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回顾丨《设计 自然 多元世界》&《靛蓝色调》展丨2021环同济设计周

原创 2022-01-13


Exhibition Recap 





本次展览只是生态与文化创新实验室研究之旅的一小步,更多的教学和科研活动将随之而来。目前,我们正在确定展览目录并准备研讨会的在线资料。如果您对此主题感兴趣并希望保持联系以接收目录、研讨会录音或未来的合作,请发送电子邮件至 francesca@tongji.edu.cn 或微信 nature-design-lab。

Two exhibitions “Design, Nature and the Pluriverse” and “Indigo Shades” have been held successfully during Design Week and they collect lots of interest. The topic of design and ecology and the discussion about how to create a less consumerist way of looking at creativity is raising lots of interest and the curators are already working on next projects and researches where design can look at nature and ecology in a respectful and learning way.
The exhibitions were officially opened on December 20th with an online and offline seminar. Speakers and researchers from Europe have shared their “ecological statements”, meaning ideas and propositions that can inspire creativity to create ecological entanglement. The seminar had about 30 people on site and more than 600 visitors online. We welcomed researchers from all the fields of design and arts, with an animated discussion and a virtual tour of the exhibition.
This exhibition is only one step of the research journey of the Ecology and Cultures Innovation Lab, and more teaching and research activities will follow. 

At the moment, we are finalizing the catalogue of the exhibition and preparing the online material of the seminar. We hope to publish everything by the end of the month. If you are interested in the topic and would like to stay in touch to receive the catalogue, the seminar recordings, or to future collaboration, please get in touch by email francesca@tongji.edu.cn or wechat nature-design-lab.

+Exhibition 展览

 Design, Nature and the Pluriverse 


 Indigo Shades 



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