设计奖与红点奖(Red Dot)和IDEA奖并称为世界三大设计奖。

The iF DESIGN AWARD is one of the world’s most prestigious design awards. Organized in Germany since 1953, the iF seal signifies good design, for consumers and the design community. As a symbol of global excellence in design, the iF DESIGN AWARD is known as the world's three major design awards along with the Red Dot Award and the IDEA Awards.


In 2021 the new ev brand of IM智己汽车 was born - jointly founded by SAIC Motor, online retailer Alibaba and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Group. Charged with autonomous driving technologies, outstanding connectivity features and high-end materials, the IM car models are designed entirely around the passengers experience: Intelligence in Motion.

For the brand’s first auto show appearance, VAVE created a space concept that likewise revolves around the visitors’ experience. Partly an open product exploration plaza, partly a linear brand story, topped by a VIP hospitality mezzanine, connecting the guest with the brand through immersive spaces and sensual touch points. The design elements create an artificial landscape that make the first appearance iconic with a distinctive design. The artificial landscape is deriving from the brand's logo and the brand’s claim “Intelligence in Motion” is at the heart of each interactive touch point.
Client: IM Motors
设计面积:1500 sqm
Size: 1500 sqm
空间设计机构:VAVE Studio & 景睿营销
Design Agency: VAVE Studio & Eventplus communications
AIRO 概念车设计:Heatherwick Studio
AIRO Concept Car Design: Heatherwick Studio
Digi-Art Space & InCar Experience Concept: teamLab
Design Deepening & Construction: Shanghai Art-designing Co.,Ltd
照片提供:IM Motors
Photos Provided by: IM Motors

Copyright © 2022 VAVE Studio 翡梧(上海)创意设计有限公司。All rights reserved.


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数字媒体艺术 体验设计 iF设计奖 新媒体艺术 科技艺术

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