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Application for 2022 ART021 is Now Open


The 10th ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair will take place on November 10th-13th, 2022, at Shanghai Exhibition Center. After 9 years’ of continuous endeavor in the art world, the ART021 has extended its influence globally and achieved diversity. It has also become one of the most vigorous, visionary and irreplaceable art fairs in Asia. The application for the 2022 ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair is now open. We are here to invite all the exhibitors, both domestically and globally, to witness the first decade of achievement with us.  

2021 ART021 

With a mission of “Originating locally, serving globally”, the ART021 has been shouldering its social responsibilities with an open, explorative and innovative spirit. It also has dedicated to provide an important development and communicative platform for galleries, museums, art institutions and collectors from China and the whole world. As an important member of China Shanghai International Arts Festival and one of the initiators and leaders of Shanghai International Artwork Trade Month, the ART021 will continue its art spirit of innovation as always, empowering the prosperous development of China’s art industry.
The year of 2021 is a year of challenge, yet the numbers of exhibitors for the ART021 in 2021 reached a new high. The 10th ART021 will not fail expectations by attracting excellent artworks from top galleries domestically and globally. Many promising and emerging galleries will showcase excellent contemporary art pieces such as painting, sculpture, photography, video, installation and interior design, dedicating to provide very diversified art content and forms. We will also not slack on the prevention of epidemic prevention and control. Therefore, a PLATFORM unit will be launched during this year’s ART021, aiming to provide a high-quality demonstration platform online for the oversea galleries and collectors who are not be able to attend this event on the site. This unit also demonstrates our proactive effort of exploring the new methods for exhibitions in the current situation.

2021 ART021

ART021 is currently accepting applications for MAIN GALLERIES and APPROACH.

MAIN GALLERIES is the main sector of the fair, focusing on 21st century contemporary art.

APPROACH highlights important emerging galleries. Exhibitors in this sector features either solo presentations or projects (no more than 3 artists) with a curatorial approach.

2022 ART021 

Call for Applications

Click 'Read more' to enter

How To Apply

To Apply:Please visit www.art021.org

and submit your application online  

DeadlineApril 15, 2022

⚠️Applications are only accepted from commercial galleries that hold more than three exhibitions each year in their own exhibition spaces. Any individual or institution that only conducts art work transactions will not be eligible to apply.

📩If you have any further enquiries, please contact application@art021.org

Founded in 2013, ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair is a sanctioned project of the Shanghai International Arts Festival. ART021 brings together the leading galleries, institutions, artists and their works from around the world, aiming at building a dedicated platform for galleries, institutions, collectors and sponsors.


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