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2022国际月刊全新上线|2021 Yearly Review & Updated Newsletter Launch!


🎈Say Goodbye to 2021 and Welcome 2022!🎈

What are the key words on art in your mind for the year 2021? Online events, remote classes, e-communication, NFT, Metaverse, Decentraland…The haze of the pandemic has not yet dissipated, and we have never before realized the significance of e-communication and virtual space to us as we do now.

Throughout 2021, we have made every effort to establish connections and extend the reach of CAFA ART INFO with online exhibitions as well as newsletters. We believe that they can show our concern of the influence that the pandemic has brought to the world, and we trust that this contribution can make a difference to the future when all has recovered.

Although, each of us is profoundly shaped by the virtual space and remote working style…which in turn bring about both challenges and opportunities. Now at the end of 2021, we have refreshed the CAFA ART INFO newsletter so hopefully it will bring more dynamic and timely news to you in 2022. We wish for something more brilliant, positive and creative for all of you in the coming new year. Thanks for your support again! Let’s start a new story!


(Ed. by Sue Wang & Emily Zhou)


月刊看点|Highlights of the Newsletter 

👇 点击链接阅读更多|Click Links Below For Further Readings:

👉Upstream: What Makes the 2021 Chengdu Biennale Special?

👉#成都双年展|Chengdu Biennale

👉CAFA Art Museum presents a Retrospective Exhibition of Situ Zhaoguang


👉Forget It Not: CAFA Art Museum presents the artistic life of sculptor Hua Tianyou


👇 点击链接阅读更多|Click Links Below For Further Readings:

👉Regaining the Pioneering Role in the Digital Age: The First International Digital Printmaking Exhibition

👉 在数字时代重拾先锋的版画:首届国际数字版画艺术大展

👉CAFAM presents "The Photography Is Not What’s Important: Photography from the Central Academy of Fine Arts"


👉The Third CAFA “Jin Shangyi Creative Awards for Young Teachers” Unveiled the Exhibition by Winners


👉What “Art in Kung Fu” Is and What It Can Achieve


👉“20/21 Exhibition of Excellent Works of CAFA & LUCION National Competition for Calligraphy and Artworks by Children” Held in CAFAM


👇 点击链接阅读更多|Click Links Below For Further Readings:

👉Qiu Zhijie: The Conception and Realization of “Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2021”


👉“Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2021”—Interviews with Three Participators


👉Wang Huaxiang: Responding to Contemporary Issues in an Ancient Way


👉 Chen Shuxia: Some Rebellious Mentality Is Always There


👉An Interview with Feng Mengbo, Curator of the First International Digital Printmaking Exhibition


👉A Dialogue with Multidimensional Emotion: “Dove Dance: An Exhibition of Works by Artist Hurxida Kerim”


👉An Interview with Tang Hui on “The Community”


👇 点击链接阅读更多|Click Links Below For Further Readings:

👉A “Dual Vector Foil” Which Xu Bing Threw to a Three-dimensional World


👉How Do Images Become a New Form of Capital?


👉Looking for the Electronic Wandering Soul in History: “Staging the Era” by Cao Fei


👇 点击链接阅读更多|Click Links Below For Further Readings:

👉CAFA Art Museum presents "A Journey Through Printmaking" featuring international printmaking art in Beijing

👉 “流动的痕迹——国际版画艺术展”于中央美术学院美术馆启幕

Open the link via browser for more info|在浏览器中打开链接



👉The Final Christo: The Arc de Triomphe will be wrapped for 16 Days

👉Vivian Maier: She never defended herself as an artist but just did the work.


👉Huang Rui: A Forty-year Art Path Extended from the “Stars”


👉A Century-old Legacy Across Time and Space: Research Exhibition of Ren Bonian Paintings in CAFAM Collection


👇 点击链接阅读更多|Click Links Below For Further Readings:

👉Yuan Yunsheng: “The Return of the Soul” by Taking China’s Own Path


Open the link via browser for more info|在浏览器中打开链接,了解更多关于“袁运生”人物专题:



👇 点击链接阅读更多|Click Links Below For Further Readings:

👉2021 CAFA Postgraduate Degree Show: Ready To-Go! Growing Towards a Broader Field


👉Ready To-Go! The 2021 Postgraduate Degree Show of CAFA Was Launched


👉The Degree Show for the Undergraduates of CAFA Commenced


👉The Degree Show for the Undergraduates of CAFA (Phase II) will be closed on June 20


👉“看毕业生聊创作”视频采访合集|Interview Vlogs of 2021 CAFA Graduation Season

How to subscribe?|订阅指南


艺讯网英文国际月刊全新改版上线 !!!





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Copyright notice 

© CAFA ART INFO, 2020. All Rights Reserved. 

All of the information in the various pages of CAFA ART INFO web site and WeChat is issued by CAFA ART INFO (http://www.cafa.com.cn) for public distribution. It is protected under international conventions and under national laws on copyright. For application of cooperative authorization and reproduction permission, please contact editor@cafa.edu.cn(CN)/artinfo@cafa.edu.cn(EN). Any use of information in the web site or WeChat updates should be accompanied by an acknowledgement of CAFA ART INFO as the source, citing the uniform resource locator (URL) of the article. Unlawful copying and re-using parts of our copyright protected texts and images will result in legal action. 








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