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- 陶溪川国际教育线上讲座|Bouke de Vries: 不浴火的重生
原创 2022-01-14
陶溪川艺术中心 国际教育
Taoxichuan Art Center Education
Online Master Lecture
Bouke de Vries:
The Beauty of Destruction
讲座时间 Lecture Date
2022年01月19日 (星期三) 北京时间 20:00
Jan. 19, 2022 (Wed), 20:00 (UTC+8)
讲座语言 Language
English, Mandarin Translation
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The lecture is free and open to the public.
蝶中观音 Guan Yin in a cloud of butterflies
Ceramics, the "art of fire", has been crazy by people in all dynasties because of its beauty, practicality and durability. But in the process of using or storing, the problem of broken is inevitable. Ceramic products are mostly round, symbolizing "consummation", and when "consummation" becomes "incompleteness" or "destruction", the value of ceramics will be greatly reduced.
Marge Simpson as Guan Yin goddess of compassion, 2014
(右)生活是一个谜 Life is a mystery, 2017
Mankind preferrs consummation, and considers incompleteness to be unlucky. However, some craftsmen invented the Doweling and the Kintsukuroi techniques to reintegrate the broken ones in order to bring the incompleteness into completion, and finally achieve "the beauty of destruction".
Memory vessel/pair 8
(18th century Qin Chinese porcelain and glass Diam), 2019
The original intention of the Doweling and the Kintsukuroi is to face the damage and see the vitality in the incompleteness, so as to use a pious attitude to pursue perfection in imperfection, and finally reach a new realm. Things continue to develop and damage is inevitable, but while it takes away old things, it also gives it new possibilities of rebirth.
"In Dutch still lifes, the butterfly is a symbol of resurrection"
逝去的自然 21 (十八世纪乌斯特瓷器,干水果和混合材料)
Dead nature 21 (18th century Worcester porcelain bowl,
dried fruits and mixed media), 2019
陶溪川艺术中心-国际教育本期邀请到英国知名陶瓷修复师及艺术家Bouke de Vries,于2022年1月19日,周三晚8点,在“陶溪川国际教育—国际云讲座”平台带来主题为《不浴火的重生》的讲座。
Taoxichuan Art Center is very honored for the opportunity of having Bouke de Vries, a British ceramics conservator & artist as our guest speaker. He will be sharing his lecture “The Beauty of Destruction” with us and it will be held on Wednesday at 20:00(UTC+8), January 19th, at Taoxichuan International Education Platform—Master Online Lecture.
Binge drinker,
(18th-century Meissen porcelain figure and mixed media), 2009
The lecture gives an overview of Bouke's career and shows how the work developed from the first ideas to the first pieces created. At the same time, Bouke will introduce the origins and the stories behind the fragments in his works. To create a structure for the lecture, the artist has divided the lecture in to chapters each representing a particular group of works.
Bouke de Vries
Self-employed ceramics conservator
战争碎片 War & Pieces, 2014-2015
Bouke 出生于荷兰乌得勒支,曾就读于埃因霍温设计学院和伦敦中央圣马丁学院。在时尚行业工作 6 年后,他转行选择陶瓷保护与修复道路。15 年后,他开始产生艺术创作的冲动,并决定以其陶瓷保护与修复的经历为创作原点。
Born in Utrecht, The Netherlands, Bouke de Vries studied at the Design Academy Eindhoven, and Central St Martin’s, London. After working for 6 years in the fashion industry he worked as a self-employed ceramics conservator. 15 years later, the urge came to create art and decided using his practise as a ceramics conservator as a starting point.
(左)慈悲女神 Goddess of compassion, 2010
(右)母亲和孩子 Mother and child, 2020
“The Venus de Milo” is venerated despite losing her arms, but when a Meissen muse loses a finger she is rendered virtually worthless.
—— Bouke de Vries
Every day in his practice as a private conservator he was faced with issues and contradictions around perfection and worth: where even an almost invisible hairline crack, a tiny rim chip or a broken finger render a once-valuable object pratically worthless, literally not worth the cost of restoring. There’s something incongruous about the fact that such an object still imbued with all the skills it took to make it.
Guan Yin encircled by roses
(18th century Chinese blanc de chine figure of Guan Yin,
16th, 18th and 19th century Chinese porcelain fragments), 2018
通过他的修复技术,Bouke 利用破损的瓶罐制作出新的作品,将“残损之美”体现得淋漓尽致。相较于类似锔钉和金缮技术的修复,他则采用了解构重建的手法。
Using his skills as a restorer , his artworks reclaim broken pots after their accidental trauma. He has called it "the beauty of destruction". Instead of reconstructing them like Doweling or Kintsukuroi, he deconstructs them.
Rose in Kang Xi vase, 2019
(左)基督最后的激情 The last passion of Christ, 2016
(中)爸爸 Daddy, 2010
(右)2名唐兵 2 Tang soldiers, 2018
Instead of hiding the evidence of this most dramatic episode in the life of a ceramic object, he enhanced their new status, new virtues, new values, and pushing their stories forward.
审核:詹佑铭 王章璋 木子旋 陈可卡
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