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讲座预告丨游园:一场春眠Wandering in the Garden, Waking from Spring Fever


民间谈及中国古典园林,很难避开《游园惊梦》(Peony Pavilion)的光芒。在汤显祖的戏剧中,“梦回莺啭,乱煞年光遍”,一场春眠迷梦被莺声惊醒,春光缭乱,杜丽娘却只能“人立小庭深院”,实在令人遐思。古典园林不仅承载了个人情感、家族的兴衰,更有着传统文化的厚度。小说家白先勇在《游园惊梦》(Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream)中描述的钱夫人对于旧日风华蹁跹的追忆,像极了古典园林在当代的处境——一场纯美的梦境,因此有了距离。在海外的中国古典园林,可以是国人的一份故国乡愁,也可以是更多人,不论地域,了解中国传统文化的窗口。这次活动便想敲开一点窗口,经过疫情的春困(Spring Fever,德语:Frühjahrsmüdigkeit),漫步一场从中国到德国的旅程,让更多春光撒进“庭院深深”,一瞥上海、纽约、波鸿和杜伊斯堡四地的中国古典园林的历史与现状。

1988年,武汉市赠予了德国友好城市杜伊斯堡一座中国古典园林郢趣园,并由德国杜伊斯堡埃森大学Campusgarten协会参与运营维护。时值即将到来的郢趣园捐赠周年纪念活动,协会负责人Kurt Walter发起了这次交流活动,并由德国鲁尔波鸿大学、德国鲁尔波鸿大学中国园林协会、同济大学中德学部、同济大学景观系等多方提供支持。本次会议采用线上模式,希望能够邀请你们一起云游园林和春光。

When talking about classic Chinese gardens, the Peony Pavilion is always mentioned. Written by Tang Xianzu in 1598, this romantic tragicomedy play depicts a love story between Du Li'niang and Liu Mengmei that overcomes all difficulties. Yet being awakened by the warbler from the spring dream, the only thing that Du Li'niang could do is standing in the deep and small courtyard; leaving us, the audience, in great imagination. Accordingly, classic gardens indicate not only individual emotions, but also the depth of traditional culture. In addition, the renowned scholar and writer Pai Hsien-yung, in his Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream, describes Mrs. Qian's reminiscences of the old days, which is quite similar to the situation of classic gardens in the modern times- a pure dream yet in the distance. As for Chinese gardens built overseas, they could act as places of nostalgia and also windows to understanding traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, this Symposium aims to develop a journey from China to Germany, especially during the Spring Fever (Frühjahrsmüdigkeit) of this pandemic period, opening a window both for cultural communications and spring lights, to catch a sight of the history and current situation of classic Chinese gardens in Shanghai, New York, Bochum, and Duisburg.

In 1988, Wuhan gifted a classic Chinese garden, Yingqu Garden, to Duisburg as a friendly city. The Yingqu Garden has been operated and maintained by the Campus Garten Duisburg-Essen since its construction. At the time of the gift anniversary of Yingqu Garden, Kurt Walter, the president of the Campus Garten Duisburg-Essen, has advocated this Symposium, together with Ruhr University Bochum, Society for the Chinese Garden of the Ruhr University Bochum, Chinesisch-Deutsche Hochschule, and the Landscape Architecture Department at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University. This Symposium will be held online, inviting everyone to join us for an online journey throughout gardens and the warm spring.



*This Symposium will include two parts, 45 minutes for each, together with a 30-minute discussion. 



From Ancient Classic To Modern Translation



   Reconstruction and Interpretation: 

   Contemporary Inheritance of    
   Classical Chinese Gardens


Nanxiang Tan Garden, Shanghai (Image from "Zhoudao Jiangyuan" WeChat public account)



Dr. Xiangpin Zhou is an Associate Professor in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University. He holds a master's degree in Landscape Architecture and a Ph.D. degree in Urban Planning. Zhou has led a large number of public landscape planning and design projects, and his research focuses on the history and theory of gardens, contemporary landscape criticism, and garden heritage conservation.



   The Astor Chinese Garden Court:  
   An Unprecedented Instance of 
   Overseas Chinese Garden Construction

美国阿斯特庭院(图片拼合自Wen Fong and Alfreda Murck, A Chinese Garden Court: The Astor Court at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (1980))

Astor Chinese Garden Court, New York (Image combined from Wen Fong and Alfreda Murck, A Chinese Garden Court: The Astor Court at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (1980))



Yao Jiang got his Master’s in Architectural History from University of Virginia in May 2021. He holds a Bachelor’s in Environmental Design from Tongji University (2019). Jiang has been selected as a 2020 recipient of the Student Research Grant from the School of Architecture for his thesis project, The Astor Chinese Garden Court: A Reconstruction of Americans' Understanding of the Chinese Garden. He has also participated in the 2020 Plant Humanities Summer Program at Dumbarton Oaks.



From Cultural Envoy To Local Community

   The Qian Yuan: 
   A Glimpse of China 
   at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Ruhr University Bochum Qian Garden, Bochum (Image from Zhai Lian, Research on the Intercultural Communication of Overseas Chinese Garden Built Since 1978 (2016))

Prof. Christine Moll-Murata


Prof. Dr. Christine Moll-Murata, M.A. Heidelberg University, Ph.D. Ruhr Universität Bochum, is the Associate Professor and the Department Chair of Chinese History at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Her current research interests include the labor history of China, Taiwan, and Japan from 1500-to 2000, the history of crafts and guilds in China, and perceptions of the future in East Asia since 1900.



   A festival for All Senses 
   in Five seasons: 
   the Garden of the Crane in Duisburg


Yingqu Garden, Duisburg (Image from Liu Shaozong ed., A Collection of Excellent Works on Chinese Garden Design (Overseas Chapter) (1999))

Kurt Walter


Kurt Walter, Master of Education, is the President of the Campus Garten Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He has been engaged in university volunteer service organizations, sustainable urban environment construction, and works related to cross-cultural exchanges for a long time. He also focuses on maintaining the relationship between Duisburg and Wuhan as friendly cities.


*This Symposium will be held in English





2022.04.23 (Sat.)

10:00 – 12:15 (CEST, UTC+2)

16:00 – 18:15(北京时间, UTC+8




Join Us



会议号:653 2519 9347


主办单位:德国鲁尔波鸿大学、德国杜伊斯堡埃森大学Campusgarten协会、德国鲁尔波鸿大学中国园林协会、同济大学有空营造社、NICE COMMUNE 好公社、DenizenDesignLab

Event organizers: Ruhr Universität Bochum, Campusgarten of University Duisburg-Essen, YoCCo (Youth Organization for Construction & Co-operation) and NICE COMMUNUE of Tongji University, DenizenDesignLab

传播合作伙伴:同济大学设计创意学院、同济大学景观学系、同济大学中德学部 同济大学中德之窗、武汉大学外国语言文学学院、汉诺威孔子学院、周导讲园、LandscapeInLab、复旦大学中国与德语国家文化交流社、NEEDSLAB 未来需求实验室、假杂志、UrbanNetworkOffice 织城网络、中德营造文化学会、乌有园

Communication partners: Tongji University College of Design and Innovation, Tongji Landscape,  Architecture, Tongji Chinesisch-Deutsche Hochschule, Leibniz-Konfuzius-Institut HannoverLandscapeInLab, YoCCo, Fudan University Cultural Exchange Club of China and German-Speaking Countries, NICE COMMUNE, NEEDSLAB, Jiazazhi Press, UrbanNetworkOffice, Chinesisch-Deutsches Austauschzentrum für Baukultur e.V. (CDAB)、ARCADIA

策划组成员:Kurt Walter, Luzia Rump,  纪丹雯,陈语娴,杨杭平,袁若衡,江垚,杜昊峪

Curatorial team: Kurt Walter, Luzia RumpJI DanwenCHEN YuxianYANG HangpingYuan RuohengJIANG YaoDU Haoyu


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