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预告丨第三届艺术文化数字化传承与创新研讨会 2021.12.21


2021 艺术文化数字化传承与创新研讨会的主题是“AI与后疫情时代”,由同济大学设计创新学院JALAB首饰实验室与整合媒体设计研究室联合策划,是去年同济-国美艺术文化数字化传承与创新研讨会的延续。


The theme of the symposium is "AI and Post-epidemic". It is jointly curated by the JALAB Jewelry Accessory Lab and IML Integrated Media Laboratory from College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University.

This is a special moment for us all. The pandemic cuts the bonds in the physical world but widens the bridge in the digital world. The overlaps of uncertainty cultivated from deep learning and the epidemic have blurred our expectations for the future. Neural networks have been learning from reality, but also inadvertently surpassing reality. The excitement of breaking through the unknown is intertwined with the anxiety of being replaced, forming complex human emotions; the development of digital technology has not filled the gap between illusion and reality but has piled up new questions. Capital is wrapped in the unknown of cutting-edge technology, chasing an ideal utopia; While those who are addicted to digital pleasure also quietly seek security from retro and nature. The world is becoming more fragmented and technology is becoming more powerful. People who are in the midst of great changes can see the future direction, but can't see it clearly.

今年的艺术文化数字化研讨会依然围绕数字创新与当代设计,邀请国内外数字设计和艺术文化研究领域的一流学者进行主题发言和研讨。演讲内容涵盖:传统文化更新人工智能赋形数字首饰与虚拟时尚沉浸式媒体 等多个话题我们希望从艺术与科学、传统与时尚、虚幻与现实、产业与学界等不同的角度重新看待这一“经典”话题,能够为关注和热爱艺术文化数字化的伙伴们继续提供该领域最前沿的视野与讨论。作为今年同济设计周活动的重要组成部分,我们也将对研讨会进行同传与线上直播。

This year's symposium still focuses on digital innovation and contemporary design, inviting leading scholars all over the world to give speeches. The content covers the following topics:

- Traditional cultural renewal,

- artificial intelligence and generative design,

- digital jewelry and virtual fashion,

- immersive media and other topics.

We hope to revisit this "old school" topic from different perspectives such as art and science, tradition and fashion, virtuality and reality, industry and academia, bringing the most cutting-edge vision and discussion in this field for our partners who care about and love the digitalization of art and culture. As an essential part of Tongji Design Week, we will provide simultaneous interpretation and online live broadcasts.

Date: 2021-12-21 14:00-18:20

Live broadcast online 线上直播






Prof. Shengxi Fan  


Doctor of Design, Chiba University, Japan, Professor of College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, Doctoral Supervisor

Mainly engaged in design behavior, cognition and design thinking research, and presided over product development and design. Currently, he is a review expert of the National Science and Technology Award, an undergraduate teaching evaluation expert of the Ministry of Education, a subject evaluation expert, a deputy chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission Art Design Undergraduate Professional Teaching Guidance Committee, a director of the China Industrial Design Association, an executive director of the Shanghai Industrial Design Association, and Shanghai Creative Director of the Workers’ Association, Vice Chairman of the World Chinese Design Academic Association, Member of Japan Design, Member of Japan Art Engineering Society.

日本千叶大学设计学博士、同济设计创意学院教授、博士生导师。主要从事设计行为学和认知学以及设计思维研究, 并主持产品的研发与设计。现为国家科学技术奖评审专家、教育部本科教学评估专家、学科评估专家、上海市教委艺术设计本科专业教学指导委员会副主任委员、中国工业设计协会理事、上海工业设计协会常务理事、上海市创意工作者协会理事、世界华人设计学术协会副主席、日本设计学会员、日本艺术工学会会员。

Uemachi Tatsuya  


Uemachi Tatsuya was graduated from Kanazawa College of Art in 2006 and joined the Nikon Group Design Department. In 2013, he founded Secca Inc. and began to explore the combination of digital technology and traditional craftsmanship to create unique products through unprecedented expression. This is a creation-centered, innovative entity with an independent production workshop that focuses on utensils, musical instruments, jewelry and digital digitization of traditional crafts. From 2014 to 2015, Uemachi was also a guest lecturer at Kanazawa University of Arts and Crafts. Umeda has also won several international design awards, including the Japan Good Design Award, the German Red Dot Best Design Award and the iF Design Award.

上町达也于2006年毕业于金泽艺术与工艺大学(Kanazawa College of Art),后加入尼康集团设计部。2013年,他创立Secca Inc.公司,开始探索将数字技术与传统工艺相结合,通过前所未有的表达方式来创作独一无二的产品。这是一个以造物为中心的创新实体,拥有独立的制作车间,主要作品涵盖器皿、乐器、首饰和传统工艺数字化等。2014至2015年,上町达也在金泽艺术与工艺大学担任客座讲师。上町达也曾荣获多项国际设计大奖,包括日本优良设计奖、德国红点最佳设计奖和iF设计奖。

Kunhao Lin




Dabeiyuzhou (LIN Kunhao), born in 1990 in Fujian, is one of high-profile digital artists in China. He is known for extremely exquisite and transcendent virtual worlds shown in his works. Recently, he starts building databases with interdisciplinary knowledge and open-source information, combined with algorithmic programs to create ever-changing information complexes.

Dabeiyuzhou explores the interaction between human consciousness and cutting-edge technology in this Internet era, and constructs a personal system of human-machine synergy through data collection, algorithm generation and artist intervention to process information. He is a techno-optimist who believes in technology as an enrichment in the current era of both desire and worship for information and data. In his works, algorithms break through the boundaries of reality, summoning possibilities and futures into the present time and space.


Marie Boltenstern 


Founder and Head of Design at BOLTENSTERN, develops computationally generated designs and design systems made of precious metals. Together with her young team she is focusing on the development of a disruptive design- and production process for precious metal products. BOLTENSTERN is specialized in direct precious metal 3d printing, which allows for production of metal parts that cannot be produced by hand. Marie gained her experience over the past years studying and working in Berlin, London, Paris and Vienna. With her design team she realized award-winning projects in Los Angeles and Toronto. Since 2014 she is teaching computational design strategies at the Architectural Association Visiting School in Jordan. 

Boltenstern GmbH执行总裁、设计总监。英国伦敦建筑联盟学院硕士,柏林工业大学建筑学学士。2013年,她在巴黎与Bollinger + Grohmann工程公司合作,担任3D几何专家。她实现的项目包括奢侈珠宝等贵金属产品,中型建筑装置,复杂建筑结构。Marie Boltenstern开发由贵金属制成的计算生成设计和设计系统。她与年轻的团队一起致力于开发贵重金属产品的颠覆性设计和生产流程。BOLTENSTERN专门从事直接贵金属3D打印,可生产无法手工生产的金属零件。凭借她的设计团队,她在洛杉矶和多伦多实现了多个获奖项目。自2014年起,她在约旦建筑协会访问学院教授计算设计。

Raffaele Niccoli Vallesi 


Dr. Florence University, historian, art history expert, has long been committed to the study of art works, archives research, bibliographic research, ancient and modern art forensics, evaluation, cataloging and restoration. His research interests include modern art history, European national art history, medieval art history, engraving history, book history, etc., Roberto Longhi Art History Research Fund.

佛罗伦萨大学博士,历史学家,艺术史专家,策展人。长期致力于艺术作品研究、档案研究、书目研究、古代与现代艺术品鉴证、评估、编目以及修复。研究领域涵盖现代艺术史,欧洲国家艺术比较史,中世纪艺术史,雕刻史,书籍史等,Roberto Longhi艺术史研究基金获得者。

Jiayi Ye 叶嘉沂 

Jiayi Ye  Doctoral candidate of Institute of Culturaland Creative Industry of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, deputy secretarygeneral of Shanghai Young Calligraphers Association, member of ShanghaiCalligraphers Association and visiting scholar of Lehigh University. She hasstudied calligraphy for more than 20 years, especially good at cursive writing.Her calligraphy works have been exhibited in more than 20 municipal exhibitionsand won many awards. Main research fields: Aesthetics of Chinese Calligraphy,calligraphy and media, cross-cultural communication of Chinese calligraphy, etc.

叶嘉沂 上海交通大学文化创意产业学院博士研究生、上海市青年书法家协会副秘书长、上海市书法家协会会员、美国理海大学公派访问学者。学习书法二十余年,尤其擅长草书,书法作品参展二十余次市级展览,荣获多项奖项。主要研究领域:中国书法美学、书法与媒介、书法跨文化传播等。

Tongzhou Yu             


He is the assistant director of research institute of Media & Interaction Design, School of Design & Innovation, China Academy of Art, teacher, member of Shanghai Artists Association, mediated reality designer, bounded in strict but orderly education in China, France, and the UK, resulting in a creative aesthetic combining art and technology. From 2016 to 2021, his works of augmented reality, mixed reality, video insta llations, and full dome movies have been exhibited in Wuhan, Hangzhou, Shanghai, London, Jena, Barcelona. At the present stage, he focuses on creating spimes on the Reality-Virtuality Continuum to augment human.


Andy Yuk


Doctor, Associate Professor at College of Design and Innovation

founder of JALAB Jewelry Innovation Lab, visiting scholar at Politecnico di Milano. dedicated to the integration of digital technology, contemporary culture, and jewelry industry. Research in Digital craft, conservation and innovation for art and cultural heritage, European luxury industry, and modern jewellery design History. His work has been exhibited in Museo del Gioiello Vicenza, SIHH(Salon International Haute Horlogerie), Salone del Mobile Milano, Venice Biennale, New York Design Week, V&A Shenzhen Design Society, Shanghai How Museum, International Metal Crafts and Jewelry Art Exhibition. Etc. He won the DIA Design Intelligence Award and his work has been permanently collected by the China Design Museum.


Yinan Zhang


Doctor, Associate Professor at College of Design and Innovation

Co-founder of Tongji Integrated Media Design Lab, head of Tongji Sound Lab, founder of Limage Studio. Visiting scholar and guest lecturer at Parsons School of Design in New York. Dedicated to the teaching and research of digital media design, motion design and new media art.,related creative practices. He has rich experience in cross-disciplinary collaboration and innovation. The content of his works includes video art, 3D animation, creative coding, sound design, new media performance and other comprehensive areas.



14:00-14:30 Fan Shenxi  范圣玺

Doctor of Design, Chiba University, Japan, Professor of College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University,  Doctoral Supervisor

14:30-14:55 Tongzhou Yu  俞同舟

Media and Interaction Design China Academy of Art, Mediating Reality designer

14:55-15:20 Jiayi Ye 叶嘉沂

Doctor of Jiaotong University, School of Culture and Innovation, Research Fellows

15:20-15:45 Yinan Zhang 张屹南

Associate Professor, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, Co-founder of Integrated Media Lab

15:45-16:10 Raffaele Niccoli Vallesi 拉斐尔·尼科利·瓦莱西

Curator Villa La Quiete (University of Florence), Art Historian

16:10-16:35 Kunhao Lin (DABEIYUZHOU )  林琨皓 (大悲宇宙)

AI & Digital Artist

16:35-17:00 Uemachi Tatsuya 上町达也

Co-founder of Secca Inc., Guest lecturer at Kanazawa University of Arts and Crafts

17:00-17:25 Marie Boltenstern  玛芮·博尔滕斯特恩

Executive Vice President | Design Director Boltenstern GmbH

17: 25-17:50 Andy Yuk 郁新安

Associate Professor, School of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, Founder of JALAB Lab

17: 50-18:20 Panel Discussion & QA  对谈与问答

All guests




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