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活动速览 | 聆听Marcel Sagesser教授对声音艺术的新探索

原创 2022-04-07

      作为全球设计生态的参与者,设计学院国际化的师资队伍不仅活跃在中国以及全球设计界的前沿地带,也在为设计的创新、发展和传播贡献自己的力量。今天,我们为你带来Marcel Sagesser教授近期所参与的学术和艺术活动。

Marcel Sagesser



     又名Marcel Zaes,2022年4月加入南方科技大学创新创意设计学院,担任助理教授,声音、数字媒体与音乐创作方面的艺术家、研究者,他的研究领域包括实验节奏机器、数字声音档案、噪音文化、公共空间声音、批判性用户界面设计、流行音乐以及电子音乐表演中的“技术”文化。他在布朗大学获得媒体艺术与音乐创作博士学位,在伯尔尼艺术大学和苏黎世艺术大学分别获得媒体艺术与音乐创作硕士学位。Sagesser教授专注于人类与声音技术之间的多重关系,以及声音如何与庞大的社会文化体系产生联系。他获得了多项拨款和艺术奖项,举办了多场国际音乐会以及参与国际团体展览,并多次成为驻地艺术家,作品在多场国际合奏演出中演奏。到目前为止,Sagesser教授已出版了11张音乐唱片。


     今年318日,Sagesser教授近期出版的音乐专辑《并行冲印》入选美国音乐平台"Bandcamp"(中文直译"乐队夏令营”)特别栏目:"乐队夏令营上的最佳当代古典音乐: 2022年2月"。《并行冲印》于2022年1月由洛杉矶/纽约的Editions Verde出版,是与纽约著名当代古典音乐乐团"纱/线"共同录制。


      作为声音艺术家,Sagesser教授创作的两件声音艺术作品将在爱尔兰声乐节 (Sonorities)展出,分别是与艺术家Cyrill Lim合作的装置艺术作品“无名之地” 以及与著名贝斯手Robert Black合作的空间-音频音乐作品“疑惑时刻”。他还将在声乐节系列专题讲座中发表题为《时间的构成:网格、偏差和包络的声音物质性》的主题演讲,本次讲座将在声乐节网站首页线上直播。声乐节是爱尔兰首屈一指的音乐艺术节,自1981年来,持续引领着世界各地的音乐家、作曲家和声音艺术家为观众制作和展示作品。


Cyrill Lim & Marcel Sagesser: 




声音装置 @QSS


4月6日 — 10日(周三至周日)


Cyrill Lim

    Cyrill Lim是一位驻扎在楚格(瑞士)和柏林(德国)的艺术家,在对人类感知研究的基础之上创作了实验性地衡量空间和材料的物理质量作品。




Robert Black & Marcel Sagesser: 


    为5个低音提琴和电子装置创作的多声道作品,由来自纽约市“Bang On A Can All Stars”的著名贝斯手Robert Black演奏。




4月6日 — 10日(周三至周日)


Robert Black

     Robert Black与各个学科的艺术家合作,通过低音提琴创造了前所未闻的音乐,并在世界各地巡回演出。自"Bang on a Can All-Stars"成立以来,他一直担任贝司手。目前的项目包括 "Robert Black的第一个星期五"--每月一次的低音独奏会,与声音艺术家Brian House和Sue Huang合作,作品反映 "人类世 "的10通道音频/视频低音装置,以及与作曲家Eve Beglarian合作的24低音户外环境作品。








14:30 - 16:30 PM (英国时间)




As participants in the global design ecology, the Faculty at SUSTech School of Design is not only active at the forefront of the design community in China and around the world but is also contributing to the innovation, development, and dissemination of design. Today you are introduced to the recent academic and artistic activities of Professor Marcel Sagesser. 

Marcel Sagesser

Assistant Professor

SUSTech School of Design

Also known under the artist name Marcel Zaes, is an artist and researcher in sound, digital media, and music composition. Marcel will join the SUSTech School of Design as a Professor of Media Arts and Technology in April 2022. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Music and Multimedia from Brown University, and MA degrees in media arts and in music composition from Bern University of the Arts and Zurich University of the Arts, respectively. In his work, Marcel focuses on the manifold ways in which humans craft their relationships with sounding technologies, and how sound is always embedded in a larger sociocultural context. His research includes work on experimental rhythm machines, digital sound archives, noise culture, sound in public space, critical user interface design, popular music, and “techno” culture in electronic music performance. Professor Sagesser has been awarded a number of grants and art prizes, has played numerous concerts and taken part in group exhibitions internationally, has repeatedly been an artist in residence, and has had his works performed by ensembles internationally. To date, he has published eleven musical records.

For more information, please visit: https://marcelzaes.com

On March 8th, the American music platform "Bandcamp" has selected Professor Sagesser's freshly published album Parallel Prints for their special "The Best Contemporary Classical on Bandcamp: February 2022." Parallel Prints was published in January 2022 with Editions Verde, Los Angeles/New York; recorded with the acclaimed New York-based contemporary classical music ensemble "Yarn/Wire".

For more information on the review, please visit:


As a sound artist, Professor Sagesser has created two sound artworks to be exhibited at the Sonorities Festival: the installation "The Unknown Place" with which he collaborated with artist Cyrill Lim, and the spatial-music audio artwork "Moments of Doubt" with which he collaborated with renowned bassist Robert Black.  He will also deliver a keynote lecture on "The Composition of Time: The Sound Materiality of Grids, Deviations, and Envelopes" as part of the Festival's lecture series, which will be live-streamed on the Festival's website. Sonorities Festival is Ireland's premier music and arts festival and has continued to lead the way for musicians, composers, and sound artists around the world to create and present artworks for curious listeners since 1981. 


Cyrill Lim & Marcel Sagesser: 

A Land Unknown

Since their first collaboration in 2010, Lim and Professor Sagesser’s engagement with simple and raw materials lead to artworks at the boundaries between analog and digital, physical and sonic, visual and imagined, including all the in-betweens. Their collaboration is shaped by an ongoing artistic discourse about human perception, encouraging the audience to experience the material (and the world) subjectively and outside of art conventions. This discourse provides the basis for a continuously expanding playground, on which Lim and Professor Sagesser develop their manifold works and constantly experiment with new hybrid formats.

「Exhibition Name」

Sound Installations @ QSS


April 6th — 10th (WED. — SUN.)

「Collaborative Artists」

Robert Black

Robert Black tours the world creating unheard-of music for the double bass, collaborating with artists in all disciplines. He has been the Bang on a Can All-Stars bassist since their inception. Current projects include First Fridays with Robert Black – a monthly series of streamed bass recitals, a 10-channel audio/video bass installation reflecting on the Anthropocene with sound-artists Brian House and Sue Huang, and an outdoor environmental work for 24 basses with composer Eve Beglarian.

For more information, please visit:


「Spatial-Music Audio Work」

Robert Black & Marcel Sagesser: 

Moments of Doubt

Multichannel work for 5 double basses and electronics, performed by acclaimed bassist Robert Black from the "Bang On A Can All Stars" in New York City. 

「Exhibition Name」

Listening Rooms


April 6th — 10th (WED. — SUN.)

「Collaborative Artists」

Cyrill Lim

Cyrill Lim is an artist based in Zug (CH) and Berlin (DE), whose examination of human perception leads to works that experimentally gauge the physical qualities of space and material.

For more information, please visit:



Composing Time: The Sonic Materiality of Grids, Deviations, and Envelopes

Digital audio workstations teach us to detach abstract temporal tools from the audio clips that we are composing: we align clips on a temporal grid, apply time-based effects, algorithmically seek for transients, apply audio quantization, envelopes, etc. But what if we consider these tools themselves as material to work with? In this lecture demonstration, Professor Sagesser presents a series of current studies where he uses the temporal algorithms and the audible artifacts thereof as sound material to compose with. Listening to these studies will encourage us to think about a potential “sonic materiality” of time.


April 8th (FRI.)

14:30 - 16:30PM (UK Time)

「Live Streaming」

Live-streamed directly on the website:




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数字媒体艺术 新媒体艺术 科技艺术 声音艺术家

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