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讲座预告 | 中国工业设计协会会长刘宁:设计,迎接未来十年

原创 2022-02-23

 时间 / Time 



Thursday, February 24th, 16:30– 17:30 

 地点 / Venue 

同济大学设计创意学院 鱼缸报告厅

Aquarium Lecture Hall,D&I Tongji University



 讲座主题 / Topic 


Design, Embrace the Next Decade

 主讲人 / Speaker 


Liu Ning







Doctor of design, currently president of China Industrial Design Association, founder of the World Industrial Design Conference, president of the National Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Design, and current chairman of the World Design Industry Organization.

From 1996 to 2011, he worked in Haier Group. He has successively served as the general manager of Haier Group Industrial Design Center, the director of Haier Group Technology Center, the global marketing director of Haier digital products group, and the deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Digital Appliances of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Since 2011, he has served in China Industrial Design Association and is currently the president. He has been committed to the construction of international and national industrial design platforms, serving the national innovation driven strategy, enterprise transformation and upgrading and high-quality economic and social development. He has profound achievements in the national industrial design development strategy and international design frontier theoretical research, the integrated development of industrial design and industry, the construction of enterprise industrial design innovation system, intelligent manufacturing and industrial internet.

He initiated the establishment of the World Industrial Design Conference, the World Design Industry Organization, the establishment of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Design and Research Institute. He organized the Assessment Standard of the Industrial Talents and initiated the project of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization by design. He presided over and completed the R&D and design of the "snow wax vehicle" which equipped the Chinese national team for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, and presided over and completed the design and research of major projects such as the erection and docking equipment of 2020 offshore launch rockets. As the project leader and main researcher, he has successively completed nearly 30 national level projects and special work projects regarding the national strategy and policy making such as the 13th five year plan and the 14th five year plan. He participated in the formulation of 4 international and national standards and owned 152 patents, which has an important influence in the field of global industrial design.

海报 / 栾雅晴

编辑 / 榴莲

责编 / 伊文


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