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"Secret of Colors and Solar Terms" is an innovative exploration and experimentation in the Suzhou Museum West Building. 


Based on the octagonal layout of the Suzhou “Wang Shi Garden” (a famous traditional Suzhou Garden), we created the basic structural elements of this digital space: Outer Porch, Inner Courtyard, and Compluvium. These elements formed the showroom space and at the same time, builds up the simple concept Chinese culture has on time view – “Changes”: Day-Night Cycle; Seasons Change; and the Growth of All Livings. These three mediums deduce “one day”, “one season”, and “one year” respectively.   


The exhibition hall combines digital content and spatial performance to form a comprehensive cultural space integrating exhibition, show and performance. The content of 24 solar terms is integrated into the digital space, and the central inner courtyard space can be constantly changed, carrying content such as performances, installations, images, etc. At the same time, with the help of the four-sided LED screens in the outer corridor, the content can be kept open and new, and the content can be changed in real time to obtain a flexible, and compound environment. 


The exhibition hall uses the basic medium of innovative Chinese narrative to interpret the aesthetics of Suzhou life in different solar terms. At the same time, each exhibition will invite artists and Intangible Cultural Heritage inheritors from different fields to join in the creation and performance, building an experimental theater of vision and narrative. 

2021秋分,我们举办了苏色生活馆开馆首秀 ——“万变”。

During the autumn equinox, we held the first show of the opening of theSuzhou Museum West Building - "Time Lingers in The Cave ". 

2022立春 ,立春来临预示着冬天将要过去,迎来穿暖花开万物复苏的时节。我们策划了苏色生活馆第二个特展。此次展览主题呼应立春节气命名为——“立春·发生”。 

At the Beginning of Spring, indicating that winter will pass, ushering in the season of revival of all things. We have planned the second special exhibition of Suzhou Museum West Building. The theme of this exhibition echoes the spirit of the Spring Festival, and it is named - "EMERGENCE".

“Time is an illusion”

-Albert Einstein.

立春 · 发生







On the rooftops of Suzhou

A peach blossom falls

Seemingly inadvertent moment

But there is a complete set of life code hidden in it

It's the life that's blooming


In a universe of entropy, let life Emergence


If left alone, as time goes by, the order will degrade into chaos, the matter will turn from organized to disorganized. This is the first law of the universe.


In physics, this phenomenon is called “entropy production”. The entire universe is heading towards the abyss of increasing entropy. On Earth, however, a miracle against entropy is taking place.


The original earth was not suitable for life activities. After infinitely long years and extremely complex chemical evolution, the original organism – the first "life" was born in coincidence. Then continue to do work, interact with other inorganic bodies, and evolve symbiotically. Gradually, intelligent life, architecture, and civilization appeared on the earth.  Finally, the earth became stable and cyclical.


Although the earth is insignificant to the universe, the birth of life has become the key to reversing the arrow of time - the first law of the universe is temporarily invalid. As time goes by, some lives have fallen, but more new ones have been born. This cycle repeats, gradually forming the cycle of life.

如果我们把视角从宇宙挪开,回到这个包含我们所有喜怒哀乐的文明世界里,把目光落在苏州, 独特的气候变化让这个城市在人类文明和自然肌理之间共生,在建筑和植物之间共生。让我们选择一个特殊的时间奇点—“立春“,登上江南城邦的屋顶,感知第一朵,第二朵,第三朵,乃至万千朵桃花开放的画面。一朵朵小小的桃花里面,有着一套完整的生命密码:受孕、播种、生长。让我们感知这份生命的努力,这个熵减的奇迹,以及文明和自然。在季节的呼吸下,周而复始,共同“发生”。

If we move our perspective from the universe and return to this civilized world that contains all our joys and sorrows, and set our eyes on Suzhou, the unique climate change allows the city to live in the symbiosis between human civilization and the natural fabric, as well as architecture and plants. Let us choose a special time - "The beginning of spring", climb the roof of the city-state in the south of the Yangtze River, and perceive the image of the first, second, third, and even thousands of peach blossoms blooming. Inside every little peach blossom, there is a complete set of life codes: conception, sowing, and growth. Let us perceive the effort of life, the miracle of entropy reduction, along with civilization and nature. Under the breath of the seasons, “Emergence” together over and over again.

 Virtual Universe 

Mechanical matrix




Making of:

Let Virtual Vision Dance With Physical Machinery in poetic programming 


Story Setting


"Fa Sheng" is a Chinese word that means something that didn't exist before appeared. Life on Earth may be a bug, breaking the first law of the universe.  Bacteria, animals and plants in nature as well as architecture in human civilization jointly deduce this process of "entropy reduction".ts in nature as well as architecture in human civilization jointly deduce this process of "entropy reduction".

“立春·发生”是中国的数字艺术团队InsPUMP直觉泵德国空间叙事团队VAVE Studio 共同创作的一个艺术作品,结合虚拟视觉和诗意编程,把立春时节苏州桃花盛开的自然现象高度抽象和浓缩,释义“熵减”现象,用生命对抗时间之矢。

“Emergence” is a project created by the German space experience design team VAVE Studio and the Chinese digital art team InsPUMP. In an unnatural space, the natural phenomenon of peach blossoms blooming during the beginning of spring is highly abstracted and concentrated by the virtual vision and poetic programming, interpreting the phenomenon of "entropy reduction", and fighting the arrow of time with life.


Concept Design: a Slice of Time and Space


We chose a slice of time – the beginning of spring and a slice space –Suzhou architecture. On the staggered line of the two slices, a new multi-dimensional space was created. We took the blooming of peach blossoms as the symbol of the beginning of spring. At the same time, the concept of Suzhou architecture is deconstructed, and only the longitude of the corrider and the latitude of the eaves were selected to recombine and construct.


Virtual Vision


We created an abstract Suzhou corridor space with optical illusions in the screens around the space, made regular particle clusters through programming software, and replaced the particles with petal models. In the initial state, thousands of peach blossoms tremble slightly behind the windows. As the mood of the music arises continuously, the petals spread out of the windows and bloom freely until they occupy the entire virtual space, and then gradually return to the back of the window.


Blower Test


Due to the uncertainty of the wind, we have done hundreds of tests about the size, material and thickness of the petals, the size, material and weight of the bearings that fix the petals, the air volume and ventilation rate of the blower. Finally, the poetic choreography of the petals originally envisioned was achived.


Mechanical installation


We built some traditional Suzhou roofs with tens of thousands of tiles in the pool, with a circular stage inlaid in the middle. The petals of the peach blossoms were hung around the stage. We triggered dozens of blowers through programming software and set different air volume parameters to make the petals float up and down with the music, sometimes trembling, sometimes dancing.


Poetic programming


In the new multi-dimensional space, thousands of peach petals are scattered on the roof, on the side of the stage, and behind the windows. We endowed the programming software with poetry and spirituality, and triggered dozens of blowers. After hundreds of tests, we can dynamically synchronize the petals in the virtual space and the physical space, and flow and dance with the rhythm of the music, cycle between order and disorder, growth and death, entropy increase and decrease.



On January 26, 2022, "EMERGENCE" was held in the Secret of Colors and Solar Terms. Intangible Cultural Heritage inheritors and the president of Wu Men Qin She – Mingtao Wu  was invited to bring the two classics Guqin music, "Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms" and "White Snow" to the audience. In the petals flying all over the sky, river south sentiment is narrated by the sound of the Guqin.


We want to express the repeated alternation of entropy increase and decrease through the regular forward and reverse movements of the peach blossoms to imply the behavior of life against nature. Using programming software to synchronize virtual dynamics and physical dynamics perceptually is itself a kind of “entropy reduction" work. In the entire visual performance, the design team well triggered the "scenario, plot, mood, emotion" in this immersive space. The audience was brought to a universe of "entropy", using every pore to perceive the magic of life.

Creative Team



Tobias Geisler(德国)/Haijie Hu(德国)

Elsa Ge, Roy Wu ,Benjamin Muehlbauer(德国)

 Vicky Luo(德国),Matthias Sütterlin (德国),Monroe Xiu

JJ Lin(中国台湾),Benjamin Muehlbauer(德国)



温俊 向川

Frank Fu





Saren Huang






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直觉泵 | 未来数字化新零售的新玩法


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